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TUESDAY 4th October: Cato doesn't like the beach




Cato is a BAD BOY!

Cato is in the Dog House!

Cato was naughty naughty naughty!

(and no pics to show it)

Mum had computer stuff, so Dad took us out for a fun sausage and beach walk.  It was ACE.  We watched him have his breakfast.  Then we went outside and had our sausage, and then we went down on the beach.  It was lovely and sunny and sandy and bouncy, and I was having a great time.  I was bouncing A LOT cos it was such fun, but I wozn't actually bouncing on Cato very much.  Really.  Honesty!  Dad says I wozn't so it ISN'T MY FAULT!!!

But Cato decided he didn't want to be on the beach, and he didn't want me to start bouncing on him!  Isn't that WEIRD?!?!  And he walked with us til he saw a ramp up. Then he ran all the way across the beach!  And he went up the ramp!  And across the promenade!  And he went and sat on the road in a parking space, like he wanted the car to appear and come and take him home!!!

Dad and me had to follow him.  Dad got out the treats and EVERYTHING, but Cato wouldn't come back down on the beach.  So then Dad put leads on us both! :o and we walked on the promenade. :( on the leads :( cos he says that Cato can't be trusted!  Bad Cato!  He spoiled my beach walk! :(

Mum has already ordered him a retractable lead, so he can't ever ever ever do it again.  She says he will have to wear that lead every time we are on the beach for AGES til he forgets about the ramp. And he needs to practice his Recalls even more!

He is a BAD BOY!


Cato:     :teary:



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Have you ever used a clicker?  We had a blind Boxer for 11 years.  One of the very few places she could run off-leash was the beach.  She had a pretty good recall but the sounds of the surf often kept her from hearing us if she got too far away.  I started clicker training - nothing formal, just used it for recall purposes.  I rewarded with a treat - it worked very quickly and very well.  I have used it with all my fosters and even friends' dogs who were walking with us.  All of them "got it" quickly.  That sharp "CLICK" means "I have a goodie for you, come and get it."  I always did it a couple of times before I released them to remind them "we're using the clicker and I have special goodies!"  I use chicken hearts, always available in meat departments here.  I boil them, save the broth for something else and slice the hearts into thin dime-sized pieces.  I keep them in the freezer, grab a dozen or so slices, pop them into a baggie and take along.

Because Lulu was blind I sometimes had to keep clicking to keep her headed in the right direction.  That can also happen in heavy beach fog......I'm always afraid white Princess Sophie is going to disappear in the white fog!

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Oh Boy!  Cato, boy, what is going on with you?  That isn't like you.  So, Tara, were you just the angel today? :judy:

I think the clicker training sounds like a great idea.  

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His recall has gone steadily down hill since Tara started running to meet him and rugby tackling him before he reaches us.  Putting her on a lead and stopping her from doing it doesn't help, because he doesn't know she can't 'get' him.  We are working on it, using 'good boy' as a kind of clicker training, but he is very wary of coming to us, when Tara is in sight.

he loves their rough and tumble.  But he doesn't like it when she is a bit too rough for too long.  But Dad says that Tara really wasn't bouncing on him today.  She was just bustling about enjoying the space.

I wasn't there today, but I have seen him pull this kind of thing before.  Going on strike.  Asking for the walk to end... Just never before had him walk out into a road and sit down and thumb a lift!

part of the problem is that he is just too intelligent for his own good.  He wanted to get off the beach, find the car and go home.  So he led Dad and Tara up to the road, and sat down waiting for the car to arrive and take him home.  Like calling a taxi.  He knows the ramps and steps lead back to the car.  He can spot the ramps and steps from a hundred yards away.  He wanted the taxi more than he wanted a treat and a Tara Bounce.

and what is more, it worked to some extent.  He got everyone off the beach (RESULT!), then he avoided going back down to the sand where Tara would bounce on him (RESULT!), and he got to go back to the car (RESULT!) even if it was after a promenade walk on the lead.

i've ordered a retracting lead (hate them, but needs must) and he will be on it during our beach walks for the foreseeable future. :(

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Oh dear Cato......Your lucky no one snatched your sweet self up before Dad and Tara come for you... How worrying...... 

Hope you get your confidence back soon little man...Auntie C sending you a hug 

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Oh dear oh dear- Cato you had me holding my breath all the way over here hoping you were ok.. That sure wasn't good sweetie and I can see why Tara says you're in big trouble... Moms right it was effective but surely wasn't good, and yeah you're sure not gonna like that lead neither... Wow, super glad everyone's ok, what a scare that was. :( 

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I used to think he was very submissive, because he is so gentle and sweetnatured.  But for all her bounce and excitement Tara fails to dominate him.

Equally, he doesn't dominate her.  He lets her do whatever she likes, and if she hurts him, or goes too far he more than stands up for himself - but he doesn't ever squelch her.  He stops as soon as he has made his point.

He is incredibly fond and loving to us humans, but he is his own person too - never clingy, or dependent.  

And FAR too intelligent.  He learns things with a single repetition and has a memory like an elephant.  It is frankly scary.  He last saw the steps and beach ramps back in April.  Yet he identified them from 100 yards, decided on his plan of action, and executed it with determination.  Poor Dad didn't stand a chance.


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I was holding my breath in that story! Glad he is ok 

I have to look into that clicker training, that sounds like a good idea

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Sophie's Haven


Cato sweetie you did some rebelling did you not?   I know with my guys every once in awhile they have to show their stubborn side......I have had to take and leash once in awhile on walks and after a few times the leash comes off but I will carry it in full view to show if they run in the wrong direction and do not come back when called the leash will be attached again.......and it works for me as they want their freedom. Now Winnie will start on the walk but when she has had enough she heads back towards the house and will not listen when called..........it makes me uneasy even though we are on our property I still want them in my site......so we cut our walk short and head back to find her laying on the back porch. 

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