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How much trouble can three dogs get into...?

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Bloggifying to catch up

Tara: My turn!  My turn!  Cato did typing stuff all by himself, so now it is my turn to do blog stuff.  Mum says.  So there, Cato! Mum has been too busy to blog for AGES, she says.  Cos of the computer and work stuff.  She has been whinging a lot about it.  And goes and sits in the splashy pool to sleep it off.  All seems a lot of fuss to me.  If she didn't want to computer, then all she has to do is come out for a walk with me.  She does too much computering and not enough walking!



Wed 19th Apr: Centre of Universe

Cato: Hi Aunties.  We have done lots of sniffy walks this week, but mainly with Dad, and he is dodging the camera (so Mum says).  So the only blog pics we have are when Mum took us to the Centre of the Universe today.  It was a bit grey, but it was warm and lovely and sniffy. There is pink stuff EVERYWHERE, isn't there?  Mum doesn't know wot this is, but she says it is pretty.  Yeah, well... This is Tara at the beginning, wanting me and Mum to hurry up.



Sun 10th Jun: Tara's Foxifying

Tara: Hello Aunties.  I'm going to tell you all about my Foxy Walk cos it was exciting, and Cato is asleep, so I get to bloggify!  Haha! So, these first pics are all slobbery.  That's cos I licked the camera while Mum was lifting me out of the car, haha! and she didn't realise until she had taken some pics.  She huffed about it, but AuntieJane thought it woz very funny.  So did I! Cameras don't taste of much. This is AuntieJane and Cookie.  Cookie is very old and has trembly



Holiday 1: getting there

Cato: Hello Aunties.  Where have you been?!?!?  Mum says you all disappeared, and the blogg and all the stuff on the screen, and we had no one to tell all about our fab hol!!! But it is OK now, cos you are back. We had a great hol.  It was in somewhere called Cornwall, which is very green and has lots of mountains for Tara, and stuff like that.  We stayed in a very very very old place.  So old it is older than ANYTHING.  And I didn't like the stairs, but that was OK cos Mum carrie



Holiday 4: Cotehele House

Cato: Hello Aunties! Mum says she wants to do this blog bit.  That is OK, isn't it?  I hope you don't mind.  Only we were asleep under a picnic table with Dad when Mum took all these pics, and they are ever so dull.  And un-sniffy.  But it was OK cos we had some of the eggy bit of his quiche, and Tara was allowed a finger lick of icecream!  I didn't want it. So Mum is going to try and make them interesting for you, and then I will blog the next interesting bit.   Mum:



Mum went away!

Cato: it was terrible!  Mum and Dad went out, and only Dad came back!   Dad came and sat on the sofa and we watched snooker stuff.  And we had treats and more dinner than usual.  But she hadn't come home by the time we went up to the Big Bed.  It was very worrying! We went out for breakfast, and i wanted to get home really fast in case she arrived and didn't know where the pack was!  But she still didn't come home! Then all of a sudden we could hear her!  And smell her!  And



Mum's new camera delight

Yesterday the light was awful, so I just played with the software.  Had to download new Firmware, which was a new experience! Anyway, these were taken in the garden during my lunch break 10 mins ago, and now here they are for your delectation. The sky really is that grey, and the light really is that dull.  But the colours seem very true.  I didn't phaff with zooming in or anything, just bent down close to the flowers and snapped away. These are my pretty little cyclamen, valiantl



November holiday - Whitby part 1

Cato: Hello Aunties!  And especially AuntieCrystal @PipsMom, cos we are blogging so that she has something to read when she feels like it.  And for UncleMartin @megabit so that he can read it too. So we went away on holiday.  It was AGES ago, so I don't know if I can really remember all that much.  But Mum says she will show me the pics and then I can try and tell you all about it. We stayed in this place. https://www.sykescottages.co.uk/cottage/North-York-Moors-Coast-Aislaby



Being out ALONE

Tara: Because Cato is so wimpy now, I have to walk all by myself. I mean, Mum or Dad come too, sometimes, but it isn't the same as walking in a proper pack, with Cato.  He is good at finding sniffy stuff and showing it to me.  And he widdles which is proper Pack stuff.  When I go out with just Dad he wants to walk too fast.  And when I go out with just Mum, she says I have to behave.  And there are lots of big dogs around who wouldn't mess with our proper Pack and Cato, but they might



Stinky fish eggy stuff

Cato: Mum just gave us stinky black fish egg stuff. I didn't like it. Tara didn't like it either. It was sniffy and fishy and bobbley.  And Mum said we could only have teensy little bits, on account of it being very posh and Russian and shiny and stinky.  She said it was something called Lumpfish Caviar wot she found in a corner of the Human Food Shop, and since she had never ever ever ever tasted Caviar Stuff before, she got some. She needn't have bothered. Dad did



Poppies for Marlene (another flower supplemental)

Mum: It was a dull day, but here are a few pics showing how lovely and fat my clematis buds are, and how fab my strawberries are looking! Also, the poppies are still flourishing.  They are a true salmon pink, although they look less salmon here. The iris again



Train back from Chester

Cato: Hello Aunties. Mum says I have to finish our holiday bloggings so that I can tell you the exciting new stuff.  Like the bird feeder and my new bone. So here is more stuff about hot stinky Chester. Mum and Dad did all the boring Cathedral stuff, and then wanted to go off walking round the town.  :(  But it was too hot and tiring for me.  And we had already walked for AGES.  So I sat down.  And Dad said he would carry me.  And Mum said NO.  And I stayed sitting.  And in t



Cato: My spa day

Hello Aunties! Mum waited til last night to tell me about our Spa Day, cos she knew I wouldn't be happy.  She waited til I was all snuggly before my Brush, so It wasn’t too much of a shock. Here I am, all relaxified.   Jasmine was washing my face earlier.  She does a lot of that.  I don’t mind a bit of face washing, but sometimes I have to tell her off, cos she does it too much.  She is very very very licky. and this is another pic from last night when Mum stopped rubbi



Tara: My spa day

Hello Aunties! Here is me in my donut bed. and washing my knickers.  Cato never washes his knickers.  Thats disgusting, isn’t it Aunties?  Boys are disgusting. I HATE Spa Days!  Mum did tell us, but that doesn’t make it any better!  I didn’t want to get out of bed this morning.  Mum had to put my lead on first, and the drag me out! (Mum: actually Tara it was more like a gentle nudge) So Mum abandoned us, like usual.  And I had to have a stinky b**h.  Cato woz all



The bestest stretch EVER

This is me having the wriggliest most elasticcy stretch. it woz LOVELY Mum says my tummy is utterly irresistible.  So I wanted you to be irresisted too. 



Puppy chaos

Mum: we took the whole Pack; Dad, myself, Cato, Tara and Jasmine, off to Costa Coffee yesterday after work. It is approx a 1/4 mile walk each way, with an outside seating area.  That is about as far as I like walking Cato on tarmac, but they all had a lovely park scamper before breakfast, with Dad, so no one was missing out on sniffs or off lead racing today. No pics, sorry.  Juggling excited Jasmine doesn’t leave much time for cameras.  Lol Only one table free, and we had to



SUNDAY 31st Jan: Boring Sunday

SUNDAY   Cato: We were supposed to see Auntie Jane today for breakfast (sausages, yum!) and a walk in the little park.  But she isn’t feeling well, so we didn’t.  And it was raining.  So we had a boring morning sleeping instead.  Then it rained all afternoon.  Then it got dark.  And then it was bedtime.  We didn’t do anything interesting AT ALL, ALL DAY.  I think Mum was bored too.  She decided that my Tinkle needed a trim.  I don’t like that.  But I can wee without spraying my fe



MONDAY 1st Feb: Ping pong!

Tara: We went to the Little Park today, and it was ACE!  We started off in the wilderness bit, where the seeds get into your knickers, if you bounce in the long grass too much. We had a good fight there.   See how I chose the muddiest bit I could find?  This pic is just before Cato jumped on me!  You can see him plotting. Then we went with Dad into the big open bit.  See how I am skipping with excitement, cos I know what is going to happen - PING PONG!  It i



SATURDAY 13th Feb: Street Slog and a bit of beach

Sidney: Window open ALL day, from before breakfast til human bedtime.  My kingdom awaits. Later, humans.   Cato: I think our blog is being ruined by human building stuff.  Apparently we had to walk on the streets so much because of Tara and the forked lead, and for photos of houses on the slippy leaf road.  Not that there are slippy leaves any more.  They have all mushed away all winter.  So, lots of photos. Mum has tried to make up for it with a video of Tara beati



FRIDAY 4th Mar: Snow and snoozing

Tara: No walk!  No pics!  No leaping!  And Mum and Dad shut us in our crates and went out for lunch! Have spent all afternoon on Mum's lap.  She says i am better than a hot water bottle! Gonna bounce all evening, cos i just CAN'T sleep any more!   Cato: Nice and peaceful, but we've just had pork steak for tea, and Tara is ready to pounce!  It will be like this, ALL evening! Hehehe! I've got some new moves planned! Hehe!   Sidney: Pork.  No b



Sun 12th Feb: It stopped raining. For an hour.

Cato: Aunties, it was wonderful.  Mum and Dad had been watching the rain in the garden.  And when it stopped, we all got our leads and stuff and went out the front.  And guess what!  It had stopped there too. So we went down the street.  We didn't go in the car, cos nasty MrWeather tricked us with that one yesterday.  So we stayed out on the street where it was dry.  I bet if we had gone in the car, it would have been raining when we got out!  There were lotsandlotsandlots of sniffs.  



MONDAY 18th Apr: Soggy Foxy, William and Alfie

Tara: Foxy park!  Yay!   This is Alfie sniffing my knickers.  He was very old and very blind, but he was quite nice.  I have a very clean tummy, don't I? We went along in a line.  Cato first, then Alfie sniffing Cato's bum, then me sniffing Alfie's bum... then Alfie's Dad had to come over and tap Alfie on the shoulder cos his cataracts mean he can't seen his Dad much any more.  But they still have great walks.   This is me and Dad playing King of the Castle (or is t



THURSDAY 5th Apr: Very sleepy

Tara: AuntieKim.   https://www.facebook.com/Kims-Canines-1626201260985937/?fref=nf Big walk.  Tired.  Cato even more tired than me.  Sleep now.   Mum: 10 mins after getting home   An hour after getting home: (he hasn't moved a muscle, and is doing his TIRED snore) And just now.  2+ hours later  



SUNDAY 15th May: Auntie Jane and Foxy

Cato:  Another non-beach walk today.   Mum promises that we will get there one day, but Auntie Jane didn't know about the beach plans, and it would have taken longer... So we had a sausage cafe breakfast, with Tara whining.  Mum was NOT impressed.  It is all cos last time we were there there was a woman with a Jack Russell under the table, and the Jack got treats all the time.  And whined whenever they stopped coming!  We woz amazed!  we would NEVER have got away with that!  So this ti



Mon 20th Mar: Hebden Bridge and pupcakes

Cato: It was a fun holiday, but it was a weird holiday too! It kept raining.  Mum says she has never had such a wet holiday, and a sleety one too.  although she has had more snow.  We only had a bit of snow.  We travelled all the way there, in the rain.  I don't mind long journeys, cos I sleep a lot.  We always know it is going to be a long one cos Mum sets up a second crate and we have one each.  That way Tara can't trample on me and sit on me all the way there. Mum says it was t



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