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How much trouble can three dogs get into...?

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MONDAY 6th June: 2nd day of strike action

Cato: Mum was doing her work thing all day, so we helped Dad clear more of the shed.  That is HARD work!  and it is hot in there.  Tara likes to jump up and go inside, and get in Dad's way, but I prefer to stay outside where it is cooler, and try and trip him up when he steps down. It was too hot to walk in Mum's lunchtime, so we sat on her on the sofa, and  chilled. Then we walked in the evening when it was cooller.  Just the usual Field, Cemetery and Slippy Road.  Mum thinks you



TUESDAY 5th July: Surprise!

Cato: We had a FAB day!  It was going to be all wet and boring, but then Dad decided to visit Pops and Mam, which is GREAT, cos we went too, and had treats and fussing and fights on their hearth rug.  It was fun until it wasn't.  Why does Tara always go too far?  And then I mountaineered up Dad's leg to get away from her, and Dad helped to pull my tail out of her mouth, and then it was nice again. After that we went to Town Park, and Dad didn't do any boring flower stuff.  So that was



SUNDAY10th July: Foxy Auntie Jane

Tara: We had MacDonalds burger!  It was YUM!  We were going to have sausages, but then it rained, and Mum said we would have to sit in the car and eat and wait to see if it stopped raining.  I said I didn't mind the rain, but nobody ever listens to me.  But the burger was LUSH.  Although I didn't get much, and I was starving. Then we went to Foxy Park and I splatted Cato.  It was ACE!!!  Burgers make me even more Ninja.  So I should have them every day, shouldn't I, Aunties? I had



MONDAY 1st August: Foxy with Mum

Tara: Hello Aunties!  We had a fab walk today at Foxy.  It was cooler, and wimpy Cato actually fought back!  It was ACE!!! Though he did get all puffed and floppy by the end.  And then we slept ALL afternoon.  Well, I slept.  Cato SNORED. There were people everywhere! My stick! This is him trying to steal it!   We had LOTS of fights.  It was great. This is me trying to get Cato to play when he had wimped out. This is me after



THURSDAY 11th August: Short and hot

Cato: Tara is snoring, so I get to tell you about our walk in Foxy.  It wasn't a long walk, on account of being so hot.  And Tara was all bouncy, and rough, so we got worn out really quickly.  But Mum took some nice pics.  So here goes. This was an epic battle.  I scooted Tara up the bum to start with.  I knew what I was doing.  But she over-reacted a bit, I think. See what I mean? But then she let me up, so I scooted her again!  He he! and then we had a r



WEDNESDAY 23rd November: Soggy lake

Cato:   It was wetwetwet on Monday and Tuesday, so we didn't walk.  And by Wednesday, both Mum and me were really hoping we could get Tara's Bounce out of the house.  And we could!  it was still dark and grey and soggy, but we went to the big lake. This is right at the start.  Can you see the rain-puddle on the path?  Tara wouldn't walk through it!  ha! We only went round the lake once today.  and Mum said we had to stay on the path cos of the mud But it was still fun. A



Holiday: Wednesday (Cragside)

Cato:  Today was full of hills and sniffs and rhodododododendron mazes, and waiting for people, and Mum sleeping a lot. It was another long trip in the car, which I don't really like, but it was worth it!  We got to somewhere called Cragside https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/cragside, and went around the road on the estate.  It is miles and miles and miles long, and has woods and lakes and benches, and stuff.  It was all builded by this important man who liked water and got sunken b*ths and



Holiday: Thursday (Day Off in Alnmouth)

Tara:  Today was a no car day!  Yay!  We stayed in Alnmouth and did beach stuff and cafe stuff, which woz good! This is me on the beach by the river.  It woz fun! This woz further along.  These dogs were very lumbering, but they weren't scary.  And there woz a woman sitting talking on her phone, and she rubbed me under the chin which I liked. Mum says she is very disappointed with this pic.  She says it is flat and boring compared with how it really looked with



SUNDAY 25th September: Sleepy Sunday

Mum: Absolutely nothing happened today (except for me doing holiday laundry! lol) Cato slept the day away, not interested in anything except for a few morsels of cooked chicken, which he ate from my hand.  He slept very well though, and his tummy seemed to have improved a lot. Tara slept the day away, sprawled beside me on the sofa.  Mind you, she WAS interested in food. We didn't go for a walk, and neither of them seemed to miss it.  Apparently we wore them both out with all



TUESDAY 27th September: Foxy boring foxy

Tara: I want to go mountaineering on holiday again!  This is boring.  Holidays are exciting and interesting and I have castles to climb!   We went round Foxy park today, and it was sooooooooo dull.  See: Dull   (Mum: all those elderberries have been eaten!  but who by...? Dull Dull.  Well, OK, maybe a bit interesting. This is Jack. Did I tell you that Jack once cocked his leg on Mum's foot!  hahahaha!  I probably did.  But it is so



WED&THUR 28/29 September: No pics! haha!

Tara: No pics!  Haha!  Cos Mum let the camera battery go flat on hol, and now it needs a new battery.  Wotever that is. So yesterday we went for a walk to PingPongPavillion Park and then today we went back to Foxy, both with Dad cos Mum was doing computer stuff.  It woz fun, but you can't see it cos of the battery thing.   Cato: So Mum says we have to blog something different, cos you can't see us doing stuff in pics.  And she says that me and Tara have to put our thinki



FRIDAY 30th September: Beachy mountains

Tara: Mum says that we can go back on the main beach soon!  On Sunday!!! With Auntie Jane!! But we wanted to go on the beach TODAY, so we had to go to the North Promenady thing.  And Dad came too, cos nobodies working today.  It was ACE.  Look: I beat Cato up really good Don't his foots look silly?  Hahaha! Until he got all cross and difficult.  spoilsport! I like this beach.  There woz nobody else on it. and there woz lots and lots of m



SUNDAY 9th October: beachy pic disaster!

Cato:  Oh aunties, Mum is very down in the dumps.  Her camera is dead.   you know how I don't like all the piccing, cos it is more important to focus on the sniffing.  But Mum LOVES it.  And she loves blogging you with her silly flowers.  And you all seem to like them. anyway, we got our sausage, with AuntieJane, and then we went down on the beach - and the camera died with the first pic! Mum said a bad word! Dad thinks it might be the black string thing that Tara isn't allow



Thur 9th Mar: Big lake with Mum

Cato: This was an ACE sniffy windy walk. There were plastic bag monsters hanging in the hedge.  I saw them.  But Tara didn't.  Mum said they were safe, cos they couldn't get us.  And they didn't.  Silly monsters. There was lots of mud.  Tara liked that.  It has been too wet to walk down the Tunnel, Mum says.  So we had to mud puddle where we could find it. a sky pic.  Mum says they look like a pod of whales.  Wot is a pod? There were some lovely sniffs.  M



MONDAY 31st October: Halloween Pack Walk at Foxy

Cato: Dad and Mum could both come on our walk today, so we had a Pack walk together, at Foxy, cos Mum said we might be able to see some ghosty monster things there, under the leaves, if we sniffed really hard!  But instead we found Georgie. It was very leafy Tara just wanted treats.  So she climbed up on every bench and asked for them.  She looks a bit sulky here, doesn't she?  That is cos Mum said 'not this time, Little Madam!' Haha! This is the Step Mountai



TUESDAY 8th November: very draughty!

Cato: mum had to go out twice today to do work stuff!  Two times!  Both time we thought we were going with her, and we got all excited. But then we had to go in the front room with our chews, and we were left all alone. but we were asleep when she came home, cos we didn't hear the gate.   Tara:  i heard!  I did!  I wozn't asleep!  I just knew it woz Mum so I didn't bark!   Mum:    Cato:  so then we went out after Mum finished work.  Dad put my jumper on, an



TUESDAY 15th November: slippy leaves and sog

Cato: Tara is sulking cos we didn't go back to the muddy bits today.  So I shall blog it all. We went to the field at the end of the road first. LOTS of interesting sniffs.  We walked all the way round.  Down the steps and round.  There was a Shar Pei walking when we arrived, but her Dad kept her away from us, cos she is terrified of 'little dogs'.  Isn't that weird.  Anyway, I'm not little, am I Aunties?  I am the perfeck size. This is why Tara is huffing.  Not enough m



SUNDAY 26th November: Busy Mum

Cato:  no walk!  and it wozn't even raining! But we did do stuff with Mum.  We aren't usually allowed in the understairs cupboard.  It is all sniffy in there.   Really interesting!   There are boxes.  And tools.  And the sniffy floor mop stuff.  And we got behind the bin.  We never get behind the bin! we helped Mum work on our new beds too.  We got sawdust on us when she used the buzzy saw.  We walked through the sawdust and trampled it EVERYWHERE.  We stood next to the crates so she could



MON&TUE 12&13th December: weird goings on

Cato:   So today and yesterday have been WEIRD Aunties, and it has been very strange indeed.  I will tell you about our walks, and then about the weirdnesses.  Cos I don't don't think I like them. We went to Our Field yesterday, and did some running and fighting and bouncing.  See? This is at the top of the steps.  I was trying to decide if they were safe. We looked down the side, incase that was better.  But it wasn't. And then Tara pushed past me, and went do



Fri 13th Jan: Grandma and Grandad's

Cato: I don't really like long car journeys, cos they take foreverandever, and I can't have a proper sleep.  It ends up being a snooze and all weird.  But this one wasn't too bad.  And we had a special chicken dinner which was FAB.  When we arrived, we were very bouncy cos it has been ages since we saw Grandma and Grandad.  It was all hot and sunny when all the roses were big.  And now it is cold and there was even some snow! Grandad said he would show us the dog field near his house, so of




I came tooo telll u that I told Mum she is a bbad Mum xoz shee hazunt bloggified for aggez    so shee saz sheez goin t tryy harder ova wen MrBunni iz visitng.  luv u.  wev got greeen bunni eggz wiv paw chocclat stufff. Cato



Wed 12th Mar: Bye Bye Beach

Cato: We went to the beach again today, on account of it being time to say goodbye.  Cos when the Easter Bunni appears, us paws aren't allowed on the beach any more, until it gets cold and blowy again.   (Mum: dogs banned on the tourist main beach from Good Friday til 30th Sept.  But they are still permitted at the North Beach, and The Centre of the Universe beaches). But it is OK, cos I don't really like the beach that much.  Tara gets bored, and then all she wants to do is Ninja me.



Sun 16th Apr: Bunni Day! Pink stuff! AuntieJane!

Cato:  This is me and AuntieJane and all the pink stuff.  She said Mum could take the pic and show all of you.  I was supposed to be with AuntieJane in the shot, but I forgot and went and sniffed something. Cos it was BunniDay, and cos the sun was out, there were lots and lots and lots of paws around.  Mum made muttery noises about why do we only see people when it is sunny?  Don't they walk their dogs the rest of the year?  But I just liked meeting people and making new friends.    Th



Tue 2nd May: Round our lake

Cato: Phew!  I finally got Mum to sit down and blogg.  It is hard work!  I'm going to sit on her feet so she can't escape. This is from AGES ago when we were at Grandma and Grandad's.  We left Dad behind, which was very worrying.  And we sat in the car for agesandages, and then we arrived!  And it was lovely to see G&G, and have cuddles and tug of war and check the garden and the fields and the lake were OK.  Cos, you know, I hadn't been there for ages to make sure. This is ou



Wed 3rd May: My garden at Grandad's

Cato:   When we go and stay with G&G I get to have a whole new big garden, and to supervise Grandad when he does plant stuff.  Although sometimes he doesn't do stuff like he should. Mum says I shouldn't be so bossy.  But it is hard not to be when I see Grandad doing stuff that is wrong. This is him on the bald bit.  It is good for peeing and pooing, but he is fussing with it, and keeps digging holes and filling them with plants.  I don't mind the holes, but why does he want to



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