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Campbell 22

This is regarding our lab/hound or pittbull mix we have.. She is biting a lot which is from teething she is 7 weeks old but sometimes she is meann when she bites is that normal?

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our 11 week old puppy bites quite a bit.. we replace our hands with her toys.. and let her know by screeching ouch if it hurts. he usually backs off.. I have no experience with that breed.. but have come to the conclusion that all puppies have a lot to learn. and that's so young. littermates and momma usually help teach them right from wrong

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Oh, I would say YES, totally normal. Puppies do bite, not meaning to hurt, but they have such sharp little teeth. I was told to first give a toy or chewie and if that doesn't stop it and they still go for your hand, holler "ouch" loud and high pitched, then turn your back and walk away for awhile. Good luck, they all go through this.

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Campbell 22

Yeah I got some rawhide sticks and she loves them!! also how do I time her bladder because she's peed in the house quite a bit after i took her outside like 4 times she runs inside and pees. I'm a rookie with this type of dog tho because with Bella my shih tzu it was easy to train her other then eating her poop she learned quick. Also also haha this puppy hates when she is put in her kennel she sounds like she is dying when we have to put her in there for a few hours.

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I suck at giving crate training advice, because I dont use the crate all the time..but I did find out that they are much happier in there if they are WORN OUT..For example, I would let my puppies run and run for awhile playing, and then when I wanted to take a nap, I would put them in their crates for THEIR nap..Surprisingly, since they could still see me, and knew I was close, they just layed down and went to sleep..

As for the biting..yes, its normal. Mine still bite, and they are 8 months old..Just teach them NOT to bite your flesh..always use a chew toy, or a bone. They do quit doing it as much as they grow.

And on the peeing..the rule of thumb is puppies go about every 45 minutes..I had to take Payslee out all the time..Make sure you reward (I gave liver treats) after she pee pee's outside, and praise her..They usually have to poop 15-30 minutes after they eat..In the daytime, the rule of thumb I mentioned in an earlier column still holds true. The PetConnection site says: Puppies can “hold it” in a crate for about as long as their age in months: two hours for 2-month-olds, three hours for 3-month-olds, and so on. About five or six hours is the most any dog should be crated, no matter the age.

good luck..it does get easier!

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When they are teething I give a wet, frozen wash cloths. For a stronger, larger pup, I am not sure that would be good. Something cold will help. A variety of chew toys, soft and hard also.

I don't use kennels, but a large one would be good, when you cannot keep a close eye on her. A treat and toys will help. Also, train at first by leaving the door open with a treat. Then close the door for a short period of time...lengthen the time over time.\\

I always use baby gates in the kitchen.

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It is totally normal for small puppies to be "mean". They still don't really know how to interact or express their emotions. My cherri would bite and growl like a bear when you quickly picked her up, even got my ear once. When she did that, I would look her square in the eyes and say "NO" in a very low demanding voice. She did that a lot and I have seen many puppies be that way. Eventually they will understand that this is not the way you interact with humans. MOst all of them will grow out of this if they are handled properally and well socialized. I think the problem is when they are learning how to interact and they do things like this some people find it necessary to spank them, or do nothing about it or assume they are a mean dog and tie them up out back and forget about them. IMO

Good luck with him, he is a very sweet looking little baby :hysterical:

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Oh Rael!! You've done my heart good with your post.. I have been very concerned with Toby.. as he gets overly aggressive at times.. It's so good to hear our Toby's not the only pup that kinda goes wacko.. with the growling and snapping.. we are putting him on his back and saying "settle" is a commanding tone,, then once he settles we don't play for several minutes... we're hoping we're doing the right thing...

Campbell.. just remember,, puppies are puppies.. they're like a sponge as far as learning so much... main thing is to remain consistent... Good luck and let us know how it goes..

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Oh Rael!! You've done my heart good with your post.. I have been very concerned with Toby.. as he gets overly aggressive at times.. It's so good to hear our Toby's not the only pup that kinda goes wacko.. with the growling and snapping.. we are putting him on his back and saying "settle" is a commanding tone,, then once he settles we don't play for several minutes... we're hoping we're doing the right thing...

Campbell.. just remember,, puppies are puppies.. they're like a sponge as far as learning so much... main thing is to remain consistent... Good luck and let us know how it goes..

:dede: oh no, he certainly isn't the only puppy that does that. It sounds like you are doing things very well. I have also turned them on their tummy and done the ignore thing (after you have expressed your dissatisfaction with him). The eye stair is "Im in charge of you" type of dicipline and the rolling them on their tummy essentially is the same thing. Some puppies are certainly more prone to do those things than others. NO worries.

Edit: I should also say, when I get bit by one of the dogs, I usually scream "OUCH" really loud so that they understand their strength. Puppies should be allowed to bite and chew, I actually purpously let them bite my fingers and then when they bite too hard I yell "ouch" really loud. What this does is teach them their own strength so they know that it is not pleasent when they go beyond a certain point. Most babies don't really want to hurt you, they are just trying to let you know that you scared them or hurt them.

I was also wondering if she does have part pitbull in her is it guaranteed she will be vicious?

Absolutely not (IMO). I think pit bulls do have a tendency to be more aggressive, but I think it is all in how they are raised also. You see a lot of pit bulls tied up out back or taught to be aggressive. I do think they may show more aggression just like we have been talking about, but like I said before, they can be taught when they are young that this is not exceptable behavior. Just like any other dog. Any dog that has those tendencies if left untrained and to run wild or in a pack or even encouraged will just become more aggressive. You know, I certainly am not an expert, and definately not the best trainer. But I do have very strong opinions when it comes to aggression in dogs. I think it has a lot to do with how that dog was raised the first 4-6 mos of his life and even the first 1-8 weeks of there life make a huge difference also.

Edited by ShihtzuBeauty
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I've seen books that talk about how to raise a peaceful pitbull (all bully breeds, actually). I'd definitely look into that. My daughter had a part pitbull who was raised peacefully, but he ended up being very aggressive despite all their efforts, including consulting behaviorists on it. They had to rehome him so that they would be safe having a baby in the house.

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