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How much trouble can three dogs get into...?

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WEDNESDAY 24th August: Work with Mum!!!

Cato: No pics today, cos Mum woz being prof- froff- proffessal.  She had to do a meet thing with her bosslady, but becos Mum works from home, Bosslady said 'let's go to the stinky coffeeplace.'  and Mum said 'Can Cato and Tara come and be veryveryvery good sitting under the table no-bother-at-all becos then we can walk there and back.' So we did. It was very, very boring.  They just jabbered and jabbered and jabbered about numbers.  And Tara was only a bit of a pest for attention.



MONDAY 26th September: Still donkeyless

Cato: See - they still aren't here.  the grass has grown.  the fence is down.  it is very worrying This is Bella.  She is very pretty.  And very young.  And I liked her, but she wouldn't stay still long enough for a proper sniff. And the water is back!  It went away and got very low when it was hothothot, but now it is back again.  Tara trampled about on the edge.  Of course.  And tried to push me in.  Of course. Dad said it might be muddy!  So we look



SATURDAY 1st October: Bear Woods Attack!!!

Tara: I really don't know wot all the fuss was about.  He wozn't hurt, woz he?  And he is fine.  So it wozn't even a proper attack.  My prickle seeds were much more serious, weren't they Mum? So we went to Bear Woods, and I beat Cato up.  I think I had eaten his breakfast too (Mum had to go and answer the phone, so she didn't stop me, like she usually does.  So I MAY have eaten his breakfast.  I can't remember.  But my tummy is lovely and full).  So he was all floppy and not much fun t



SUNDAY 2nd October: Back on the beach!!!

Cato: We found the donkeys! Yay! and the Pier! and we got down onto the beach and had a lovely sniff and explore under the pier again.  And checked on all the stuff that needed checking, and widdled on all the stuff that needed widdling on.   Someone has stolen all the old fishing nets   And someone else has moved in lotsandlotsandlots of sand!  It is higher under the pier and comes higher up the ramps.  Halfway up Mum's waist higher.  That's a LOT! Mum



THURSDAY 6th October: 2 walks with AuntiKim!

Tara: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Cato:  Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Mum:   As you can see, they are a bit tired after 2 days with lovely Auntie Kim.   More pics if you want to see https://www.facebook.com/Kims-Canines-1626201260985937/?hc_ref=NEWSFEED and (best of all) Tara was playing with Scruff The Puppy.  Probably because she met him yesterday too.  Result!



WEDNESDAY 19th October: Dad walk

Cato:  Hi Aunties.  Mum has been very busy  too busy to blog for us.   And there was bad rain too. We actually started having a beach walk on Monday, but it started to rainrainrain and we all came home, without pics. Then Tuesday it was HorbbibleWet.  All day.  So we snuggled with Mum at lunchtime on the sofa.  But then Dad took us for a walk on Wednesday when Mum was out.  We missed her lots, but she came back, so that was OK. This is our walk with Dad.  Lots of space to run and



SATURDAY 5th November: Brunch

Cato: Mum and Dad and us went to the nice Sausage Place for something called Brunch.  This is when Mums and Dads don't get up in time for breakfast, and then they can't be bothered to cook. This is inside the nice warm place, waiting for our sausages.  Mum had a very small bit of my Special GF sausage in her pocket, and we had that when we got outside. That is Dad behind the pillar.  He woz bringing Mum her tea.  It smelled of lemon and ginger.  Very stinky. We were the



THURSDAY 10th November: Two Wet!!!

Tara: Two days all wet so no walks!  Two!   I woz OK yesterday, but today I have been a Fidget Bottom and a Brat and a Pestiferous Little Monster!  Haha!  And I just had a Mad Half Hour!  It has been fun!!! The eye came off Yelllow Python, and Mum says I can't eat it.  And Dad says snooker is snuggle time, not World War Three time, and can I pipe it DOWN! Mum says that come Hell of High Water we will be walking tomorrow, cos she can't stand another day like today! isn't that



FRIDAY 18th November: Python Wars!!!

Tara:  Haha!  My turn today! We didn't walk today, cos of the cold slushy stuff, but that meant we got to kill the Pythons over and over again.  And play Tug o' Sausages!  And Fetch SuperMario, and Hunt the Lobster.  And I splatted Cato LOTS.  And I let him almost splat me a bit.  And I lay on my back waggling my legs while he pretended to rip my throat out.  And I Ninja'd everyone, including Mum.  She woz sitting on the floor with us, and waggling the Sausages for Tugging, and helping the



SATURDAY 19th November: bounce Bounce BOUNCE!!!

Cato: Ooooh Aunties, it was soooo nice to be able to go out and RUN and BOUNCE!  And the sun was out!  And we didn't need coats!  And it wasn't RAINING! That was first sniff.  Always VERY important, first sniffing, isn't it?  Sets you up for the rest of the walk. Mum was going doolally about 'the sun!' and 'the light!' and stuff, but we said she would have to save that for her own bloggy thing, cos there wasn't room in OUR blog today for all her boring plant stuff.  So she is



MONDAY 5th December: Foxy walk with Dad

Cato:  we were so excited about our new beds, that we forgot to tell you about our walk!  So Mum said we should do an extra blog specially.  I think it is a good idea cos, you know.  Leaf on face!!!!  hahahaha! So, this is before the leaf.  When we had just arrived.  And Tara woz doing her scouting thing (showing off for Dad, really)   And it was fun.  And sniffy.  And all the leafy stuff is on the ground now.  But I'm not sneezing and dripping and snuffling.  Have you n



TUESDAY 7th December: Walking in the dark

Cato:  Everything sniffs different in the dark, doesn't it? Mum and Dad couldn't walk us in daylight yesterday  and then Dad had to go to do his shifty thing, and Mum finished her computer stuff, and she took us for a street walk in the dark!  Tara doesn't really like it.  I think it is because she pulled most of her topknot out 5 mins before we left, so she couldn't see properly.  Wot with it being all dark.  She was spooking a lot, and once she spooked and jumped away from something right



SATURDAY 10th December: Big lake, grey tunnel

Tara: We went to the big lake!  It was damp and sniffy and grey, but it was also FUN!!! Haha!  Cato thought we were off down the path, like last time!  Haha!  but Me and Mum wanted to go down the tunnel instead.  Mum said we could try it, and if she sank up to her neck in the mud, we could stand on her head to stay safe till rescuers arrived.  Only there wouldn't be room, would there.  I would have to stand on her head, and Cato would just have to sink.   Anyway, all the mud



Wed 15th Mar: Street and flowers

Cato: Aunties, Tara and me need your help.  Please.  The flower stuff is starting again.  If it is anything like last time, this is just the beginning... anything you can do to get Mum to do proper blog stuff, not flower stuff?  You know, interesting sniffy stuff.  Mud and poos and walking and so on.  Not this endless stinky flower stuff? Yesterday we had to wait AGESANDAGES for our walk.  Mum snuggled with us on the sofa at lunchtime.  I do like snuggling.  I do.  But I prefer walking



Tue 3rd Jan: Busy with Stuff

Cato: Mr Amazon sent Dad the wrong parcel today, so we didn't get to fight with the box   AND we had to go out and send the parcel back to Mr Amazon. This is us waiting when Dad went into the Post Office. This is the Post Office.  We went in there once with Mum.  We weren't supposed to go in, but she needed something, and she told us to be very very very good and hope that no one noticed us.  And one lady did, cos we saw her looking at us, but no one said anything, and Mum sa




Tara: Oh Aunties it woz soooooo BBBOOORRRIIINNNGGG today.  I don't know how I standed it. It was all lovely and sunny in the morning, but then it started to rain when Mum stops her computering at lunchtime.   so we didn't take her for a walk, cos she is all wimpy about getting wet.  I wouldn't have minded.  I would even have worn my BRIGHT RED coat, if she had wanted.  but she didn't. So she did BORING cooking stuff instead, and then we went and snuggled on the sofa until she got



Thur 16th Mar: Holiday beachification

Tara: Oooooh Mum has been so sneaky!  She has been having a Special Secret and she didn't tell us!  We are having another mountaineering holiday!  And it starts today!!!! It is SO EXCITING!!!! It started with a new sausage place.  Not our usual sausage place.  Dad said he felt disloyal, and he prefers the old place.  Mum didn't mind.  Cato liked it cos he could Starling Hunt.  And I didn't like it cos a big black Lab came and looked at me. This is me waiting to see if my



Tue 24th Jan: A walk on the beach...

Tara: So we did boring after dark walks most of this week.  They are OK.  And very sniffy.  But some nights there woz something called Freezing Fog.  I don't like Freezing Fog.  It is weird.  The sound goes all strange and hollow, and the sniffs are clammy.  And you can't see much.  But at least we get a walk.  Even if it is only a short one cos of Wimpy Cato. Anyway, today we did Beach Stuff.  This is my First Sniff and Cato's First Widdle. and this is my Second Sniff and Ca



Sat 25th Mar: since we got home

Tara: Cato wanted to patrol our beach and everything, to make sure it was OK after we had been away.  We all told him it was fine, but he still needed to see and sniff it all anyway.  Funny how the sun comes out when we leave the mountains! Mum says the sky pics are for you AuntiePipsMom   this was REALLY sniffy This was YumYum.  At least, I think that was her name.  She is a Peke.  I decided she wozn't scary.  And then I decided I quite like her.  She sni



Sun 26th Mar to Sun 2nd Apr: Foxy

Cato: We went to Foxy Park lots and lots this week.  It was on account of meeting AuntieJane, and traffic stuff stopping us from going to the Big Lake, and that kind of thing.  I didn't mind, but Tara whinged about not enough mountains.   Or something. So Mum has asked me to do something special and new and REALLY DIFFICULT and tell you about all our walks alltogether.  She says she will help, if I get stuck. This is the daffydillys # I love the sniff of daffydillys.  It



Tricksy Mum

Cato:  So Mum hasn't been blogging like she said she would, has she?  So I told her off.  She still needs to catch up lots and lots of adventures.  Including my terrible tum!!! But she says 'I can't blog every day, Cato.  No time.  But I am going to try and blog when I can.  And sometimes that means we may be able to do more than one blog in a day.  So that means we will catch up.' Humph. That just sounds like Mum is being tricksy, doesn't it?  I think she should bloggify every da



Sun 30th April: Foxy in the sun

Hello Auntiees! This is Foxy park in the sun.  The daffydillies are all over though. Tara saw William again.  We have seen William a lot lately, haven't we?  She is shaking her head here.  I spect she thinks he like it, or something.  She is very silly. this is a Rowan tree with a Rowan flower thing. and this is Jack.  He is much nicer now.  Although his Dad can't get him to chase balls any more.  He used to.  We used to watch.  But now he doesn't.  Mum thinks



Sat 20th May: Big Lake in the rain

Cato: Hi Aunties! We went to the Big Lake today, and went Tunneling.  We haven't Tunnelled for AGES on account of the mud. But today Mum followed us down there This is us showing her the way and this is the entrance this is just inside.  Mum says the white flowers by the path are called cow parsley. This is the open bit half way down the tunnel and the light in the distance is the way out. Mum always falls behind when she star



Sun 4th Jun: Foxy florals

Tara: Hi Aunties.  This is me standing on Cato, showing him who is boss.  (that's me.  being boss.  cos I'm on top) Aren't I awesomely Ninja? and this is after.  See how I am in front?  and all Bossy? but then he wants to have another go.  Like he actually thinks he stands a chance! Mum says you have to have a look at all these weeds.  Cos she says it just goes to show (something or other really dull MumInGardeningMode. Yawn). Cato used to do all



Flowers for AuntieCrystal's Birthday

Cato: We have been walking, and Mum has been piccing a bit, but we thought you would like these flowers, AuntieCrystal.  cos you are having a sad time. We did lots of sniffy interesting stuff at the park that day as well, of course. Oh, and I have to tell you that Tara is silly. She was all fussy and fidgety on the sofa with Mum this evening, and now she has got two legs that haven't been brushed.  So she is walking all lopsided



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