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MONDAY 28 Mar: No Walk Day :(





Tara:   It is raining really hard!  And blowing!  And I didn't like going outside for my wee this morning.  My knickers got damp and I RAN back inside.  If I wan't such a Good Girl, I would pee on the mat just inside the cat flap.  But I am good.  So I won't.  Unless it gets colder and wetter and horribler.  So no walk today. :( 

But on no walk days Mum usually gets down on the floor and wrestles with us for ages, and I can always beat Cato up, to relieve the BOREDOM!!!


Cato:  Mum says she might bathe Tara today.  And trim both of our knickers.  I hate No Walk Days.  Mum has taken pictures out of the windows, like she did for Sidney, to show that it is raining all around the house.  Can you imagine how cross Sidney would have been?  Maybe if we are very very very good, Mum will forget the scissors?  She was waving them at Tara's tail last night.  It does look better today.  More like mine.  Except not as nice, of course.

Mum says the weather app says 100% rain all day.  Wotever that means.  But I guess it is just a way of saying no walk. :(

Look, it has been so windy the pots have blown over, and the brown chair has moved!





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its pretty much the same here... Its looking like your shed roof is holding its own at the moment. Hope it continues... Not sure how long 'storm Katie' is set to last. 

My two have been out to toilet, but soon came back in again. Sun has just popped it head out as I type this. 

Oh, oh, pictures of Tara's tail... Pretty please... ?

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Oh, that reminds me. 

Bit of a farce, really.

Some time in the night, I heard a bleep noise.  It woke me.  It is the house alarm bleep that goes off when then either the front or the back door opens.  I prodded Mr C awake and told him that the door was open.  He blinked blearily, and said 'It'll be the wind.  Happens sometimes.' then he went straight back off to sleep.  He has no memory of the conversation.

I must admit that I was lovely and comfortable, and the wind was very loud and gusting, with rain driving against the window.

It was much easier to think 'well, it can't be a burglary.  they would never carry their spoils out into this rain.  the door must have just shaken in its frame', than to get up and go blundering around the house looking for invaders.

So I went straight back off to sleep too.

Then, this morning, we went downstairs to find that the inner front door had blown open, while the outer front door was still securely locked.

Bizarre!  Must have been some big gust of wind, eh?


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Lol, aren't you meant to get up when you hear an alarm..  Hehe :roflmao:


A friend of mine who lives in Kent , her tree blew down. Luckily fell in the opposite direction to her car, which stood a few feet away. 

I wedged the large potted bamboo against the 6ft high double wooden gates, as they always rattle in the wind.. I bet the neighbours have a real good giggle watching me drag this pot across the patio.. Lol 

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Oh wow what a storm, you guys stay safe. Man I can't imagine winds so strong they blow open a door like that, especially an inner door that was bizarre but so glad your outer door was still secure! It's raining here today too, nothing like what you guys have but definitely a no walk day.

Yes please, please pics of Tara's tail, can't wait to see it!!

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Here you go.  It is too short atm (basically I cut them short with the expectation they will look their best in about a month! :roflmao:)

It will look fluffier when it has had a couple of days to recover from the 'shock' :)

Don't think you can see the white tip properly in any of these, but it zips around in a delightful blur. :)




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Oooohhhhh I love it too... ?

Do you bush the hair down and trim from under the tail?  

Do you start shorter at the base and it gets slightly longer as you work your way to the tip? 

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Yes to both.

And I keep brushing and shaking the tail to flop the fur around so that all the stragglers and sticky out bits show up.  Trimming the underside of the base of the tail is the bit that makes the most difference.  And it looks lovely from the back.  Unfortunately the pics I took of that angle were useless, because black on black doesn't show up.  I am guessing the fur around the base of the tail is about 1/2 inch long, graduating to 2-3 inches at the tip (for max flag waving and white tip display.  lol)

Dear Tara was very patient with me, but she doesn't like the trimming part, although she likes the Happy Tail Effect it produces.  Bless her.

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 it looks amazing ? 

Thank you the guidance of how to trim it. 

 Lacey will be having a bath sometime this week, so fingers crossed I pluck up the courage to have a go. 

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Sophie's Haven


Not fit for man or beast outside today at your house.........we had rain here early this morning and now it is a bit chilly to wonder outside today for us. The sun pops out for a minute and disappears again.  I have reached the point that I don't even attempt to wake up the hubby anymore....I listen for a minute and then I sometimes will get up and look around the house......Lucy is usually the light sleeper in the house and if she does not move then it is nothing..........but sometimes I still have to check. Wind can so strange things..........we get them pretty bad here.

Tara I like your tail......Missy is going to get a bath and I may give her tail a new do.......

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