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SUNDAY 3rd Apr: Sunday sunshine and flowers




Auntie Jane for breakfast in the sausage cafe!  Yay!  Then stinky bum fox park.  They spent AGES talking about work stuff.  Yawn.  Thought the walk was NEVER going to happen.  But we got there in the end, and the sun had come out.

The bicycle man was there, in his flourourourorescent jacket, cycling round and round and nearly wobbling over onto us every time.  And Fat Bruno was there.  Except he has been on a diet and is now nearly Slim Bruno.  Tara lay down for him.

More camera stuff, of course.  This is hawthorne.  And this one doesn't have flowers yet, but it does have teensy sprouty leaves and lots of thorns.



And I went over to say hello to this elderly lady.  Tara watched in case I got snapped at. 



Then, when I didn't get snarled at, Tara went up to say hello - but we both got ignored.    See how Tara's tail ISN'T down?  and how she IS interested in meeting Old Lady?


Still only 3 bright red tulips - but Mum says she is loving the zooomy thing on the camera.


In a sea of bulbs.  But there are some dark red wine coloured ones on their way.


and the boring bluepurple things too.







We had a good bounce, and I met a jackrussell/lab who was friendly and had a better tail than me.  Which doesn't make sense.

This is Cato widdling on a bulb and me watching.  He widdles on everything.  Though he missed the foxy statue today, cos we didn't walk next to it.



Mum says that she thinks I am a bit more confident.  I still submit to nearly everyone, but she thinks it is just a habit now, not a fear thing.  But then she isn't the one with some horrible boydog sticking their slobbery cold wet nose up her knickers, is she?  :(




Hilarious moment!  We were walking past the daffodils, and I saw this muddle, and thought of you all.  So I got Aunty Jane to distract the monsters with treats while I went over and took the photograph.



10 secs later, a huge liver and white Springer Spaniel came blasting through the daffs, swerved deliberately to sploosh through the muddle.  Splash and spray shot 3 feet high!  Then he cast about for his ball.  Found it.  Veered back through the puddle, and bounced back to his Dad, and presented a very soggy, very dirty ball.

Jane and I were laughing out loud - and I escaped the mud spray by about 6 inches. :roflmao:

And I went back to photo the magnolia in the garden near our house.  The flowers have opened more, and are quite luminously beautiful.  Am loving this camera!





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I'm loving your camera Too! What beautiful shots and so clear it's like being there!!!

:roflmao::roflmao::roflmao: The big daffodil mud puddle....time I saw it without reading yet thought ohhhh no here it comes! :roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:

Wow, keep on with the camera, some amazing shots you got there, especially the magnolia....even the tiny fuzz is clear :thumb::thumb::thumb:

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Oh, meant to say - Tara had a better night last night.  Her beloved Dad left a light on for them (bless him), so it wasn't dark when they were popped into the pen, and by the time I came out of the bathroom both beasties had found their way into their beds (Tara seems to have lost 'her' fave bed now, since Cato has been in it for 4 days in a row). :roflmao:

He was snoring.  She was dozing.  No sign of upset or angst.

Nor any disturbance til 7.30 this morning when she asked to come on the Big Bed and was allowed.

Dare I think we have cracked it?  Fingers crossed, eh?

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Oh my goodness me. Look at that muddy puddle, and they didn't go in it?!? Lol 

cracking camera you have there, very clear pictures and we do love you pictures ? 

Awwwww good Daddy.. ? Wow, they did do well. I'm thinking you may have cracked it too. ?

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Sophie's Haven


I was waiting for the picture of either of Cato or Tara after the muddy puddle photo........good camera, your pictures are very clear.......and the color pops.........I think the night lite might have done the trick.......you may not have to make the big move again.......Great pictures as always....can you work it so when you have breakfast that you could share coffee with us all.........:tracy:

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Wow I'm loving your new camera too, Gorgeous pics of the magnolia bloom, it's like I can reach out and touch  and smell it! :ohyeah:

Another great walk but no mud pup pics, oh no!! :hysterical:

Oh am so glad to hear that last night was so much better, super dad for leaving the light on, amazing how much that helps! Sure hope this does the trick! And what about Tara Asking to come on the bed, Wow super job Tara! :thumb:

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Reminds me of wayyyyyy back when my kids were small....the little night light I had in the wall was too bright for the kids so I spray painted the shield a dark color....it dimmed the glare of light at night but still could see them in their beds.

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Yes, well, spoke too soon.

Last night did not go so well.

Popped them into their dimly lit pen, and nipped to bathroom.  Came back to find Tara ON the bed.  On TOP of Dad.  Pleased as punch with herself.

Dad was, of course, wide awake and grimly ignoring her.  Wish I had a photo!

I scooped her up and dumped her back into the pen, and was very amused to see that in her absence, Cato had chosen HER bed - as in the one he didn't want the last 4 nights.  So she had to take his cast off bed yet again. :roflmao:

Other than that, a quiet night.


She is a little brat sometimes, just like Sidney used to say...

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:judy:Sorry for dad but that made me laugh out loud...... Little stinker Tara

You guys crack me up with your musical bed swapping :clap:


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Hahaha :roflmao: I've got to love Tara...  She needed a goodnight kiss from her Daddy ? 



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Ahh Tara is just a daddy's girl! And Tara's daddy appreciates the bed/ wake up routine as much as Missy's dad- Not! :hysterical:

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Sophie's Haven


We are going thru bed swapping here also.........I have an old wooden laundry box that I put dog bedding in and Lucy loves to sleep in it. Well Winnie has taken a liking  to it now. It is placed on Dads side of the bed and last night Lucy decided she was going to sleep in the laundry box instead of the Big Bed........Winnie is on the Big Bed.......sometime during the night Lucy wakes up Dad to have him put her in the Big Bed.......a few minutes later Winnie jumps out of the Bid Bed and jumps in the laundry box so it was musical beds here at the wee hours.  Tara is a little smarty paws she knows when the coast is clear and heads to her Daddy for some lovin.......

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