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Mon 12th Feb: Round the block in the rain



Tara:  Dad was snuffly.  Mum was computery.  So we just took Mum round the block in the rain. :(  Wozn't much of a walk, really, but it woz better than nothing.  And I bounced on top of Cato when we were crossing the road!  Pinned him down flat! With cars coming!  Haha!  It woz one of my bestest Ninja moves!  And a man on the pavement larffed at me.  But I didn't mind.  And Mum said 'Stop that you horrible little brat!' and pulled us apart.  And Cato got up from where I had splatted him, and got on the pavement.  And the car went past.  And Mum went red and said 'If you do that one more time you vile creature I will shave your tail!'  But I know she didn't mean it, cos she only had her half-cross voice.

Of course, if we had proper walks.  In the dry.  With mud.  With green sniffs and tunnels and pigeon hunts and benches and stuff.  Then I wouldn't be ABLE to splat Cato on roads, would I, Aunties?  Cos there wouldn't be any roads to cross.  Just lovely sniffy bouncy green places.


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Haha you guys make me smile every time I read your blog. The things you get up to... Splatting, laffing and Ninja moves... Poor Mum going red ? Lol 

Tara, I don't  think she'd shave your tail either.. i thinking she was just embarrassed, that's all..

 Leave her a smiley pile of poo... ? That will cheer her up.. But don't leave it in the house, as she might shave your tail then!!!

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24 minutes ago, Crinkly said:

Mum:  She would indeed! :suck:

:roflmao: lol  

When's your new Apple Watch arriving? 

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later today!!!!

I hope

Can you imagine the trauma if it doesn't turn up? :hunter:

I've lived 50 years without one, but now can't imagine another day of waiting! :blowup:

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Oh you naughty girl Tara, you two could have been run over, so glad mom took charge and got you up Cato. 

Whats this? Your getting a Apple watch? Must have missed that bit 

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20 minutes ago, Crinkly said:

later today!!!!

I hope

Can you imagine the trauma if it doesn't turn up? :hunter:

I've lived 50 years without one, but now can't imagine another day of waiting! :blowup:

It's funny isn't it. When you actually make up your mind to have something and then you want it there and then... 

Fingers crossed it arrives today, I'm sure it will ? 

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I was only saying (last night) to Mr C that we now live in an Absurd World.

Instant gratification on steriods.  We ordered the apple watch online, on Wed evening at around 10pm.  It is now Friday, 11am, and am acting as though it actually matters what time the thing arrives.  Beyond silly.

Remember when if you ordered things online you were lucky if they turned up in a week?   :roflmao:


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Haha!  Road rage!  Brilliant!

she always does it when we cross the road to get to our front door.  I think she thinks it's her last opportunity to bounce. :)

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