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Hi everyone,

I'm hoping to be a first time pup owner any day now....excited!!!! However, im really nervous as never owned a dog before and not sure what to expect. I know ill be a great "mummy" but how do I go about house training and settling in and all the other bits!! a new pup!!

Any info, help, tips appreciated

Thanks Karen xx

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I read a few books, and stocked up on toys, leash, collar, i.d. tag, brush, shampoo. It's like having a baby, be prepared to have lack of sleep for a few days. It really is a lot of fun.

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I would start by asking the breeder what the puppy's routine is at their house: when do they eat, where to they go potty, how much space do they have, etc. I might also ask if you could bring with you a small towel or blanket that's been in with the litter, the smell of "home" will do wonders for helping a new puppies confidence in a new environment.

Generally I start by giving puppies a very limited amount of space either in a pen on the floor, or baby gate. I like to give enough room for a pee pad, a soft bed/crate small enough that the puppy will only sleep in it, and an area for food/water (make sure the pad is at the other end of the space from the bed/food or baby may not use it) Dogs like a quiet place to rest that feels confined which is why crates work so well, if you find that the baby cried when you put it in there, try covering with a towel to make it dark, that should help. Also be sure to make "crate time" a positive thing, give baby a cookie when they go in and they should learn quickly that listening to you and going to their "house" is a sure-fire way to get yummies.

Puppies who have been with a litter tend to be very whiny when they go to a new home, especially if there are no other dogs in the house. Just remember that this is NORMAL! Ask yourself: Does the puppy have everything he/she needs? Food? Water? A place to go potty? A warm place to cuddle? -- if you answer yes to all of these things then it is absolutely OK to let the puppy fuss a little, he'll be fine.

The only other big things I can think of off hand would be getting baby used to the leash and collar/harness (let baby wear them around the house with your supervision so he gets used to the feeling of it before you bring him outside) and socialization. Once baby is old enough/ had enough vaccines to go outside you should bring him out frequently to explore the surroundings. Dogs need to be comfortable with all manner of things and are not good at generalizing. Ie: if he knows you and your family, he may not be necessarily be OK with strangers on the street if he's never encountered known anyone but you. Encourage baby to "say hi" to people who pass by and praise him/give a cookie when he's being petted by them. The same goes for other animals, just be sure that any other dogs you encounter are good with small dogs first, and never *force* him to say hello if he is visibly nervous-- some things take time. Walk him on grass, gravel, asphalt, and any other surface he is likely to encounter frequently as early as possible to avoid him being nervous about it down the line. Linolium and hardwood are frequent issues for dogs who are used to carpeting or grass because they have less traction. Bringing him to your local pet store for a quick visit is a great way to expose him to different flooring AND other people/animal smells at the same time.

Also try to make socializing outings brief and positive at first. if he gets nervous, bring him home and try again the next day. Some dogs come into this world welcoming novel experiences with open arms, others need to tackle them on their own terms and the more you work on HIS time schedule, the better he will feel about the experiences.

I would use your breeder and vet as resources often, in addition to everyone here. They will have the most relevant information about his history and condition, and will best be able to help you navigate first-time puppy ownership.

I hope that was helpful and don't forget to enjoy the baby! The bonds you make with this puppy in the first few weeks will be the foundation for the rest of your lives together.

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My goodness i think Anna said it all!

Congrats on the possible Furbaby!!!

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First of all - welcome to chatter. Can't wait to see your new baby...we DO love pictures.

Also, if you do a search in the training section, you will find many topics about just about anything for which you have questions.

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I think the girls just about covered everything. :bdaycake: I just wanted to say welcome to Chatter! :bdaycake:

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jakes mommy

I think the best advice I was given was to get down on your hands and knees and go around the rooms the puppy will have access too and look for any wires or little spaces they can get into and you don't want them in or near

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