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Please join the forum so you have access to all the areas and everyone can respond to you. :) Until you join no one can see your post to respond to it.

Don't  forget to check your email for a confirmation link and open it to finalise the process 

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  • 7 years later...
Guest Cackle

HI all, I hope some of you remember me from long ago.

i just popped by to say hi.

After Mitsi and Molly, I never obtained another dog.

so much has happened since I was last here.

my hubby has passed, I have two little grandsons and also had major heart surgery. Scary stuff that.

Anyway all is good and I hope the same is with you.

Hi to Sunlite, I often think of you.

Be good, happy and healthy.



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Hi Cackle! It has been way too long, I too think of you quite often. As a matter of fact I was just talking to Dean about you last week 

I'm sorry about both your hubby and surgery. Congratulations on the grandkids. Hoping your son and daughters are doing well. You still have your account here. If you don't know your login info message me and we'll get it sorted.

Please don't stay away so long again.


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