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Housebreaking in multiple rooms

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Okay, the title probably doesn't make much sense so I will try to explain and hopefully will get some suggestions on what to do.

Teddy barks incessantly when he has to go out to poop. So out he goes, all is good. He is still peeing a lot so much of the time he just runs to a pad and does it there. He has the run of the family room, foyer, bedroom and kitchen. However,

when I leave the gate open in the kitchen he can go into the dining room, living room, laundry room. I only do this if I am going to be in there so I can watch him. And he always seems to pee in the living room. I see him starting to do this and scoop him up and he does stop mid-pee (is that a word!!)

How do I train him that he cannot do this in the other rooms. Obviously I have to get this right so he can go visiting and not go in their house.

Any suggestions? My husband thinks I should put pee pads in every room, but this is definitely not something I want to start and have to continue.

A pee pad in every room, the new decorator look for 2012 ;)

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I don't know if this will be any help because I don't think pee pads help housebreaking, but bristol had an issue with peeing by my washer, so I limited her access. She was leashed to me at all times that she was not kenneled or being played with until she was reliable.

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Yeah, either that or crate training.

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You are cleaning up the pee spots with something like Nature's Miracle, arnt you? I think if Sassy Mae had peed in the house anywhere it would have become a regular occurrence if I were not to use that product. She has never done that so I just have to rely on the fact that it is supposed to work. She does however like to mark spots and pee in those same spots outside.

I also kept her leashed to me when she was very young for what seemed a long time. I had never housetrained a dog, had tried before but no luck. AND I had terrible luck with skinkids back in the day, so I expected nothing better from my little Sass.

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I only let mine in other rooms after they had peed where they were to do so. Then an hour later is was back to where they were to go until they did so. Now if mine have to go they go by the door leading outside if we are not there. This is the spot they were trained to go.

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We kept Beau on a regular consistent cycle - every two hours, right after he ate...we had to restrict his access to the house - I can remember having him in the bathroom with me in the morning with the door shut while I was in the shower. Mu husband said no to the pee pads because he felt it would let him think it was okay to go in the house. Hubby is home all day so he did the bulk of the housetraining. One other thing I remember: Beau had a designated area of the yard - we took him to the same spot every time.

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Okay, I will take him out and then we will go to other rooms. The reason for the pads was because he was going every 15 minutes(!) and it was just easier for me and it was frigid out. (I know, I know, my fault) The pads are only in one spot just in case, but he does not use them much anymore.

I will just have to be more consistent in taking him out on schedules. To train Teddy I must train myself better ;)

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Yes, those cold weather months are challenging for training! I also remember getting up in the middle of the night to take Beau out because he was whimpering (that was the deal: I want the dog, I'm the one taking him out in the middle of the night). We used the crate, too.....used it for the first six to nine months. By the way, I love that his name is Teddy! Helenita's puppy is named Theodore; I have a brother named Theodore (we call him Ted now but when we were little kids it was "Teddy").

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If it's any consolation, his sister and brother are terrible. They potty when they go out, but they also potty here, and over there, and around there, and YES it's the danged winter weather. In summer, I'd sit outside with pups for hours on end for them to play and pee, play and pee.

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Thanks Paula. Makes me feel a little better. I know I am not very consistent when its single digit temps!! But yeah Teddy always goes when we go out and he has been very good only going on the pads except for today. Went twice in the family room when my hubby was watching him. Have no idea why. Will keep on trying.

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