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Cato's Bridge




Hello Aunties!  My turn today.  I bet you are ready for ME now that Cato has bored you all with his hunting obsessification.

I love Grandad!  not as much as Dad, of course, but I do love him.  He says 'Shut up, you little attention seeking brat' and then bends down and gives me a nice deep back rub.  And when I go 'woo woo wooooo' at him, he goes and finds me a toy to play with!  He doesn't brush me though. :(  Grandma does that. :) and she snips seeds out of my knickers with skissers, instead of brushing them out with the Ow Brush like Mum does.  I love Grandma too.

Bet Cato didn't tell you about the bridge, did he?  it was a bit scary, even for me.  And I am MUCH braver than Cato.

This is it


I normally like bridges.  I like to climb on them, and look over the edge, and sometimes I climb on the parapetty bits cos they are like dry stone walls and stiles. Mum goes all squeaky when I do that, but I don't mind.  

But there is something weird about this bridge.  Cato thought so too.  Cato thinks a monster left some stinky monsterness on it.  But that is only cos he thinks he is a hunter.

It is on a Footspath, so there are lots of sniffs.  And it is close to Cato's hunting hole, by the stream.

So Grandad and Mum went over the bridge, and Cato and I didn't want to.  So Mum walked off a bit, saying 'Come on you two!' but we just sat there and stared.  And then I started to get worried, and I ran along the edge of the stream and tried to climb down to the water.  And Mum said 'Stop you silly widget.  No need to panic.  Look, I will show you it is safe.'

So Mum came back and put me on the bridge, and I got off, cos it was a horrible bridge.  Then she did the same to Cato.  And he froze all scaredy and crouchy.  It was horrible.

Then Mum picked me up and carried me across to nearly the end, and put me down.  And I RAN to Grandad where it was safe. 

Mum went back for Cato, and I saw she woz leaving me!!! So I ran back across the bridge to be with her.  And then we all came back together, Mum, me and Cato in Mum's arms.

Grandad said 'Does this happen often?'

and Mum said 'Thankfully no.  And I bet it doesn't happen tomorrow, either.  Cato is afraid of heights, but learns quickly.  Tara just follows everyone's lead.  So she was afraid because Cato was afraid, and now she is confident because I was confident.'

I don't understand any of that, but the bridge was OK the next day.  Not at all scary.  See:




Mum says that true bravery is overcoming your fears.  So that makes me VERY VERY VERY brave.  And braver than Cato, doesn't it?

Hey!  no one told me I had a twig in my knickers!!! No fair!



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OH how brave you are and just look your conquered your fears :) Had to laugh at your twig...I call those souvenirs for a battle well fought..sounds better anyway 


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Oh wow Love this bridge! Tara I would love to race you and Cato to the other end, I Love bridges like this! We have a very rickety one in our woods and Missy always wants to go across it but it is literally falling down so I won't let her.. :( I know she'd Love to come run across this bridge with you! :D you two were very brave indeed to go over it, sooo glad you both liked it more the next day! Grandpa has a wonderful place doesn't he?!! :ohyeah:

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Didn't you two do well to cross the bridge. Do you know the story if the 'three billy goats gruff' ? They tried to cross a bridge, but a Troll lived under it.. 

oh my goodness... Didn't anyone tell you, you had a twig in your knickers!?!? I think that twig want to play with you Tara...

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1 hour ago, Summerangel said:

Didn't you two do well to cross the bridge. Do you know the story if the 'three billy goats gruff' ? They tried to cross a bridge, but a Troll lived under it.. 

oh my goodness... Didn't anyone tell you, you had a twig in your knickers!?!? I think that twig want to play with you Tara...

Oh my goodness Julia!  You have it EXACTLY right!  Why didn't I think of that?!? The 3 Billy Goats gruff and the troll.........

I was like Cato when I was a child........very small, quite shy and fearful of new things.  Not only that......*I* was in a play in1st grade (at school) and *I* was the littlest Billy Goat Gruff!  I think Cato might be channeling me.

Crinkly you are such a good Mom to be so patient and understanding of their fears and to handle it with love and understanding.  You made things right and it was over as soon as it started.

But Tara.......I bet you're right.  I'll bet, if not now, sometime in the past ........a troll lived under that bridge!

But - it is a lovely picturesque bridge.

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:bouncesmile:  a TROLL!!!!!   

Oooh!  how fantabulous!  Oooh, I can't wait!!!!   Karel, we can go TROLL HUNTING!!!!!  

Do you think he might be hiding in that hole Mum picced?  And do you think it is TROLLS in Karel's pic too?

This is soooo EXCITING!!!!!!  As long as Mum comes with us.  And we are in a BIG Pack.  A very big Pack.

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51 minutes ago, Crinkly said:


:bouncesmile:  a TROLL!!!!!   

Oooh!  how fantabulous!  Oooh, I can't wait!!!!   Karel, we can go TROLL HUNTING!!!!!  

Do you think he might be hiding in that hole Mum picced?  And do you think it is TROLLS in Karel's pic too?

This is soooo EXCITING!!!!!!  As long as Mum comes with us.  And we are in a BIG Pack.  A very big Pack.

Cato - this is your part of the script to keep yourself safe from the troll:

So first of all came the youngest Billy Goat Gruff to cross the bridge.

"Trip, trap, trip, trap! " went the bridge.

"Who's that tripping over my bridge?" roared the troll .

"Oh, it is only I, the tiniest Billy Goat Gruff , and I'm going up to the hillside to make myself fat," said the billy goat, with such a small voice. (This was my line in the first grade play.)

"Now, I'm coming to gobble you up," said the troll.

"Oh, no! pray don't take me. I'm too little, that I am," said the billy goat. "Wait a bit till the second Billy Goat Gruff comes. He's much bigger."

"Well, be off with you," said the troll.

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Oh, thank you AuntieMarlene.  Will that keep me safe, when crossing the bridge?  

I am going to learn it so I can say that over and over again, when I am scared.

Then when Karel comes to stay, we can go Proper Hunting in a big safe Pack, can't we?

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Sophie's Haven


What an interesting bridge so glad that you were able to conquer your fears and crossed it.......(we need one of those bridges for Bailey's Park)....the question is did you have to come back and cross it again? In the picture to your left on a tree is a sign in the shape of an arrow pointing in the direction over the bridge do you know what is printed on the sign? I like old signs that appear to be hand made and not the industrial type.

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Yes AuntieSophiesHaven, we crossed the bridge on three different days and in two different directions.  I didn't like it at all, but Mum helped me.  I am better at Troll detecting than Tara.  The first time Mum carried me.  The second time Mum lifted me up onto the bridge and walked in front of me.  And the third day Mum lifted me up and then walked behind me.

Tara walked across every day, and climbed on herself too.

Mum says the sign says 'Footpath'.  Cos it is pointing along the footpath to stop people from wandering about in the fields.  We are allowed to cross private land so long as we stay on the path.  Otherwise it is called tress-tressp-tresspathing.  Tara tresspaths all the time.

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Poor babies terrified of that old stinky foot bridge.  I'm glad you overcame your fears and went over it.  See, it wasn't so bad, was it?  Looks like a nice bridge to walk over.  Cato, I'm afraid of heights, too.  I have no idea where it came from but it is definitely something I've yet to overcome.  I have a hard time with it at times.

I'm glad you love your Grandpa and Grandma, Tara!  Sounds like they are really good to you both.  I've love to have a nice massage and a hair brushing once in a while myself.  I always have to brush my own hair.  Not as relaxing when I have to do it myself.  It is good that your Mum brushes your hair often.  

Tara, that twig in your knickers was hardly even noticeable! :hysterical:  Coco gets them all the time and I'm constantly taking them out.  She never notices hers either. :) 


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Sophie's Haven


I watch a lot of British TV and am amazed at some of the scenes where people on walks just walk thru woods, fields of other peoples property so being able to cross private property on footpaths is pretty neat.........here if you just took it upon yourself to take a walk like that  I am afraid someone would aim a 22 at you........not worth the risk........of course I have to admit I would be doing the same thing if someone just casually walk thru my property........

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