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How much trouble can three dogs get into...?

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Holiday: Thursday (Day Off in Alnmouth)

Tara:  Today was a no car day!  Yay!  We stayed in Alnmouth and did beach stuff and cafe stuff, which woz good! This is me on the beach by the river.  It woz fun! This woz further along.  These dogs were very lumbering, but they weren't scary.  And there woz a woman sitting talking on her phone, and she rubbed me under the chin which I liked. Mum says she is very disappointed with this pic.  She says it is flat and boring compared with how it really looked with



THURSDAY 10th November: Two Wet!!!

Tara: Two days all wet so no walks!  Two!   I woz OK yesterday, but today I have been a Fidget Bottom and a Brat and a Pestiferous Little Monster!  Haha!  And I just had a Mad Half Hour!  It has been fun!!! The eye came off Yelllow Python, and Mum says I can't eat it.  And Dad says snooker is snuggle time, not World War Three time, and can I pipe it DOWN! Mum says that come Hell of High Water we will be walking tomorrow, cos she can't stand another day like today! isn't that



SUNDAY 5th June: 2 walk Sunday!

Tara: We had 2 walks today!  2!  it was ACE.  And we had BURGER!  although only a tiny bit.  And the woman in the shop said we were like living teddy bears.  And I sat on AuntieJane in the park and was taller than a Viszla!  it was FANTASTIC!!! Mum said it was one of the best weekends she had ever had, and she has had lots of weekends, cos she is OLD!!! Cato can tell you all the boring stuff.  The detail.  But LOOK at MY MUD!!!  we haven't seen any forEVER, and then we found all t



SUNDAY 2nd October: Back on the beach!!!

Cato: We found the donkeys! Yay! and the Pier! and we got down onto the beach and had a lovely sniff and explore under the pier again.  And checked on all the stuff that needed checking, and widdled on all the stuff that needed widdling on.   Someone has stolen all the old fishing nets   And someone else has moved in lotsandlotsandlots of sand!  It is higher under the pier and comes higher up the ramps.  Halfway up Mum's waist higher.  That's a LOT! Mum



SATURDAY 10th December: Big lake, grey tunnel

Tara: We went to the big lake!  It was damp and sniffy and grey, but it was also FUN!!! Haha!  Cato thought we were off down the path, like last time!  Haha!  but Me and Mum wanted to go down the tunnel instead.  Mum said we could try it, and if she sank up to her neck in the mud, we could stand on her head to stay safe till rescuers arrived.  Only there wouldn't be room, would there.  I would have to stand on her head, and Cato would just have to sink.   Anyway, all the mud



TUESDAY 12th Apr: Rain, no walk and NO MUM!

Tara:  So, we knew something woz up when Mum got up early and did the bathroom face clothes fuss.  And then both Mum and Dad left us alone!  Dad came back, but didn't walk us AT ALL.  Cos it rained and rained and rained and rained. And we missed Mum, cos she usually reminds Dad it is breakfast time!  So it has been really boring. Then after AGES Dad left us too, and Mum came back. Not a fun day.  Cato just snored it all away, even when i killed toys on his bed.   Cato:  Knew



MONDAY 3rd October: Foxy in the SUN

Cato: Pack walk!  Dad is going to walk with us all week, cos of his shift patterns, which is ACE!  So we took him to Foxy for a proper Pack Walk. It is really starting to sniff of Autumn now.  Lots of leaves are frisping and going brown and stuff, and there are NO FLOWERS, so Mum is hardly piccing anything now.  Which is great. This whole walk was at lunchtime, but BEFORE OUR BREAKFAST!!! so we was really hungry.  We kept trying to remind Mum and Dad that benches mean treats, but



Sun 26th Mar to Sun 2nd Apr: Foxy

Cato: We went to Foxy Park lots and lots this week.  It was on account of meeting AuntieJane, and traffic stuff stopping us from going to the Big Lake, and that kind of thing.  I didn't mind, but Tara whinged about not enough mountains.   Or something. So Mum has asked me to do something special and new and REALLY DIFFICULT and tell you about all our walks alltogether.  She says she will help, if I get stuck. This is the daffydillys # I love the sniff of daffydillys.  It



TUESDAY 8th November: very draughty!

Cato: mum had to go out twice today to do work stuff!  Two times!  Both time we thought we were going with her, and we got all excited. But then we had to go in the front room with our chews, and we were left all alone. but we were asleep when she came home, cos we didn't hear the gate.   Tara:  i heard!  I did!  I wozn't asleep!  I just knew it woz Mum so I didn't bark!   Mum:    Cato:  so then we went out after Mum finished work.  Dad put my jumper on, an



Sat 25th Mar: since we got home

Tara: Cato wanted to patrol our beach and everything, to make sure it was OK after we had been away.  We all told him it was fine, but he still needed to see and sniff it all anyway.  Funny how the sun comes out when we leave the mountains! Mum says the sky pics are for you AuntiePipsMom   this was REALLY sniffy This was YumYum.  At least, I think that was her name.  She is a Peke.  I decided she wozn't scary.  And then I decided I quite like her.  She sni



Sat 15th Apr: Big Lake Pack Walk

Tara: Today we had sausages AND bacon bits!  They were delicious!  I had bigger bits than Cato! This is me waiting for my sausage and bacon.   Mum had just realised that we had left home in such a hurry that she hadn't done my hair!  I didn't mind though.  I wanted sausages more than I wanted my hair done.  We went to a sausage place with outside tables, and we were allowed to sit on the bench while Mum and Dad ate.  Mum said that we would have had to sit on the ground if any



Wed 15th Mar: Street and flowers

Cato: Aunties, Tara and me need your help.  Please.  The flower stuff is starting again.  If it is anything like last time, this is just the beginning... anything you can do to get Mum to do proper blog stuff, not flower stuff?  You know, interesting sniffy stuff.  Mud and poos and walking and so on.  Not this endless stinky flower stuff? Yesterday we had to wait AGESANDAGES for our walk.  Mum snuggled with us on the sofa at lunchtime.  I do like snuggling.  I do.  But I prefer walking



WEDNESDAY 19th October: Dad walk

Cato:  Hi Aunties.  Mum has been very busy  too busy to blog for us.   And there was bad rain too. We actually started having a beach walk on Monday, but it started to rainrainrain and we all came home, without pics. Then Tuesday it was HorbbibleWet.  All day.  So we snuggled with Mum at lunchtime on the sofa.  But then Dad took us for a walk on Wednesday when Mum was out.  We missed her lots, but she came back, so that was OK. This is our walk with Dad.  Lots of space to run and



WEDNESDAY 15th June: Soggy Foxy

Tara: Look!  This was an ACE fight.  I let Cato think he might win it, for a bit, but of course he didn't really.  I just got bored and went off to do something else. And this is my bench.  And Dad.  with treats! It had been raining a lot, so there was some nice mud.  And Cato drank it, despite being told not too! Ha! Come on!  This way Hurry up Mum! I've left all the boring bits for Cato to tell you about.  Hahahaha!  



MONDAY 4th July: Foxy sniffs and secret doors

Cato: Hello Aunties!  We had to wait for EVER today for our walk.  Mum said it woz too hot for me to walk at lunchtime, so we had to wait til she finished work.  But it was a mistake, cos there were children all over the park, and Mum said Never Again!!! Anyway, good sniffies, eh? And Mum keeps trying to distract us from going across this bit.  Too many grass seeds, she says.  Hahaha! Foxy never came back, you know.  It doesn't even smell of him any more.



Tue 3rd Jan: Busy with Stuff

Cato: Mr Amazon sent Dad the wrong parcel today, so we didn't get to fight with the box   AND we had to go out and send the parcel back to Mr Amazon. This is us waiting when Dad went into the Post Office. This is the Post Office.  We went in there once with Mum.  We weren't supposed to go in, but she needed something, and she told us to be very very very good and hope that no one noticed us.  And one lady did, cos we saw her looking at us, but no one said anything, and Mum sa



THURSDAY 6th October: 2 walks with AuntiKim!

Tara: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Cato:  Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Mum:   As you can see, they are a bit tired after 2 days with lovely Auntie Kim.   More pics if you want to see https://www.facebook.com/Kims-Canines-1626201260985937/?hc_ref=NEWSFEED and (best of all) Tara was playing with Scruff The Puppy.  Probably because she met him yesterday too.  Result!



FRIDAY 2nd September: Stir crazy

Tara: I've been chained to the desk for centuries!!!  I can't help it if I am bored, can I?  And going outside is a good Thing To Do When You Are Bored isn't it?  And when you go out, you just HAVE to bark, don't you? Anyway, Mum chained me ALL the TIME for DAYS (Mum: a couple of hours each day, Wed, Thur and Fri) cos it has been too hot to walk. Not Fair!!! Then when Dad came home, I was sooooo excited I had to be all barky again, cos I can't help myself, and then he c



SATURDAY 5th November: Brunch

Cato: Mum and Dad and us went to the nice Sausage Place for something called Brunch.  This is when Mums and Dads don't get up in time for breakfast, and then they can't be bothered to cook. This is inside the nice warm place, waiting for our sausages.  Mum had a very small bit of my Special GF sausage in her pocket, and we had that when we got outside. That is Dad behind the pillar.  He woz bringing Mum her tea.  It smelled of lemon and ginger.  Very stinky. We were the



MONDAY 27th June: Pack walk in centre of universe

Tara: No boring work for Mum today, so we had a SausageCafe breakfast then a walk on the beach to the funny black ball thing. This is Cato being taller than me!  Not fair!!!  Can you see me?  I am trying to climb the wall, cos he cheated by going up the steps!  PAh! Mum says she was trying to pic into the sun, so it looks weird. and this is piccing with the sun behind her.  I was trying to see if there were any crumbs. Mum says this is the little railway's



SUNDAY 21st August: Daisy

Tara: Hot hot hot!  Mum says it was nearly to hot to walk.  First we went for breakfast with Auntie Jane, and sausage, of course.  And then we went to Foxy Park, like usual. But Mum said this time we were only going to go round once!  So I had to do extra special bouncing to make sure I got enough! We saw Daisy again! And some dachshunds.   They were very steady and polite and boring.  But I liked Daisy.  She was more interested in Cato to start with, but I b



FRIDAY 28th October: AuntieKimDogsitter

Tara: We went to see AuntieKim!  We went on a loooooong walk!  We woz tired!  Cato snores louder when he is tired! We love AuntieKim and Mr Kim.  Mr Kim sits on the sofa and we both fit on his lap.   Cato: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz




Tara: Oh Aunties it woz soooooo BBBOOORRRIIINNNGGG today.  I don't know how I standed it. It was all lovely and sunny in the morning, but then it started to rain when Mum stops her computering at lunchtime.   so we didn't take her for a walk, cos she is all wimpy about getting wet.  I wouldn't have minded.  I would even have worn my BRIGHT RED coat, if she had wanted.  but she didn't. So she did BORING cooking stuff instead, and then we went and snuggled on the sofa until she got



Wed 26th Apr: Stinky flowers on promenade

Cato: Me again.  This is a boring one.  We went for a street walk, which is sniffy but a bit... um... well, we can't bounce, can we?  And then we can't go on the beach any more, cos of tourists.  Mum says.  Cos tourists don't like paws having fun on the beach.  So we did Promendadoing on the the Promendado.  And there were stinky flowers. and Mum says that she has lived here for ever and ever and ever (Mum: 8 years) and never knew that they put the tide times on this red



MONDAY 26th September: Still donkeyless

Cato: See - they still aren't here.  the grass has grown.  the fence is down.  it is very worrying This is Bella.  She is very pretty.  And very young.  And I liked her, but she wouldn't stay still long enough for a proper sniff. And the water is back!  It went away and got very low when it was hothothot, but now it is back again.  Tara trampled about on the edge.  Of course.  And tried to push me in.  Of course. Dad said it might be muddy!  So we look



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