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Glad the weekend is here

So happy that it's Friday. Looking forward to spending the weekend with my pups. J (the husband) is going to be out of town, so it's just going to be me and the dogs. Hoping that it is nice outside and we can play. It's been really rainy here this whole week. Both dogs love to be outside, so it's no fun when it's not nice out. We recently finished (almost) our basement, so I am hoping to get a chance to continue getting totes unbacked that have been our garage for the past year. Thinking a

2 better than 1

2 better than 1

First blog entry

Ok, going to try this blog thing and see how it goes. Don't know how committed I will be to it, but if there is an easy thing to blog about, it is definitely my two shih tzu's. I look forward to sharing stories, experiences, obstacles, photos.... all about my two adorable shih tzu's Pippin and Lyric. A little about my dogs.... Pippin Birthday: May 27, 2006 Color: black and white Likes: • going to the puppy park • riding in the car • going for walks • wrestlin

2 better than 1

2 better than 1

Just who is this coffee guy anyway?

So you want to know a little bit more about me, eh? Okay, we'll start with my STUFF. After all, a man is defined by his belongings, right? (Wry grin...) Any blurb about my STUFF must be default start with music stuff, so read on, but I'll warn you now - if you're not a musician and a techie to boot, it's gonna be a dry read full of meaningless mumbo-jumbo. My guitars: Jem777VBK - pickups: DiMarzio PAF Pro HB Jem SC DiMarzio PAF Pro HB [*]RG-550 body w/Jem7RB nec



We're Getting Settled In

Sailor is doing wonderfully. Friday, he had his first appointment with the groomer. Went in looking like a "dustmop," as Scott affectionately calls him and came out looking like a real Shih Tzu! Rhonda gave him a great hair cut, clipped his nails, trimmed his feet (I can't believe how tiny they are without all that hair!), and made him look so handsome with that red bow! I know he feels soooooo much better. We're having a little trouble in the potty department. I can understand Sailor



Day 2 - Visiting the Vet

Sailor had quite a time today. We had a 10:15 appt. with the vet. I really liked Phyllis and am glad I chose her. Since Sailor was born in a puppy mill, he had some issues. His conformity looks fine, but he was undernourished. Sailor only weighed 4.1 lbs. She prescribed a supplement that I need to give him twice daily to help put some weight on him. My poor baby!! Those idiots that bred him supposedly gave him 4 Distemper shots, which 1) isn't likely and 2) you're only supposed to give 3



Wow, didn't realize it's been that long....

There have been so many changes to my life since I've last posted, some I'd prefer to keep personal but they include everything from health, to job, to relationship status, to residence, you name it..... Lets just say after a number of years being unhappy, I finally found the courage to make some changes in my life and although it scares me some, I am better off for it. Never let anyone tell you that you can't.... too easy to prove them wrong.



Where Does The Time Go?

This is a question I seem to be asking alot lately. My firstborn just had his first Daddy's Day. I'm still trying to wrap my brain around the fact the he has had his first son and I'm now a Grandma. I'm in awe everytime I look at this precious baby. I've always only ever wanted to be a wife, mom and grandma and now that I am I couldn't be more content and happy. I still though couldn't believe that Ian and I were shopping for gifts and cards for his daddy. I kept looking at him and and in



so mad

I feel like I am just the slave for my husband, he can go off and work as he pleases but I never have a soul to help me or take care of me when I feel like I am on my death bed I just want out of our relationship! I can't take the problems that have a risen since his ex's death or their son he needs to get home and we need to go our seperate way's. I can't do this I am not the one responsible for this mess. They can go live happily ever after I am done, and I have never seen his family runnin




I will not go int o detail but I did not sign up for plan B I signed up for plan A. I would hate to send my step-son to someone in his family, but I will not have the unfortunate mis happing to control, and be the fate of my near future career of a lawyer, This isn't my responsibility!! And I am mad as hell/. Angelina



miss companionship & support for kids

I have been on the Zoloft now for 2 weeks and things are getting better but they are still sureal! My stepson is doing well still and hasnt had not one problem in school at all. I am very proud of him. I just need to get me back on track I a PSTD diagnosed when I was14 . SO over ly stressful situations are hard for me to handle and adjust too. I am trying though I just wish Rich would have opted out and stayed with his son. Angelina Prayers needed to keep me strong and healthy



Oh gee

Well I went to the shrink since of this has happen'd, he started me on Zoloft and another nerve pill for my panic attacks I hate taking meds . I never knew once you had PTSD you live with it forever and when something else comes along to freak you out you start from square one again. I am just feeling lost and overwhelmed. I will try my best to deal but that is easier said then done as most of us know! Angelina




It sucks here in GA I can't wait for the pollen to die down way down. I guess it is getting stuck to my contacts and making me miserable the rewetting drops don't even help long. Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Man Desp. Housewives was great last night. I am so happy the writers are back to work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so sleepy I know it is to early to go nighty night but I am tempted. Bella and Newman are doing well I haven't had much time to spend with them lately but they do get out for a little bit w



Hard times

My husband is having to deal with A-Holes from his last co workers from Germany! I won;t say exactly what I say'd to him in the email but screw them! If he wasn't as good a his job like he is, he would not have gotten a great review like he did from Germany. We can't please everyone can we? Some idiot girl told him that Germany sent notes about him SO WHAT WHO cares? any way's Im just mad about the whole micro-managing system. DDOG eat dog world.......RUFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF An




I have been exhausted for the past month insomnia is catching up with me. Hard times u know anyhow I love everyone here and family and friends . I can't hold on anymore the sand man is calling so goodnight and see you all tommorow god willing. I have no idea why I type my name every time but I like it! Angelina



Always something to do!

I have been so tired at my youthful age lately, I have forgotten what it means to be mind, body and spirit young. So I have come up with a challenge for little ole me. When all of the kids are gone for a weekend I will vow to hang out with the girlfriends instead of say "no I am to tired." (which is true). Even if I do not go out with the girls maybe have a drink or two and go to a movie. If I am really being a sour puss then I will traet myself to a facial etc. I am so boring! LOL.....An



Sydney's party

I have a few great picture's of Sydney blowing out her candles! She was excited all day but had to wait until 5pm for the party to begin. All in all she had a fantastic time she got two new baby dolls.... some new Braves (pink) gear. I can not wait for Monday this week has been hectic and nutz I think they have more breaks down here then they are in school it's crazy. Today seems like I have regained some control over the girls but I will see how long that's going to last. A



Well Im about ready for bed!

I'M CURRENTLY WATCHING SUPER NANNY! I am tired though still playing catch up with the downfall of life! Though the family is doing very well and on course. The babies are doing well (the humans) and the fur babies are doing great as well. I am going through trial and tribulation with myself on a personal level, I am doing my best to take the best care of my fragile package as possible. I am looking forward to August moving to DC but I have many reservations about it as well. Please pray t



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