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How much trouble can three dogs get into...?

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SATURDAY 23rd October: Town walk with Auntie :)

Tara: We had a lovely walk today.  With AuntieSue.  And I got to sit on her lap!  And I love her.   Cato was all pushy and wanting attention, see? But look how much I love her!  I love her more than he does! And isn't my bow pretty? Mum was doing lots of yellow tree stuff as we walked round.  Not interesting. This is me asking for AuntieSue and Mum to sit down.  They didn't.  I really like this bench.  I jump up on it every time we go past.  Doing



FRIDAY 21st October: Tunnel and skies

Cato: Oh Aunties, I nearly lost Mum!  It was terrible!  But she found me.  So it was OK.   I was off snuffling and exploring, and I know the way, so I might have gone a bit ahead. But she and Tara went down the tunnel, and I didn't see, cos I was sniffing amazing sniffs.   And I know that Mum called me, cos she always does.  But I kind of didn't hear.   So when I looked up and didn't see them, I ran on, cos I thought I had got left behind.  Only when I got ro



WEDNESDAY 19th October: Dad walk

Cato:  Hi Aunties.  Mum has been very busy  too busy to blog for us.   And there was bad rain too. We actually started having a beach walk on Monday, but it started to rainrainrain and we all came home, without pics. Then Tuesday it was HorbbibleWet.  All day.  So we snuggled with Mum at lunchtime on the sofa.  But then Dad took us for a walk on Wednesday when Mum was out.  We missed her lots, but she came back, so that was OK. This is our walk with Dad.  Lots of space to run and



MONDAY 10th October: Autumn is here

Cato: Mum has been watching me for my Autumn Snuffles.  And she thought this morning that they might have arrived.  So today I had my special Snuffle Tablet (in cheese!!!) before our walk, and I haven't been snuffling at all.  Not sure why Tara had cheese too though.  She doesn't get snuffles, so why does she get cheese? Anyway it was a great walk.  See: This is my favourite poo spot.  I didn't need to today.  But I always think about it. Tara wanted us to stop at this



SATURDAY 15th October: Birdwalk.

Cato:   Dad had to go to work, so Mum and us went for a walk.  We all wanted to try somewhere new and exciting, so Mum did GoogleFu and found us an interesting BirdReserve thing, which we all thought looked really interesting.  Only it wasn't.  Don't tell Mum, but me and Tara were a bit bored.  Hopefully Mum won't take us there again. IT was supposed to be all sniffy and full of interesting birds and paths and sucky sand, and stuff.  But when we got there all the interesting bits had 'Keep



Friday 14th October: Treasure!!!

Cato:    Aunties!!! Look wot I found!  Isn't it BEAUTIFUL!!! I found it here.  It is sniffy and soggy and utterly perfect.  I took one look at it, and KNEW it was meant to be... I just gave it a gentle sniff to start with.  And rolled it around a bit.  Just to get to know it, you know. But then I rolled it about, and between Dads legs... it was MARVELLOUS. And I found some sticky out bits, and I can pick it up!  Look! Dad offered to carry it



Wednesday 12th October: WetWetWet

Tara: Gosh it was wet today.  Dad says he thinks I am going to stop widdling outside when I am old and cranky like Cato.  But I won't.  It woz just that it was a bit of a shock to be carried downstairs all warm and snuggly and lovely, and then be dumped on the doorstep with Dad's toe scooting me up the tail!  Pushing me out into the cold wetness for my morning widdle!  A girl should be given time to think about these things, before being shoved out in the wet! I may have got a bit boun



TUESDAY 11th October: Sleepy and walkless

Cato: Yesterday we went for lunch with Mum and Dad to the sausage place.  It was a working day for Mum so we had to rush.  Mum had boring fish, and Dad had boring eggs, so Dad asked the nice lady for a sausage for us!  We like the nice sausage lady.  She brought us our sausage all chopped up on a little plate specially for us! We like the sausage cafe and the sausage lady!!! Mum would have taken a pic of our sausage, only she had been so busy with work, and we were in such a rush



SUNDAY 9th October: beachy pic disaster!

Cato:  Oh aunties, Mum is very down in the dumps.  Her camera is dead.   you know how I don't like all the piccing, cos it is more important to focus on the sniffing.  But Mum LOVES it.  And she loves blogging you with her silly flowers.  And you all seem to like them. anyway, we got our sausage, with AuntieJane, and then we went down on the beach - and the camera died with the first pic! Mum said a bad word! Dad thinks it might be the black string thing that Tara isn't allow



SATURDAY 8th October: Town roses. Again.

Cato: Mum says some of you have horrible stormy weather at the moment, and we are veryveryvery lucky to have sun and a park to walk in.  So we are sending you all these boring flower pics to cheer you up, if you have storms.  Mum says she can't send you actual sniffy roses, so this is the next best thing. We went to Town Park, and obviously, this is the first and deepest and bestest sniff!  You can have all the sun and flowers.  We will keep the sniffs. This one was as we wa



FRIDAY 7th October: back from AuntieLesleyGroomer

Cato:  Dad took us to AuntieGroomer this morning.  We now stink of babypowder stinky stink stuff.  But we are lovely and soft. Mum says no walk today, cos b*thing is very stressful and cos we walkedandwalkedandwalked with AuntiDogsitter. So today we snooze. its LOVELY.   Tara:  Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz



THURSDAY 6th October: 2 walks with AuntiKim!

Tara: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Cato:  Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Mum:   As you can see, they are a bit tired after 2 days with lovely Auntie Kim.   More pics if you want to see https://www.facebook.com/Kims-Canines-1626201260985937/?hc_ref=NEWSFEED and (best of all) Tara was playing with Scruff The Puppy.  Probably because she met him yesterday too.  Result!



WEDNESDAY 5th October: AuntieKim Dogsitter

Cato: Hello Aunties!  Today Mum and Dad had visitors.  Smelly stinky visitors to do mysterious things to the central heating.  And the gas.  And Mum says they are fitting a new boiler wotever that is. So we decided to go and visit with AuntieKimDogwalker for the day, because you know how sill Tara gets with visitors.  especially bangy visitors making their bangs upstairs where she can't fuss them and get their attention all the time. So here we are, on AuntieKim's facebook site wi



TUESDAY 4th October: Cato doesn't like the beach

Tara: Cato is a BAD BOY! Cato is in the Dog House! Cato was naughty naughty naughty! (and no pics to show it) Mum had computer stuff, so Dad took us out for a fun sausage and beach walk.  It was ACE.  We watched him have his breakfast.  Then we went outside and had our sausage, and then we went down on the beach.  It was lovely and sunny and sandy and bouncy, and I was having a great time.  I was bouncing A LOT cos it was such fun, but I wozn't actually bouncing on Cato



MONDAY 3rd October: Foxy in the SUN

Cato: Pack walk!  Dad is going to walk with us all week, cos of his shift patterns, which is ACE!  So we took him to Foxy for a proper Pack Walk. It is really starting to sniff of Autumn now.  Lots of leaves are frisping and going brown and stuff, and there are NO FLOWERS, so Mum is hardly piccing anything now.  Which is great. This whole walk was at lunchtime, but BEFORE OUR BREAKFAST!!! so we was really hungry.  We kept trying to remind Mum and Dad that benches mean treats, but



SUNDAY 2nd October: Back on the beach!!!

Cato: We found the donkeys! Yay! and the Pier! and we got down onto the beach and had a lovely sniff and explore under the pier again.  And checked on all the stuff that needed checking, and widdled on all the stuff that needed widdling on.   Someone has stolen all the old fishing nets   And someone else has moved in lotsandlotsandlots of sand!  It is higher under the pier and comes higher up the ramps.  Halfway up Mum's waist higher.  That's a LOT! Mum



SATURDAY 1st October: Bear Woods Attack!!!

Tara: I really don't know wot all the fuss was about.  He wozn't hurt, woz he?  And he is fine.  So it wozn't even a proper attack.  My prickle seeds were much more serious, weren't they Mum? So we went to Bear Woods, and I beat Cato up.  I think I had eaten his breakfast too (Mum had to go and answer the phone, so she didn't stop me, like she usually does.  So I MAY have eaten his breakfast.  I can't remember.  But my tummy is lovely and full).  So he was all floppy and not much fun t



FRIDAY 30th September: Beachy mountains

Tara: Mum says that we can go back on the main beach soon!  On Sunday!!! With Auntie Jane!! But we wanted to go on the beach TODAY, so we had to go to the North Promenady thing.  And Dad came too, cos nobodies working today.  It was ACE.  Look: I beat Cato up really good Don't his foots look silly?  Hahaha! Until he got all cross and difficult.  spoilsport! I like this beach.  There woz nobody else on it. and there woz lots and lots of m



WED&THUR 28/29 September: No pics! haha!

Tara: No pics!  Haha!  Cos Mum let the camera battery go flat on hol, and now it needs a new battery.  Wotever that is. So yesterday we went for a walk to PingPongPavillion Park and then today we went back to Foxy, both with Dad cos Mum was doing computer stuff.  It woz fun, but you can't see it cos of the battery thing.   Cato: So Mum says we have to blog something different, cos you can't see us doing stuff in pics.  And she says that me and Tara have to put our thinki



TUESDAY 27th September: Foxy boring foxy

Tara: I want to go mountaineering on holiday again!  This is boring.  Holidays are exciting and interesting and I have castles to climb!   We went round Foxy park today, and it was sooooooooo dull.  See: Dull   (Mum: all those elderberries have been eaten!  but who by...? Dull Dull.  Well, OK, maybe a bit interesting. This is Jack. Did I tell you that Jack once cocked his leg on Mum's foot!  hahahaha!  I probably did.  But it is so



MONDAY 26th September: Still donkeyless

Cato: See - they still aren't here.  the grass has grown.  the fence is down.  it is very worrying This is Bella.  She is very pretty.  And very young.  And I liked her, but she wouldn't stay still long enough for a proper sniff. And the water is back!  It went away and got very low when it was hothothot, but now it is back again.  Tara trampled about on the edge.  Of course.  And tried to push me in.  Of course. Dad said it might be muddy!  So we look



SUNDAY 25th September: Sleepy Sunday

Mum: Absolutely nothing happened today (except for me doing holiday laundry! lol) Cato slept the day away, not interested in anything except for a few morsels of cooked chicken, which he ate from my hand.  He slept very well though, and his tummy seemed to have improved a lot. Tara slept the day away, sprawled beside me on the sofa.  Mind you, she WAS interested in food. We didn't go for a walk, and neither of them seemed to miss it.  Apparently we wore them both out with all



Holiday: Saturday (coming home)

Tara:  This woz our last morning.  At dawn.  Mum got up specially early and saw the sky and had to take a pic.  I stayed on the bed and didn't see it, cos I woz on my back sleeping. And Mum says you want to see this.  These are ferns growing out of the wall in our back yard widdle area.  She sas you can see how old the wall is and how clever the ferns are.  Like ferns could ever be clever! ha! And then Mum and Dad did all the boring packing, and I checked that D



Holiday: Friday (Warkworth Castle)

Tara:   Another of my Mountain Castles today.  It was FAB!!! (Mum actually it was within a mile of the sea, but it was on a bit of a hill) I climbed ALL over it, and Cato didn't.  Haha!  This is how humungous it was - and builded all for me, like you said, Aunties. There woz even a moat! This is wot it looked like inside the gate bit.  There were school kids running about being very noisy and clumpy.  But we had to keep Mum and Dad on the lead, as usual, for safety, yo



Holiday: Thursday (Day Off in Alnmouth)

Tara:  Today was a no car day!  Yay!  We stayed in Alnmouth and did beach stuff and cafe stuff, which woz good! This is me on the beach by the river.  It woz fun! This woz further along.  These dogs were very lumbering, but they weren't scary.  And there woz a woman sitting talking on her phone, and she rubbed me under the chin which I liked. Mum says she is very disappointed with this pic.  She says it is flat and boring compared with how it really looked with



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