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How much trouble can three dogs get into...?

Entries in this blog

Sun 30th April: Foxy in the sun

Hello Auntiees! This is Foxy park in the sun.  The daffydillies are all over though. Tara saw William again.  We have seen William a lot lately, haven't we?  She is shaking her head here.  I spect she thinks he like it, or something.  She is very silly. this is a Rowan tree with a Rowan flower thing. and this is Jack.  He is much nicer now.  Although his Dad can't get him to chase balls any more.  He used to.  We used to watch.  But now he doesn't.  Mum thinks



Tricksy Mum

Cato:  So Mum hasn't been blogging like she said she would, has she?  So I told her off.  She still needs to catch up lots and lots of adventures.  Including my terrible tum!!! But she says 'I can't blog every day, Cato.  No time.  But I am going to try and blog when I can.  And sometimes that means we may be able to do more than one blog in a day.  So that means we will catch up.' Humph. That just sounds like Mum is being tricksy, doesn't it?  I think she should bloggify every da



Fri 28th April: North Beach

Tara: I remember this one, cos of my amazing mountaining see!: Mum had cut my piggy tails.  cos she said they were too long.  And I was back to a boring pony.  In purple.  And we woz on North Beach cos Mum felt bad about me not being able to mountain on the new groiny bit on the main beach. Cato didn't like the squishy seaweed stuff under his toeses.  But I ran backwards and forwards and bounced on him til he chased me.  Haha! There were more interesting s



Wed 26th Apr: Stinky flowers on promenade

Cato: Me again.  This is a boring one.  We went for a street walk, which is sniffy but a bit... um... well, we can't bounce, can we?  And then we can't go on the beach any more, cos of tourists.  Mum says.  Cos tourists don't like paws having fun on the beach.  So we did Promendadoing on the the Promendado.  And there were stinky flowers. and Mum says that she has lived here for ever and ever and ever (Mum: 8 years) and never knew that they put the tide times on this red



Sun 23rd Apr: More pink stuff and lots of friends

Cato: I have to bloggify.  We (Mum and me) just showed the pics to Tara, and she can't remember anything about this day, except that she got to squeak at William again.  She is completely dooolally over William.  That is a Mum word.  It means silly. It was very bright and sunny and green.  And there were lots of fried egg plants poking up through the grass. I would have preferred a real fried egg.   This is Tara doing her sniff thing. This is me



Wed 19th Apr: Centre of Universe

Cato: Hi Aunties.  We have done lots of sniffy walks this week, but mainly with Dad, and he is dodging the camera (so Mum says).  So the only blog pics we have are when Mum took us to the Centre of the Universe today.  It was a bit grey, but it was warm and lovely and sniffy. There is pink stuff EVERYWHERE, isn't there?  Mum doesn't know wot this is, but she says it is pretty.  Yeah, well... This is Tara at the beginning, wanting me and Mum to hurry up.



Sun 16th Apr: Bunni Day! Pink stuff! AuntieJane!

Cato:  This is me and AuntieJane and all the pink stuff.  She said Mum could take the pic and show all of you.  I was supposed to be with AuntieJane in the shot, but I forgot and went and sniffed something. Cos it was BunniDay, and cos the sun was out, there were lots and lots and lots of paws around.  Mum made muttery noises about why do we only see people when it is sunny?  Don't they walk their dogs the rest of the year?  But I just liked meeting people and making new friends.    Th



Sat 15th Apr: Big Lake Pack Walk

Tara: Today we had sausages AND bacon bits!  They were delicious!  I had bigger bits than Cato! This is me waiting for my sausage and bacon.   Mum had just realised that we had left home in such a hurry that she hadn't done my hair!  I didn't mind though.  I wanted sausages more than I wanted my hair done.  We went to a sausage place with outside tables, and we were allowed to sit on the bench while Mum and Dad ate.  Mum said that we would have had to sit on the ground if any



Fri 14th Apr: Pack walk in Town Park

Cato: Today we went to Pops and Nana, and had chew sticks and cuddles, and Pops larffed at Tara's yellow bows. Then we went to walk in the Town Park with Mum and Dad so it was a proper pack walk.  Lots of boring flowers and not many pics of me and Tara, although there were lots and lots of sniffs too.  We met a few paws, including a very nice black Lab and some barky SausagePaws.  Mum says the light was bad, so you can't really see how nice the flowers were. These are the boring f



Wed 12th Mar: Bye Bye Beach

Cato: We went to the beach again today, on account of it being time to say goodbye.  Cos when the Easter Bunni appears, us paws aren't allowed on the beach any more, until it gets cold and blowy again.   (Mum: dogs banned on the tourist main beach from Good Friday til 30th Sept.  But they are still permitted at the North Beach, and The Centre of the Universe beaches). But it is OK, cos I don't really like the beach that much.  Tara gets bored, and then all she wants to do is Ninja me.



Sun 9th April: Foxy and AuntieJane

Tara: Mum did me pigtails today.  I look supercool and Ninjaey.  And Mum says that me and Lacey are going to skool at St Trinians. This is me before I Ninjaed. And this is me after. It woz a bit hot.  Mum says we are having our winter coats off, so I can be cool.  I think she means less panty, cos I am always cool, aren't I? I got some little matts in my armpit yesterday.  Ow!  Mum said I was too delicate a pwincess to have them brushed out, so she got the skis



Bloggifying to catch up

Tara: My turn!  My turn!  Cato did typing stuff all by himself, so now it is my turn to do blog stuff.  Mum says.  So there, Cato! Mum has been too busy to blog for AGES, she says.  Cos of the computer and work stuff.  She has been whinging a lot about it.  And goes and sits in the splashy pool to sleep it off.  All seems a lot of fuss to me.  If she didn't want to computer, then all she has to do is come out for a walk with me.  She does too much computering and not enough walking!




I came tooo telll u that I told Mum she is a bbad Mum xoz shee hazunt bloggified for aggez    so shee saz sheez goin t tryy harder ova wen MrBunni iz visitng.  luv u.  wev got greeen bunni eggz wiv paw chocclat stufff. Cato



New washing machine

Cato: We did important DIY stuff today, with both Mum and Dad. It was VERY exciting. The washy machine has been making very loud washy machine noises for a while.  And Mum finally had The Discussion with Dad about it.  Cos the engineer inside the phone said it was too expensive to be worth mending. So new washy machine is coming tomorrow.  And today we all got ready!  Me and Mum and Tara did a specially careful poo pickup in the garden cos washymachines come in through the ba



Mum's new splashy pool

Cato: Well you know how I don't like Mum splashing a lot, on account of all that water being dangerous and scary and frightening.  And Mum's body disappearing, and her being just a talking head?  And me preferring her to have a lap, and for me to be on her lap? Well her old splashy pool died a bit back, and she was happy, cos they did something called a refund.  And she saved and saved and saved her pocket money, and she got a new splashy pool.  And it arrived last week. I don't s



Sun 26th Mar to Sun 2nd Apr: Foxy

Cato: We went to Foxy Park lots and lots this week.  It was on account of meeting AuntieJane, and traffic stuff stopping us from going to the Big Lake, and that kind of thing.  I didn't mind, but Tara whinged about not enough mountains.   Or something. So Mum has asked me to do something special and new and REALLY DIFFICULT and tell you about all our walks alltogether.  She says she will help, if I get stuck. This is the daffydillys # I love the sniff of daffydillys.  It



Sat 25th Mar: since we got home

Tara: Cato wanted to patrol our beach and everything, to make sure it was OK after we had been away.  We all told him it was fine, but he still needed to see and sniff it all anyway.  Funny how the sun comes out when we leave the mountains! Mum says the sky pics are for you AuntiePipsMom   this was REALLY sniffy This was YumYum.  At least, I think that was her name.  She is a Peke.  I decided she wozn't scary.  And then I decided I quite like her.  She sni



Sat 24th Mar: Where we stayed

Cato: These are lllllamas.  They were living over the wall from Mum's splashy pool. and this was the view from our window.  The big window that we could see out of cos it goes down to the floor. and this was Tara's bench.  And my widdle tree. This was when it had just started snowing on the Snow Day.  Looking out through our window. and this is looking out through the door. this is when I needed a wee, and Dad pushed the snowdrift away so I



Fri 23rd Mar: The Big Adventure

Tara: So Mum and Dad wanted to give me a nice big mountain walk after we had a wet and windy day, and didn't walk AT ALL.  They said that I NEEDED it, and Mum said that if I didn't get a walk then she was going to spend the night in the hot tub, cos I was all Ninja and Amazing and a Little Madam.  Which is good, isn't it?  Although I didn't want Mum to go to sleep in all that splashy stuff, so it was good we had a walk, wozn't it? Anyway, there are lots of pics, so this is going to be



Tue 21st Mar: Burger and Church (Skipton cont...)

Cato: So when we left the castle, we went down the street past the church that is being used nowadays, and we found a fab pub! We all had burger!  and Dad had beer and Mum and me and Tara had water.  Mum wanted not-water, but someone has to drive home.  I wouldn't mind driving, but it is nice to snooze in the back after a lot of castling and pubbing, isn't it? Anyway, we stayed in the pub with Mum, while Dad went churching, and museuming, and then we stayed in the pub with him, wh



Tue 21st Mar: Skipton Castle

Cato: Hello aunties.  I have to blog this, cos Tara didn't like the castle.  She says that Dad kept wandering off, up stairs and stuff and leaving her with me and Mum, and she was all squeaky and whiney. So I get to blog We had a nice short car journey, which was nice.  You can have too much of cars, can't you?  Even when you have your own crate and bed. And then a bit of a walk.  Very sniffy.  Old places are lovely and sniffy. This is just inside the gatehouse.  Gatehou



Mon 20th Mar: Hebden Bridge and pupcakes

Cato: It was a fun holiday, but it was a weird holiday too! It kept raining.  Mum says she has never had such a wet holiday, and a sleety one too.  although she has had more snow.  We only had a bit of snow.  We travelled all the way there, in the rain.  I don't mind long journeys, cos I sleep a lot.  We always know it is going to be a long one cos Mum sets up a second crate and we have one each.  That way Tara can't trample on me and sit on me all the way there. Mum says it was t



Back from holiday

Tara: Aunties, we are back!  It woz the Bestest Holiday EVER!!! The mountains were HUGE and climby, and muddy and stuff.  And there were llama things and peacocks and snow and hail and stormy lightning and burger-for-lunch and castles and pubs and ducks and turkeys and cats and geese.  We went to a doggy cafe too!  And had Dog Beer and Pupcakes and sat on a Dog Bed and the Sausage Lady brought our food on a special plate and served us!  I want a doggy cafe at home, too.  And me and Cat



Thur 16th Mar: Holiday beachification

Tara: Oooooh Mum has been so sneaky!  She has been having a Special Secret and she didn't tell us!  We are having another mountaineering holiday!  And it starts today!!!! It is SO EXCITING!!!! It started with a new sausage place.  Not our usual sausage place.  Dad said he felt disloyal, and he prefers the old place.  Mum didn't mind.  Cato liked it cos he could Starling Hunt.  And I didn't like it cos a big black Lab came and looked at me. This is me waiting to see if my



Wed 15th Mar: Street and flowers

Cato: Aunties, Tara and me need your help.  Please.  The flower stuff is starting again.  If it is anything like last time, this is just the beginning... anything you can do to get Mum to do proper blog stuff, not flower stuff?  You know, interesting sniffy stuff.  Mud and poos and walking and so on.  Not this endless stinky flower stuff? Yesterday we had to wait AGESANDAGES for our walk.  Mum snuggled with us on the sofa at lunchtime.  I do like snuggling.  I do.  But I prefer walking



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