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My new adopted 8 months old girl holds her business til wither I go out or go to sleep.

I was able to make her go when we are outside but she just doesnt want to go infront of me when we are inside.

Both my husband I work during the day time and we need to train her to go on the pad and don't have chance to teach her since she just doesn't do her business when we are with her inside.

And she goes when she is along but missing the pad. She actually plays on the of the pad. (lol it is kinda cute tho)

Any suggestion? Does potty spray sold at petsmart work??

Thank you,

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I am by far an expert (just see my most recent posts in this subject :blush-anim-cl:), so take what I say with a grain of salt. I'm assuming she's not in a crate during the day while you're at work, correct? I'm also going to assume that prior to being with you she was probably reprimanded incorrectly for going potty in the house and is now afraid to do it in front of anyone.

I don't use puppy pads and probably won't ever. I think they give dogs the wrong idea about peeing in the house, but I know some swear by them and their dogs do well with them, so I say whatever works! The pads don't seem to be working for you right now, though. How long are you gone for work? If it's approx. 8 hrs, my suggestion would be to crate during the day while you're at work. She should be able to hold it that long IF she's allowed to pee first thing in the morning upon waking, eat, and then taken out to pee/poop again before being put in her crate for the day, plus a bit of exercise in the morning. I wouldn't put her in the crate for the entire day all at once. Maybe give it a try on the weekends, let her go in there for an hour or two while you're home or run out to do an errand. Let her lay in it with the door open while you're home, etc. to help her get used to it. Take her out before she goes in the crate and take her out as soon as she's out of the crate.

I never thought I'd condone crate training, but it's really a great thing for both puppy and you. It provides safety for your dog so that they can't get into anything while you're gone, as well as their own little place where they feel safe. My 14 wk old will go in his crate all on his own in the late afternoon for a little snooze! It's his little nook in our house...he even pulls out/puts back in whichever towel or toys he doesn't want in there at the moment, too. It's pretty funny!

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Carolina Girl

I agree with ccbloom. They will hold it in while in the crate. I always put in toys, a small handful of Cheerios, and their favorite blankies. They love going in. Even Ozzy who fought it in the beginning doesn't mind it. (he's a rescue that we got at the age of 1 1/2) Now all I have to say is, "Who wants cookies in bed?". And they all run for their crates. (I don't actually give them cookies, only Cheerios. But SHHHHHHH....they don't know!)

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Thank you for your advise!

My lab housebroken to go outside, crate trained, does all kind of tricks and is super easy to train but the small one is so hyper and is not very well mannered but so very cute. = )

I sure need to work on crate training her.

Thank you all! and I will post again if there is any improvement!

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