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I’m going on holiday!!! Tomorrow!!!




It is going to be in a holiday den with a whole field for me to sniff and widdle in.  And a spiral staircase for me to Bounce up and down.  We are going to Do Stuff every day.  Old sniffy pubs and churches and footpaths and stuff.  Sausages and steak!  Every day!  And scrambled eggs!  Dad says there is a Marmoset Sanctuary Place!

It is a longlonglong way away.  So Mum and Dad are going to drive me there.   And we are going mountaining and adventuring and exploring.  It is so far away that we are going to have a walk half way!  And we are taking my bed and my snuggle blanket and my chews and toys.  And my brush.  I don’t mind if we don’t take my knicker brush, but I like my big brush.

it is very exciting!

Cato is coming too, so I hope he doesn’t wimp out too much.

just one more sleep. Wheeeeeeeeeee!


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Sooooo exciting Tara!

Now *just* how far away is it from home?  Having a walk while traveling is aces!  Virgin sniffing territory.

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Oh yes! New sniffs!  Only now Dad is making noises about not walking til we get there.  :(   That’s silly!  I need a walk half way!  I might need a poo!  S’not fair!  It is my holiday, isn’t it?

Dad is doing my packing now.  I am helping.  I think I should try the new pizzle stick now.  Just to see if it is ok.

Cato is worrying.

we had our holiday foot trim earlier, and he has FINALLY realised about our holiday.  Cos of the beds in the hall by the front door.  So now he is worrying. ?

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We are here!

it is FAB!  I LOVE my holiday den.  We have a HUGE garden.  With sniffs!  

There is a field with a HARE in it next door.  Cato wants to hunt him.  Mum says no.  This is the first time Mum has ever seen a real hare with her real proper eyes.  So he has to keep haring about instead of being Shih Tzued. ? we haven’t found the ducks yet.  We can hear them though.

we have has steak and porky bits so far, as well as our normal raw stuff. 

Only trouble is that the Big Bed is tiny.  Too small!  There is room for me and Cato, but Mum and Dad don’t fit on it properly. ?

Dad went and sleepified on the other bed cos he was nearly falling off!  So I went and sleepified with him for a bit.  Then I went back  with Mum.  Then Dad.  Then Mum.  I wish we could all sleep together.  It is much better sleeping in a pack.

Mum is taking pics so you can see my spiral staircase soon.

Cato is being a pain.  As usual.  This time he doesn’t want Mum to take any pics of his stumpy little puppy tail.  He is being very silly about it.  It is even shorter now.  Haha!

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We are HOME!

I like holidays, but I like home better!  We are all sleeping on the Big Bed again, so I don't have to keep checking on Dad all night.  

Mum has taken lots of piccses, but she woz a silly Mum and took them on the phone thing and the camera thing so now she has to sort them all out and do internet stuff before I can show you.  I keep telling her to hurry up!

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