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SATURDAY 12Th Mar: Biscuitless cafe and beach



Sidney:  I stayed home today.  I think my paw is getting worse.  :(  Mum says it is my fault, and I am not to go out so much.  But that makes no sense.  It can't be MY fault.  That is an absurd idea.  I used my tray this morning, cos I didn't want to go all the way out over the roof and the wall for a widdle. :(


Cato:  Mum didn't have to work today!  So we got a lie in, and even better, I had a totally peaceful lie in cos they got Tara up and let her bounce on the bed, leaving me to snooze alone.  It was bliss.  She kind of vibrates with expectation-of-getting-up in the mornings.  It is tiring to watch.

Anyway, we went out to one of the cafes Mum mentioned to you.  The one which has a courtyard, and a water bowl, and they bring biscuits!  Here it is:


This is us waiting for Dad to come back from placing the order.  They had coffee, as usual.  Yawn.


We haven't been since last summer, but I remembered the place, and sniffed my way right there from the pavement.  And I remembered that the nice coffee ladies bring us biscuits.  So when the coffee arrived, I was expecting one biscuit for me, and one for Tara.  Of course Tara didn't remember.  She doesn't have a nose memory like I do, and she was only little the last time we came here.  And even sillier.

This is me expecting my biscuit!


But the coffee woman didn't bring any!!!! She forgot!!! or they no longer serve dog biscuits!!!  I didn't understand for a while.  It was very confusing and disappointing. 

Mum says that the place seems to have gone downhill a bit since our last visit.  And I agree!  She was saying it isn't as clean, but I think the biscuit disappearance is MUCH more important.

Mum and Dad have decided that they are going to get some dog biscuits and have them secret in the Dog Bag.  Cos I was so disappointed.  I will have to try  to pretend that I didn't hear them planning it.  Tara, of course, hasn't got a clue.  She wasn't listening.

After that, we went on the beach and met this poodle, who was very friendly, even though Tara did the tail-down thing.


And the sea had disappeared again.


But it was very very very very weird.  The beach was covered in funny bits of sand.  Mum explained it, but I think she is making it up.

She says that there are worms in the sand, and they eat sand, and they poop it out in these funny piles.  But that can't be true, can it?  I mean, the WHOLE beach was covered in the poop piles.  All over.   There were more poop piles than it is possible to think about.  There can't be that many worms.  There can't.  And they didn't SMELL of poop.  I know.  I am a poop expert.  They smelled of sand.  Just sand.  And sea.

Here are a couple of the not-poop-poops.


The donkeys were there too.  This is as close as any of us wanted to get.  Though we did find some donkey poop.  That was real!  I know.  Told you I am an expert.


Oh, and there was one nasty bit.  We was walking along minding our own business, and suddenly there were a LOT of people, and they all had border collies.  Lots and lots and lots.  Mum said over 30 collies!!!  It was a bit sudden, cos we hadn't realised they were all walking in some strange club or group.  They were spread out and covered the whole beach from the wall to the wetter bit with wave tracks.  And half the dogs were on leads, and half were loose.  And the loose ones were MAD and chasing after balls and playing and bouncing, and the ones on leads all wanted to join in. 

And there was one was not on a lead but who did have a muzzle on, and he dashed up and play bowed, but then he started snarling too and was rough and horrible - and it was a bit scary.  So Mum stepped between him and me, and the collie's Mum arrived and said 'he can't do anything with the muzzle on!' and Mum said 'he could bounce and hurt Cato.  He should be on a lead!'  And the woman said sorry.  It was a horrible growl.  Not at all friendly.



Dad picked me up when all the collies were around.  He said that it was 'too much'.  I am glad.  It would have been very scary if they could have got me.  I think Cato was very brave.  But then he is always calm and brave.  Even if he needs me to attack him a lot.  It is my job.

This is our tree.  It smells even sniffier now!  And this is us having a discussion about wot to do next.  It had been a nice walk, and Dad didn't need to go to work for ages, so we decided to walk home by a little park, and sit, and have a nice drink of water.  Or tea.  Or that stinky chai stuff, if you are Dad.  Cos we didn't want to go home yet.


This is the park.  It looks a bit dark, but it wasn't really.  It was bright. and the sky was very very blue.  Mum says it was too bright for the phone camera.




I have just about had enough of other dog parents at the moment.  They seem to be coming out in the spring weather.  Fair weather dog walkers, my father used to say.  They don't walk the dogs through the winter, then neither they, nor their dogs, have a clue how to behave come spring, with all that repressed energy they have been storing all winter.  The beach is getting crowded and full of these idiots.  But only on the weekends.  Like their dogs don't need walking all week as well!  Humph!

Ah well, they/we will all be banned from the main beach come Good Friday, so we won't have to put up with them any more!  Let's hope they don't infect the parks then.




Recommended Comments

Sophie's Haven


What a bummer about the Café......just curious the pictures that are hanging are they movie posters/actors?  It always seems when you find some place nice for  what ever reason after a while the place is never the same.  You need to teach Cato and Tara to ask for their biscuits.....Lexie wold have for sure if she knew she was to get one.....she has just started doing that out of the blue..........Looks like the paws got a good walk in......I am sure seeing 30 BC all at once was a beautiful site but shame on them for not behaving. Our two BC I always keep a close watch when the little one's are around......All Andy and Gracie would do is be playing but their size is another story and they sometimes play rough. Love al the pictures..........makes me feel like I came along for the walk.............so after Good Friday no more beach walking because of the tourist?  Sure looks like spring in the last picture.........

Sidney this is for you...............



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Wow. Good thing Dad picked Tara up. She would have been overwhelmed with all those big dogs. 

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Awsome cat pic!  Sid definitely needs to see this one.  Oops.  I understand he has already discovered it...

@Sophie's Haven I think the pics are 30s/40s french black and white posters... judging by the kids clothes and hair and the number of baguettes in the pics! lol.

Went into a mini supermarket looking for dog biscuits and was disgusted by the range on offer.  All 'meat derivatives' and assorted 'cereals'.  That would do Cato's yeasty ear and waist line no end of damage!

Then today I went into Pets and Home looking, and found the same dreadful selection!

These are the biscuits they get at the nice beach coffee place (which they LOVE!) but I wasn't impressed when I read the ingredients


I did get some semi-soft jerky style stuff in wee patties, that will do for the dog bag.  These look great.  85% meat, the rest is veggies, minerals and a hint of glycerol to stop them drying out.


and in the end I found some dried chicken breast around dried sweet potato (in a garden centre of all places).  They are just chip (fries) sized pieces of sweet potato, wrapped in a thin slice of chicken, and dehydrated with 1% sorbitol and 1% glycerin.


So far, they have sampled the chicken/sweet potato, and Cato loved his so much that he carried outside for a widdle, and then brought it back in, rather than put it down and risk it being stolen! :roflmao:   I think I could probably make them myself.  They are just chip (fries) sized pieces of sweet potato, wrapped in a thin slice of chicken, and dehydrated with 1% sorbitol and 1% glycerin.

Of course, all the quality ones have sky high prices, but we are only talking about emergency dog biscuit supplementation at cafes, aren't we? :judy:yeah.  right!


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Loved your walk, great pics! That cafe looks so nice but bummer about the biscuits.. :( Cato I've been studying your worm poop pic and was wondering if it's Not worm poop, what do you think it is??! :roflmao:

Tara i sure don't know what I'd have done if I saw that many dogs and especially that one with the muzzle on..  I think you're both very brave! And good thing your mom and dad were there to set the whole thing right! :cheezy:

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18 hours ago, Missysmom said:

 Cato I've been studying your worm poop pic and was wondering if it's Not worm poop, what do you think it is??! :roflmao:

Dunno.  Mum says she doesn't know either.  But then she thinks it is worm poop, so she's no help.

we only see birds, dogs, humans and seagulls out on the wet sand.  So it might be bird stuff.  Will investigerate.

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Awwwww Cato , you have the most adorable eyes ? 

The fisherman use them to catch fish.. But I think they look disgusting.... Lol 

But I know where there's some stinky chickens.. ?

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18 hours ago, Crinkly said:

Thank you Aunty Angel.  They (my eyes) are not as nice as my tail! :)

You have a gorgeous tail... My two are so jealous of your tail... But your eyes are saying I'm such a cute paw and I don't get into any mischief ? 

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