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We rescued a 3 yr old shih tzu about 6 months ago. Ever since then, he's been happily (so we thought) sleeping on his bed in our bedroom. For the past 2 months though, we've been (mistakingly) introducing him to the bed...at first it was just playtime like cuddling or him trotting around w/his toys etc....then lately there have been a few times where my husband took some naps and allowed him to stay on the bed too (which i told him was a mistake). However, B frehley has never slept on our bed at night when we all go to sleep.

Then all of a sudden 2 nights ago, around 2 am (when i finally go to bed) he jumps onto the bed. The first time this happened i tried to gently remove him but he freaked out and barked like nuts at me (my husband is the alpha). However after my husband woke up and put him back on his bed, he stayed there.

Then this happened again last night. He jumped on the bed, my husband woke up and placed him back on his bed. However, he didn't stay there long and lay down on the carpet in front of our bed (better than on the bed i guess) although we are worried about stepping on him since the room is sooo small.

Anyway, my problem/ question is this can't continue where he distrupts my husband's (and eventually mine when i don't have time for this in the middle of the night) sleep. How do we make him stay on his bed? Treats /positive reinforcement?


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Danged if I know. We have 4 shih tzu and 2 cats sleeping with us every night.

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hunter sleeps in his crate next to the bed every night. he does jump up on the bed when i'm in the shower, but he still always goes straight for the crate when it's time for bed.

i guess my point is that i never let him actually sleep in the bed while i am in it. i read in several books before i got him that once you let them sleep in the bed, that they don't understand why all of a sudden they aren't allowed up there anymore.

it seems like you'd have to start all over with the no bed thing now and expect to have to wake up to put him back down for a while until he is "trained" not to get up there anymore. i'd also think that you probably should never let him up when you all are just napping either anymore.

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Yep,I'm afraid mine would go into shock if we kicked them off our bed.I'm still a little ticked off at my hubby's ridiculous move of taking the frame off the bed ,because he thinks they will fall off the bed.Go on let him sleep with you.They do keep you warm in the winter,enen though they van be BED HOGS

Edited by janemin
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My shih tzu is not allowed to sleep on our bed either. His problem is if he is allowed he will start to lift his leg in the house. If he is not allowed, the leg lifting stops. Anyway, ours sleeps in a crate near our bed with a big fluffy blanket in it.

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LOL Paula, that's a full bed! how do you move in the night?

I've been crating my pup and i let her on my bed when i watch tv..i hope that she doesn't jump on the bed to sleep when i stop crating her!

I would also agree with earlier post that you'd just have to go back to square one and retrain this dog to sleep in its bed. I have talked to alot of pet owners and they said that their biggest mistake in training is letting the dog sleep with them and now they own the bed.

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Yep,I'm afraid mine would go into shock if we kicked them off our bed.I'm still a little ticked off at my hubby's ridiculous move of taking the frame off the bed ,because he thinks they will fall off the bed.Go on let him sleep with you.They do keep you warm in the winter,enen though they van be BED HOGS

OMG, Janet! He DIDN'T!!! :):dede::roflmao:

Our gang gets to hang out on the bed with us on a rainy weekend afternoon when we have decided to lay in bed watching DVDs (or the various movie/tv series marathons that my DH is so fond of) and eating snacks that are bad for us. They LOVE it!!! However, we aren't sleeping so can monitor them, and otherwise they sleep in their crates on the first floor of the house.

I think that dog owners have to make this particular decision from day 1 and stick to it: dogs either sleep on the bed or they sleep elsewhere, and there can be no exceptions. The first time you make an exception, your dog will keep trying to get you to make the second exception and from there it generally all goes downhill (so to speak).

Since there is an exception to every rule, I will admit that after being attacked by the pit last spring Gus did sleep on the bed with us for a few nights until I was sure he would be OK. After that he was returned to his regular bed at night and didn't seem to mind.

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You know,I guess we are lucky in the fact that although our two sleep on the bed while at home,when we go to visit or are traveling,those two take to a crate with no problem.

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I'm kind of envious.......up until a couple of weeks ago, Panda slept on the bed every night. Then she just decided she didn't want to anymore and when I say "let's go to bed" she runs upstairs and heads into her crate, which I had put away, but brought out again when she was deciding not to sleep with the human anymore. What's that about anyway?

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my dogs sleep in a crate unless the kids are home.. then they sleep with the kids in their beds. But NO-ONE sleeps with Mommy!!

Even the Cat knows that


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LOL all 4 of mine are in our bed to and if they weren't I wouldn't be able to sleep.

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Well, we LOVE our dogs in our bed.....EVEN when I saw a program on the bacteria found in beds where dogs are allowed to sleep....ewewewew!!! But, hey we love them and would miss it a lot.

In fact, Rudy had his first full night in our bed last night....a milestone....I always start with them in their kennel and then around 6 months they get to stay sleeping (they always fall asleep while we watch tv and then I take them to the kennel when the lights go out) on our bed and around 3-4 I move them to the kennel when I get up to potty. Then gradually we try a full night...I just don't want them waking up too early and not able to go back to sleep....but he did good....woke at 7:00 which is about normal.

But, I also know NOT being able to sleep with pets in bed. For years, our cats slept in our bed and one went under the covers and up against my legs....ugh...HOT....so I finally decided to see if we could move them elsewhere....so we started putting them in our laundry room and they did great and I finally got great sleep.

The two older dogs sleep up between our pillows (once in awhile one or both will go under the covers, but never up against us)...and Rudy sleeps at the bottom of the bed.....so we are good.

So, good luck on your decision...if you decide NOT to allow him to sleep with you, you must be consistent, even if it means waking someone...don't give in even one more time.....every time you do, you take multiple steps backwards....

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Miley sleeps with me! She has since she could jump up and down from it. My dog refuses to sleep on ANY floor. gotta be a couch or footstool or even clothes she drug outta the clean clothes basket and wadded up.

But if she gets cold she will jump under the blankets with me and snuggle up against me.

I dont mind. I love cuddling with her all night, Shes my baby!

But I agree, stay consistant!

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I'm kind of envious.......up until a couple of weeks ago, Panda slept on the bed every night. Then she just decided she didn't want to anymore and when I say "let's go to bed" she runs upstairs and heads into her crate, which I had put away, but brought out again when she was deciding not to sleep with the human anymore. What's that about anyway?

LOL...Harley went through the same thing. He always slept either between our pillows or above Shannon's head, then one night I guess he decided he was too big for all that stuff, jumped down and went to sleep in his crate. I was appalled! He'd cuddle in bed until it was time to go to sleep, then he'd leave; then a few weeks ago he decided he'd stay for part of the night, then jump down around 3:00AM. Now he's back to sleeping in the bed but down by Shannon's knees. I kinda miss that idling diesel sound next to my head. :congrats:


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Well, then, maybe she'll just change her itty bitty teensy weensie mind yet again!!!!!!! and spend the night with mommy.

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i agree with everyone else about consistancy. oz does sleep with me though (on top of the blankets) he has his own blanket and pillow though, lol. he wasn't allowed to sleep on the bed until he was potty trained though.

that is cute about the hubby putting the bed on the floor so the doggies don't fall off! too funny! my mom, sis and i all have footstools or benches at the ends of our beds so oz can jump up on that then jump onto the bed.

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Hamilton sleeps on the floor in a tiny space between my nightstand and the wall. Luna is a crate sleeper until she's potty trained & then we'll see.

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