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"Pawz"ing to blog

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Tired and sleepy

I am very, very tempted to start crating my cats at night. I think as a species they must have hired some very good PR people to convince us that they're easier pets than dogs.  It's all lies. That is all.



Ok, so . . .

I tried to come up with a cute name for a blog.  What can I say?  I didn't exactly succeed but I tried. I called it "Pawz"ing for more than one reason.  Life is really, really busy right now. We're (hopefully) well on our way to purchasing our "retirement" house.  Still working out just a few details on what we want the seller to fix.  But I don't anticipate any major problems in that negotiation.  So starting to prep this house to put on the market, getting ready to move, making arran



Beagle mayhem

We're in the midst of our house move. I had noticed (vaguely) that the neighbor behind us and up the hill has a pack of beagles kept in a pen (which makes me sad, but OTOH it's the norm for hunting dogs). We finally got the house all cleaned and scrubbed, new flooring installed in bathrooms and laundry room and the carpet in the rest of the house cleaned.  So late yesterday afternoon I decided it was time for Yogi to visit his soon-to-be-new-home for the first time. And the beagle



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