Mole Hunting!
Cato: This bloggy thing is for Karel. He is a Brother Hunter.
Because of all my patrols, I kept the moles out of Grandad's garden for the whole time we were there. Grandad thanked me, and said how important it was. Look at this pic, and you will understand:
This is a pic of Grandad's garden looking out of our bedroom window. Mum lifted me up to so I could see too. There. In the field on the other side of Grandad's hedge. Can you see them? It is a massed hoard of invading moles, just waiting for me to let down my guard. All those Molehills! I just know they were waiting for me to go back home with Mum. Grandad says he has something that will stop them tunneling in, but it is very worrying. It won't be as good as having me On Patrol, will it?
These are the old Molehills that we saw last time. My Special Hunter Spideysenses tell me that these are Not New Molehills. Can you see the dry earth on top?
They are in the big field with all the knickerprickle seeds. I got knickerprickle seeds in my knickers, and I had to sit down, cos I couldn't walk. Prickles in your knickers aren't nice, are they?
I may not have paid quite as much attention to my Mole Hunt as I should - on account of the prickling. But they were oldish Molehills, weren't they Aunties? The moles were long gone...
This is a fresh one though. I can tell it is only a day or two old, cos I am a Master Hunter. See the fresh earth? The way it has only been rained on once. It sniffed fresh too.
While these are VERY OLD Molehills. I think they are the Molehills from last time we came to stay with G&G. See how the grass has grown over the earth? And how there is only very little fresh earth in two places? That is cos my Mole Prey is hiding under there in his tunnels, and only popping up to clear his chimneys occasionally. I asked Mum to stamp on his Molehills so that he would have to come up to breathe. I would have stayed, poised, ready to swoop in and attack! But Mum said it wasn't very sporting to do that. and besides, it was getting dark and it was time for tea
There were other Important Hunting Stuff to do, anyway. so I decided to go home with Mum and plan for my next Hunt.
These tunnel holes were vvvveeeeerrrrryyyyyy interestink too. Not moles. Rabbits? Stoats? Weasels? Rats? I wanted to investigate properly, but Mum said it would be roast lamb and she said that me and Tara could have some.
Isn't that a lovely hole? All sniffy. And the Prey inside had arranged all those leaves, so they would hear me coming... cunning, eh? Sometimes Hunting can be a real challenge.
And look at this one!!! isn't that a beautiful hole!!!
Mum says she thinks it could be a water rat. I have never Hunted a water rat! And I couldn't Hunt that one, either. Cos it was the other side of the stream, and I couldn't get across. I asked Mum to carry me across, but for some reason she didn't want to.
Mum says we are going to visit Grandma and Grandad again soon. Probably when it is a bit warmer and the daffydillys are in over. So I have plenty of time to plan my next Hunt!
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