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THURSDAY 24th Mar: Skipping to Dogsitter




Since this is their second vist, both Dad and I were very interested to see whether they wanted to go, or not.

I start work at 7.30am usually (homeworking on computer) so Dad dragged himself up to get them there first thing.  They took wee packed breakfasts and their leads.  She still had their treats from last time.

Apparently, he parked outside the house, put the leads on, and got them out of the car.  At which point they dragged him to the house, up the driveway, and sat on the doorstep in eager anticipation.  Once inside, they bustled round re-establishing their ownership of the hall, kitchen, conservatory and garden.  Dad was given a guided tour of the ManCave (garden shed) out the back, which the mutts visited too - jumping up onto the sofa in there as if they owned it (which of course they DO!), and then Dad was able to sneak out the front door completely unnoticed, while they did busy things elsewhere.

Looking good then!



I must say it is rather weird not having their little snores, snortles and snuffles in the background as I work.  Am probably missing them MUCH more than they are missing me while they have all their exciting adventures.


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Aww glad hear they actually Like going but I agree I would miss them terribly! Can't wait to hear how it goes today! 

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Well, they are back.  Worn out and flopped already.  The snoring is back too.

Had a great time and a brisk 1hr walk, apparently.  Feet have been bathed, breakfast was eaten.  Were a bit taken aback to meet a new dog there, a terrier, and were rather stand offish to start with, but by the end of the morning, walk, food and footwash, Tara and Terrier were sprawled on the same mat, it seems, completely chilled.

This is going to do her SO much good.


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Pre-school for the little ones :-)  It's always hard for us to send them off but they usually love it!

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I wish I could find something like this for Coco and Benji!  They would love it so much!  

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Out for the count:

(and yes, that is a small lamb bone at her back and Squeaky Squirrel by her tummy.  Always good to have the little necessities to hand)


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These dogsitter walks are proving to really wipe them out.

Both of them have done NOTHING but sleep for the last 20 hours!  Cato didn't want his tea, and Tara only managed half of hers.  They are sleeping like the dead.  No fidgeting or drowsing or dosing, just deep unconsciousness.

Beginning to wonder if it might be a bit too much for them... Do you think their fitness levels will increase with just one BIG Dogsitter walk a week, or will it be like this every time?  Plus there is the added mental challenge of strange walk routes, stranger dogs, and no Mum and Dad.

They get a walk 9 days out of 10 with us, but they are not brisk strenuous things.  Humans trundle, take pics, chat and saunter.  Dogs set their own pace, scrambling, scampering and wrestling.  Doesn't challenge them beyong what they feel like doing.  The only sustained exercise they get is Ping Pong, and that only happens when there are 2 humans, which is only a few times a week.

Maybe that is the way to go - give them a good hard Ping Ponging every other day, so that their fitness builds enough to cope with the Dogsitter's marathons.  lol.


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Just woke them up to take them for a coffee on the High Street, and they were fine.  Sniffy and bouncy and interested.  But as soon as we got home, they are asleep again.

Don't think they will be needing a proper walk today. :clap:

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Sophie's Haven


:hysterical::hysterical:that is a double laugh to hearing that we have two tired paws.  They sound like they had a good time. We spend a lot of time outside when the weather permits and my guys get dinner down and then we are in for a good quiet night..........7 snoring paws..........

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Bless them. Sounds like they had lots of fun. 

Not sure mine could manage get though. We do our walk/sprint at Grafham and on the way back, Lacey stops and looks up at Daddy just enough to say, "carry me"

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