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FRIDAY 25th November: Spa Day



Cato: :(

We had to get up early and go out with Dad, to see AuntieLesleyGroomer.

She is very nice, and she gives us nice treats.  But she also gives us b**hs, and chops off all our hair.  And Mum isn't there. :(

She has to do Tara first, cos otherwise Tara just whines, so I have to watch it all happening to her, and know that it is going to happen to me too... :(

But then Mum and Dad picked us up and gave us breakfast, and put our jumpers on - cos it was really cold now I am bald.  And we didn't have a walk, cos Mum said we had had enough excitement for one day.  So I got to snooze in front of the radiator all day.  That was the nice bit.



B**h!  Eeek!  And chilly.  But I get to wear my blue jumper, and my beard is gone.  Which is nice.



Ooooh it was a difficult decision!  I have been mithering and shillyshallying about chopping Tara's topknot off.  It has been an absolute pain recently.  She has started to scratch just above and behind her left ear, and has been tangling it.  I have checked the skin, and there is no irritation, or hair pulling.  I just think she likes to do it!  We have also been having problems with the hair down the sides of her face.  It is sooooo thick, that I have hacked at it, to try and get some ventilation to her ears, which did not go well.  And then there were the strange matts under her ears and over her collar.  Plus the fact that every time she ate, her ears dangled into her raw food, and got sticky crunchy ends... the whole thing was going pear shaped fast!

Also, I kept looking at pictures of her with her short face cut and thinking she looked so much better like that!

So I texted Lesley and asked her for a buzz cut.  back to a No Topknot look.

Then Mr C and I had another discussion (our 3rd) on the subject, and he said he liked the topknot, but I should do whatever I wanted...

So then we consulted Cato (who thinks topknots are silly) and Tara (who thinks topknots are OK provided they are used for appropriate accessories) and we came up with a trial solution.

Dear Groomer Lesley has been very patient with me, and done exactly what I asked (even though I messed her about by changing my mind at the last minute:


This is dear, cute, darling little Tara with a buzz cut.  short face, beard, hair and ears.


This is the first growth of sprouts


This is the more advanced sprouting, with slightly longer ears and beard and face (I love her face at this length)


This is the long ear and beard look


This is her new Samurai look (short clip on face and beard, slightly longer ears, and uncut topknot).  Am still getting used to it.  Lovely to see her face again!  I am thinking that it will look its best in about a month... what do you all think?




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I think she looks adorable anyway you choose to have her hair... 

But if you said I had to choose from how it was last week and the new cut, I would say the new cut suits her better... That's just my opinion and as I say she's adorable ? 


I was having problems with Lacey's a few weeks ago.... 

I don't know the last few months I've not felt good in myself, I seemed to have lost my mojo.... you may of noticed I've been a bit quiet... i think I suffer with the SAD syndrome... 

I've really struggled what to do with Lacey because I love her topknot but not the long hair under her chin that's why I've been cutting hers shorter.. I love the Asian cut so that's what I'm try to do with Lacey.... Just the face at the moment as I can't leave the hair longer on the legs because it's just not practical this time of year. 

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O Julia, sorry to hear you have been down.  It might be the weather, stress, your op... hope you are taking care of yourself.  Hug.  Have you seen the lamps that are supposed to help?  And have you considered supplementing Vit D3 and Vit K2?  I was deficient in D (sunshine vit) about 18 months ago, and started supplementing the 2 vits together.  Started to feel better in just a few weeks.  It was like a grey cloud lifted.

I would LOVE to see Lacey in an Asian cut.  That would be fab!  And it would give me a very good idea of what Tara would look like :roflmao:since they are virtually sisters.  lol.

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Those supplements are the kind of thing I would choose.  A nice dose of D3 (2-3,000 units D is a good amount) and a balancing amount of K2.

There is quite a lot of kerfuffle about 'appropriate' doses of D3 in the medical establishment.  Some people think you can overdose on it, while others say that about half the population is deficient, and most are less than optimal, so big doses are probably appropriate.  Doctors sometimes prescribe about 10 times the amount in those tablets, but say you should have it once a week or so.  While other docs go even higher.

Equally, the western diet is usually deficient in K2, because it is only found in a few foods, some mushrooms and stinky cheeses, and stuff like that.  And it is an AMAZINGLY useful vitamin.  Works in every cell in the body, and helps with calcium and D3 usage.  The tablets you linked to contain natto, which is a natural source, and means the K2 isn't synthetic.  Which is great.

So don't worry about doubling up on a tablet if you forgot to take it yesterday. :)

I am on about 2,000 units D3 a day, but was on 5,000 units for several months while I rectified my deficiency. And I try and take about 200 K2, but that may be a little generous.  lol.  I try and be generous to myself. :roflmao:

Please don't think I am diagnosing you, or giving you medical advice!!! It is just a suggestion, especially in view of the wide number of people who are deficient, especially in our UK climate, with the winter coming on!  We all get less D3 during the short days of winter, because we see so much less sunlight.


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I completely understand what you're saying. 

Thank you so much for your help. I do feel pretty rubbish so I am going to give these a try. 

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Oh my gosh Jo I Love Tara's new look, great job!! I find the longer Missy's face gets it definitely drags her face down (my words for it!) so I try to keep it cut a bit shorter. But Tara's is the Best look I've seen!! And I do think she's adorable in her bows so this is a great combination for her! Love love love it!!

Julia I'm so sorry you're feeling so awful, I too was deficient in D and did the same as Jo, 5,000 for quite awhile then the dr took me back down to 2,000. It does help but give it awhile, I didn't notice a change for maybe several weeks to a month, but now I make sure I don't miss a dose! Hugs

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I love it too.  There is something unbearably cute about her sweet little face and chin under that floppy topknot, isn't there?

We FINALLY had the shed roof fixed this morning (pics to follow) and the guy who did it looked at her and said 'you don't take her out walking with that bow, do you?'

At which I laughed and said 'of course!  how else is anyone going to know she is a Little Princess?'

He had no idea how to react! :roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:

Oh, and my hairdresser asked me to pop in and show her the new cut (she has a B&W shih tzu so we talk mutts the whole of my appointments with her :) ) and she said that having seen Tara's new cut, she desperately wants to grow a sprout for Rita. :roflmao:

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Yay, new roof.... The builder now I did get a laugh out of his non reaction :roflmao:

Glad you got to keep your knot Tara..just lovely

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Sophie's Haven


Tara's new cut fits her perfect........I personally think the eyes are their best feature. I have been keeping my Allie's face cut short like that minus the top knot.........and Cato your always handsome in your fresh cut......and a big yeah on the new roof...........

@Summerangel great suggestion on the Vitamin D........since you had surgery your body is out of quack so if you don't see any results in a few days of some sorts then see if your doctor can give you a vitamin B 12 shot........years ago I had surgery and when I went for my 6 weeks check up I mention that I was not feeling myself.....no energy and very moody..........he gave me a shot and within a few hours I felt like a new women........

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Pix number three with Tara's pink leash across her body is her all time winner picture for me :)
I still love that picture so much.  Her hair is perfect there! :throb: I love her with a top knot too.

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9 minutes ago, beebalm said:

Pix number three with Tara's pink leash across her body is her all time winner picture for me :)
I still love that picture so much.  Her hair is perfect there! :throb: I love her with a top knot too.

yes, I love that one too.  that was the day we went to the vintage car rally on the seafront, and she got more attention than the cars! lol

She was doing her supermodel thang (and actually behaving).  Bless her.

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