We went to the sausage place and had Cato's gluten free sausages. Yum! and then we went on the beach!!! Mum says we have to make the most of the beach now, cos when the Easter Bunny appears, we have to leave the beach all the Hot Time, and only get it back in the Cold Time.
This is first sniff. of course.
Those people are farfarfar out. Mum won't let us go that far out. But it isn't very sniffy out there.
Look! They mended my mountain ramp. And my clim
Hi Aunties.
On Saturday we slept. Cos we were tired after our two looooooonnnnnnnnggggg treks with AuntieKimDogsitter.
And on Sunday it rainedandrainedandrained. So I did more sleeping. And Tara did a lot of sleeping and then just burst with BOUNCE. But Mum protected me from the worst of it, cos I was on her lap.
Mum had to go and do Work Stuff today, so we went to visit AuntieDogsitter.
We had two walks, and breakfast and foot baths and snuggles. It was nice. Tara would have liked it more if the HUGE great brown paw hadn't been there, but he was. And she survived.
This is our walk:
See Tara mountaineering?
This was an ACE sniffy windy walk.
There were plastic bag monsters hanging in the hedge. I saw them. But Tara didn't. Mum said they were safe, cos they couldn't get us. And they didn't. Silly monsters.
There was lots of mud. Tara liked that. It has been too wet to walk down the Tunnel, Mum says. So we had to mud puddle where we could find it.
a sky pic. Mum says they look like a pod of whales. Wot is a pod?
There were some lovely sniffs. M
Ha ha! Beach again. But Mum forgot the camera and her phone thing.
It was sniffy, and I wore my blue jumper, and Mum wouldn't let me bounce on Cato properly. But that was all that happened.
Oh, and we had bobolognezee sauce on our tea. It woz lovely!!!
My turn again! This was a FAB walk. With Dad! We did ping pong til I was all puffed out. It was ACE.
Mum said I didn't need my jumper cos it was warm
We went round the part 3 times! And the birds looked all scary big, so we didn't chase them. Cato said they were flocking in a menacing manner. Or something. He kept talking about AuntieMarlene and The Birds. But I don't know why.
The we played Ping Pong. It was the Bestest Ever. See Dad behind the tre
Hey Aunties. Mum says I have to do a bit of blogging even though I can't remember much... cos we have to catch up the bloggification. So here goes.
Oooh look. That is me and Dad. and the pier. and some clouds. we must have been on the beach.
and that is me running. doen't I look fab in my PINK jumper. All slim and athletical. And running. Towards that lump of wood. I look good, don't I? I wonder if I was going to climb on it...?
First we had to go and check out the beach and the promenade. Cos you never know what might have happened when we weren't there to make it all be OK.
Everything was still where it should be. Including our Sausage Place
and everything sniffed OK
So then we went to Foxy Park to see if it was still OK there too... (after we had a spa day, and got bald. except for my topknot, which I kept. But Mum says it doesn't look like a to
Mum says she is sorry, but she is now more than a week behind with bloggs. She is trying to catch up, but it means I have to do the blogging, cos Tara can't remember the interesting stuff.
Also sorry if there are some repeat photos. Mum is getting muddlified about which ones she has used already. I told her that she should just catch up, and then she wouldn't forget.
So we went for a walk round the sailing lake with Grandad on two different days. There was sun for some o
Hello Aunties! My turn today. I bet you are ready for ME now that Cato has bored you all with his hunting obsessification.
I love Grandad! not as much as Dad, of course, but I do love him. He says 'Shut up, you little attention seeking brat' and then bends down and gives me a nice deep back rub. And when I go 'woo woo wooooo' at him, he goes and finds me a toy to play with! He doesn't brush me though. Grandma does that. and she snips seeds out of my knickers with skisser
Cato: This bloggy thing is for Karel. He is a Brother Hunter.
Because of all my patrols, I kept the moles out of Grandad's garden for the whole time we were there. Grandad thanked me, and said how important it was. Look at this pic, and you will understand:
This is a pic of Grandad's garden looking out of our bedroom window. Mum lifted me up to so I could see too. There. In the field on the other side of Grandad's hedge. Can you see them? It is a massed hoard of invading
Today we are going to show you the Around Grandma and Grandad Walks. It was great! G&G live in a village (Mum says) and villages have more fields and stuff than where Mum and Dad live. So instead of town sniffs, there are more countryside sniffs. And more Hunting sniffs.
These are some Shetland ponies that live near G&G. Mum says that Shetlands are like Tzus. Small yet perfectly formed. I wanted to meet them, but they were on the other side of a very deep ditch. E
OK so you Aunties are all plant mad and weird, so Mum and me have decided to tell you about Grandad's garden first, on account of it being boring and I want it out of the way so we can talk about the interesting sniffy stuff later.
So Mum took lots of photos and these are the best ones, when it was sunny and stuff. There was a big storm one night, so the light was a bit grey sometimes.
This is the view from my Hunting Spot.
I sat inside, in the warm, looking ou
This is from before we went away too. It had been raining really hard for daysanddaysanddays, so the beach was all flat and covered with little raindrop foot prints. This is First Sniff.
We met this pack. They were nice. The paw int he middle is a Lhasa, and the other two are Tzus. This is my tail before Mum cut it. You can see how long my coat is. These 3 must have been cold. I was nice and warm. Mr Lhasa is on a lead cos he is a bit difficult sometimes, his
I can't remember when this was. But it was before we went away. It is hard to remember that far ago! I have to blog this bit, cos Tara can't remember it at all. She is asleep. She has been asleep since we got home. She is snoring.
Anyway, this is before we went away, when we did a beach walk with Mum and Dad.
It was raining when we got there. The red van is an ice cream van. No one was buying icecream in the rain, so he had his windows shut and his radio on, and he
oh Aunties, Dad has gone missing. We are ever so worried about him.
Mumsaid we wos going on a big adventure to see Grandma and Grandad, and it wos very exciting! There wos packing and toys and treats and everything went into our bag. And we went out to the car, and Mum and Dad loaded lots of stuff into the car, and we all set off.
But then Dad got out of the car! He said 'goodbye troops' and he told Mum He loved her, and us he loved us. And told us to be good, and we w
Hello Aunties! We had a great walk today. All green and sniffy and muddy. Much better than boring street walks and after dark walks.
This is Tara going Hunting. She messed it up. It was all wet and soggy, and she wasn't expecting it. Also, she thought I was right behind her, and I wasn't. I was sniffing the ditch wall, back near the carpark, and she got a bit scared cos she doesn't like solo Hunting. I prefer it, cos then no one else mucks it up. Anyway, she didn't get h
Tara: Dad was snuffly. Mum was computery. So we just took Mum round the block in the rain. Wozn't much of a walk, really, but it woz better than nothing. And I bounced on top of Cato when we were crossing the road! Pinned him down flat! With cars coming! Haha! It woz one of my bestest Ninja moves! And a man on the pavement larffed at me. But I didn't mind. And Mum said 'Stop that you horrible little brat!' and pulled us apart. And Cato got up from where I had splatted him, and got o
Aunties, it was wonderful. Mum and Dad had been watching the rain in the garden. And when it stopped, we all got our leads and stuff and went out the front. And guess what! It had stopped there too.
So we went down the street. We didn't go in the car, cos nasty MrWeather tricked us with that one yesterday. So we stayed out on the street where it was dry. I bet if we had gone in the car, it would have been raining when we got out! There were lotsandlotsandlots of sniffs.
Its AWFULL! It never stops raining! We haven't had a walk in agesandagesandages! Every time I go out for a wee I get all wet and soggy. My foots AND my back, and sometimes my knickers. And all Cato does is sleep and snuggle with Mum. I am soooooo booooooorrrrrrreeeeeddddd! I am not allowed to bite Cato's tail and pull him off the sofa. I am not allowed to have BOTH chicken foots. Or go outside and bark. Or stay inside and bark. Or eat Cato's dinner. Or bite Cato's ears.
It was a fab sniffy walk yesterday. It made me feel much better. And I think Tara liked it too, cos she stopped pulling my tail. But then we had snow this morning.
It wasn't up to my tinkle, or anything. But it was cold. And it kept coming down and melting and coming down and melting all day.
Tara wouldn't go out in it. Of course.
We sat on the sofa watching snooker with Dad at lunchtime, cos Mum said that it would be all salty slippy slushy
Hi All,
Things have been a bit different the last few days. Dad has a stinking cold, which I am trying not to catch. It has been raining on and off. I have twanged my Achilles tendon a bit - it has been hurting for a week so a bit of rest seems a good idea. The mutts haven't had a walk in daysanddaysanddays (to quote them).
The rest seems to be doing my tendon a power of good, which is great. Dad isn't getting any better (we are hoping we will see a light at the end of t
Tara: Hello Aunties. We went to meet AutnieSue at Town Park today and there where these Hellebooring things all over the place. You will see just how boring they were when you get to the pics. Yawn. But I don't mind, cos I can tell you about meeting AuntieSue who gives us treats. And stuff like that.
This is First Sniff before we met Auntie.
And this is some big old boring tree wot Mum remembers from last summer when they cut all its arms off, but now it is growing its hair
Cos it was Mum's birthday, she and Dad didn't do boring work stuff! Yay! So we went round to Mam and Pop's and got stick treats and snuggles with Pop on the sofa. And then we went for a long walk at the Centre of the Universe. It was all sunny and blue.
This is Tara finding another wall to climb on. But then a huge German Shepherd walked past, and she got into a tizz cos the Shepherd walked between her and Mum. She stayed a bit closer for a bit. And then she forgot al
It woz a horrible walk today. There were scary big paws everywhere, and I didn't like it!
This is Cato's first widdle/sniff.
and look at this lovely wet squelchy mud. I wanted to go swimming, but Mum kept saying how cold the wind woz, and how we needed to hurry.
See how windy it woz for the swanses? and the other birds.
I asked Mum not to take any pics of me today, cos I didn't have a bow AGAIN. It fell off! Mum did brushing and bow stuff this mornin