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How much trouble can three dogs get into...?

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SATURDAY 15th October: Birdwalk.

Cato:   Dad had to go to work, so Mum and us went for a walk.  We all wanted to try somewhere new and exciting, so Mum did GoogleFu and found us an interesting BirdReserve thing, which we all thought looked really interesting.  Only it wasn't.  Don't tell Mum, but me and Tara were a bit bored.  Hopefully Mum won't take us there again. IT was supposed to be all sniffy and full of interesting birds and paths and sucky sand, and stuff.  But when we got there all the interesting bits had 'Keep



SATURDAY 14th May: Birthday walk no2

Cato: Cos it is still so cold and windy, Mum and Dad decided to save the salt marshes for another day.   But we went to the Town Park instead! Lots of pics today.  A duck hunt.  We met Daisy.  And saw rabbits.  So it was a GOOD walk!!!  Mum took lots and lots of photos, and then got rid of most of them.  These are best special ones, but there aren't many distance views.  I like distance views, but Mum says we will have to do them another day. Mum says that the same man who pl



Saturday 14th Jan: New Lake

Tara: Wheeee!  We are at Grandma and Grandad's!!!  And we slept in a new big bed, only it was lower on the floor and Cato got off the bed and did a big sloppy poo on the carpet in the middle of the night!  And Mum and Dad leaped about and turned on the light and fussed and wiped and cleaned and talked.  Only I couldn't help cos they made me stay on the bed.  And Dad took Cato outside twice before morning!  And he used bad language.  And he was tired in the morning.  It woz very exciting.



SATURDAY 13th Feb: Street Slog and a bit of beach

Sidney: Window open ALL day, from before breakfast til human bedtime.  My kingdom awaits. Later, humans.   Cato: I think our blog is being ruined by human building stuff.  Apparently we had to walk on the streets so much because of Tara and the forked lead, and for photos of houses on the slippy leaf road.  Not that there are slippy leaves any more.  They have all mushed away all winter.  So, lots of photos. Mum has tried to make up for it with a video of Tara beati



SATURDAY 13th August: Beachy explorations

Cato:   Mum didn't have to do her work thing today, so we had a bit of a lie in, then we got ready (Tara's hair takes AGGGEEEESSSSSS) and went out before breakfast!  Dad was out, so we could go to the big beach.  Last time we went there he fell over in the slippy sand, and he says he doesn't like it any more.  I don't understand, cos his wrist has stopped hurting now. Anyway, it was fun.  Really early, and sunny.  The bit I didn't like was going down that ramp slope thing to the beach.  Mum



SATURDAY 12th November: Daisy and William

Tara: Here I am in my RED jumper.  I look good, don't I?  With my RED bow and all.  I look good enough to, I dunno, meet the paw of my dreamz, if he happened along... Although it woz a bit chilly and damp and muddy, and I did bounce on Cato a bit.  Which woz great fun, but may have made my knickers a bit wet. But then, HE won't mind soggy knickers... And then... Look! Across the romantic forest floor... the paw of my dreamz!!!! William!!!!!! (and I kn



SATURDAY 12Th Mar: Biscuitless cafe and beach

Sidney:  I stayed home today.  I think my paw is getting worse.    Mum says it is my fault, and I am not to go out so much.  But that makes no sense.  It can't be MY fault.  That is an absurd idea.  I used my tray this morning, cos I didn't want to go all the way out over the roof and the wall for a widdle.   Cato:  Mum didn't have to work today!  So we got a lie in, and even better, I had a totally peaceful lie in cos they got Tara up and let her bounce on the bed, leaving me to snooz



SATURDAY 10th September: WetWetWet

Tara:  Mum said we would have a big walk today.  I wanted to do Holiday Mountaineering Training.  But it is all wet and soggy and horrible.  Dad tried to make me go out to the bin with him, but I wouldn't.  I stood in the door and watched him get wet!  Hahaha! Cato:  No walk today.  We were going to have an extra long sniffy walk with Mum.  She said so.  But now I am snoozing all day instead.   Maybe tomorrow, with AuntieJane?   Mum:  no walk



SATURDAY 10th December: Big lake, grey tunnel

Tara: We went to the big lake!  It was damp and sniffy and grey, but it was also FUN!!! Haha!  Cato thought we were off down the path, like last time!  Haha!  but Me and Mum wanted to go down the tunnel instead.  Mum said we could try it, and if she sank up to her neck in the mud, we could stand on her head to stay safe till rescuers arrived.  Only there wouldn't be room, would there.  I would have to stand on her head, and Cato would just have to sink.   Anyway, all the mud



Sat 7th Jan: Muddiest Mud EVER!!!

Tara: Yay!  My turn today.  And I get the MUD!!! First we had to go to the dump and get rid of lots of cardboard and stuff.  We were stuck in our horrible crate in the backseat, but it woz OK cos Dad sat in the back with us, cos the front seat had all cardboard in it.  That was fun.  I tried to lick him through the crate.  hahaha!  The dump sniffs are AWESOME.  But we weren't let out to sniff them properly.  Spoilsports. This is our first proper sniff when we got out of the car at



Sat 4th Feb: AuntieSue and Hellebore Day

Tara:  Hello Aunties.  We went to meet AutnieSue at Town Park today and there where these Hellebooring things all over the place.  You will see just how boring they were when you get to the pics.  Yawn.  But I don't mind, cos I can tell you about meeting AuntieSue who gives us treats.  And stuff like that. This is First Sniff before we met Auntie. And this is some big old boring tree wot Mum remembers from last summer when they cut all its arms off, but now it is growing its hair



Sat 28th Jan: Hot choc and cider

Tara:  Mum says that all these on-lead road walks we are having is doing wonders for our manners.  And she says that we obviously need more regular road walks instead of hooliganning in the park.  Not fair!!! So today we were dragged to the boring hot choc place, and the boring cider place, and then we came home!  No grass.  No bouncing.  No fun! This is the French Hot Choc place.  It woz too full inside, so we sat outside again.  There is more to sniff outside. See?  I



Sat 25th Mar: since we got home

Tara: Cato wanted to patrol our beach and everything, to make sure it was OK after we had been away.  We all told him it was fine, but he still needed to see and sniff it all anyway.  Funny how the sun comes out when we leave the mountains! Mum says the sky pics are for you AuntiePipsMom   this was REALLY sniffy This was YumYum.  At least, I think that was her name.  She is a Peke.  I decided she wozn't scary.  And then I decided I quite like her.  She sni



Sat 24th Mar: Where we stayed

Cato: These are lllllamas.  They were living over the wall from Mum's splashy pool. and this was the view from our window.  The big window that we could see out of cos it goes down to the floor. and this was Tara's bench.  And my widdle tree. This was when it had just started snowing on the Snow Day.  Looking out through our window. and this is looking out through the door. this is when I needed a wee, and Dad pushed the snowdrift away so I



Sat 20th May: Big Lake in the rain

Cato: Hi Aunties! We went to the Big Lake today, and went Tunneling.  We haven't Tunnelled for AGES on account of the mud. But today Mum followed us down there This is us showing her the way and this is the entrance this is just inside.  Mum says the white flowers by the path are called cow parsley. This is the open bit half way down the tunnel and the light in the distance is the way out. Mum always falls behind when she star



Sat 18th Nov 17: Our FAB stormy walk

Tara: So, this walk happened AGES AGO, but I was too busy being me and sleeping and stuff to blog it before now.  I mean, we have been on holiday and stuff, and I want to tell you all about that, but Mum says I have to tell you about our stormy walk first.  Booorrrriiiingggg!  But I am going to, cos I am a good girl. Mum says she put the stormy skypics up already, so I just need to tell you about my benches and my mud and my mountains. This is the firstest mountain of the day.  Ca



Sat 15th Apr: Big Lake Pack Walk

Tara: Today we had sausages AND bacon bits!  They were delicious!  I had bigger bits than Cato! This is me waiting for my sausage and bacon.   Mum had just realised that we had left home in such a hurry that she hadn't done my hair!  I didn't mind though.  I wanted sausages more than I wanted my hair done.  We went to a sausage place with outside tables, and we were allowed to sit on the bench while Mum and Dad ate.  Mum said that we would have had to sit on the ground if any



Sat 11th Nov 17: Sniffy alley

Tara: My turn!  Dad has to go and do his shifty work today really early - like just after lunch.  So we had to take him and Mum out for our walk this morning.  It was sniffy road walking too, not running-about-on-grass, cos Dad needed to get some bread stuff for his tea at work.  But I love my Dad and I didn't mind.  Besides.  There were CATS!!! This is cat 1. we couldn't see it, but we could sniff it!  Cato did his Hunting Thing.  All quivery and pulling at the leash.  And



Sat 11th Feb: Please make the rain stop!

Tara: Its AWFULL!  It never stops raining!  We haven't had a walk in agesandagesandages!  Every time I go out for a wee I get all wet and soggy.  My foots AND my back, and sometimes my knickers.  And all Cato does is sleep and snuggle with Mum.  I am soooooo booooooorrrrrrreeeeeddddd!  I am not allowed to bite Cato's tail and pull him off the sofa.  I am not allowed to have BOTH chicken foots.  Or go outside and bark.  Or stay inside and bark.  Or eat Cato's dinner.  Or bite Cato's ears.



Sat 11th & Sun 12th Mar: Sleep and Rain

Cato: Hi Aunties. On Saturday we slept.  Cos we were tired after our two looooooonnnnnnnnggggg treks with AuntieKimDogsitter. And on Sunday it rainedandrainedandrained.   So I did more sleeping.  And Tara did a lot of sleeping and then just burst with BOUNCE.  But Mum protected me from the worst of it, cos I was on her lap.



Sailing Lake and Woody Walk

Cato: Mum says she is sorry, but she is now more than a week behind with bloggs.  She is trying to catch up, but it means I have to do the blogging, cos Tara can't remember the interesting stuff. Also sorry if there are some repeat photos.  Mum is getting muddlified about which ones she has used already.  I told her that she should just catch up, and then she wouldn't forget. So we went for a walk round the sailing lake with Grandad on two different days.  There was sun for some o



Rude Word

Tara: you know how clever I am?  I mean I am clever all the time.  But i am extra specially clever climbing stairs.  And this morning Mum helped me down off the Big Bed and we went downstairs for out widdles.  Of course Cato has to be carried down cos he isn't stair-clever. so then we came in again and boring Cato just got into his crate bed to sleep.  He sleeps all morning if you let him.  And Mum did her boring drink making and computer sitting.  Yawn! but - remember i am so cle



Puppy chaos

Mum: we took the whole Pack; Dad, myself, Cato, Tara and Jasmine, off to Costa Coffee yesterday after work. It is approx a 1/4 mile walk each way, with an outside seating area.  That is about as far as I like walking Cato on tarmac, but they all had a lovely park scamper before breakfast, with Dad, so no one was missing out on sniffs or off lead racing today. No pics, sorry.  Juggling excited Jasmine doesn’t leave much time for cameras.  Lol Only one table free, and we had to



Puggy Toy and back scratching

Tara: My Dad loves me, and I love my Dad. When we were on holiday, he understood that I needed someone to Bounce on, and that Jasmine wasn't around to be Bounced on.  So he got me a pretend Jasmine I could use instead.  We named her Puggy.  She is the wrong colour, and she is wearing a red jumper, which Jasmine doesn't do.  But she was easy to kill, and didn't run off like Jasmine does. I wanted to Bounce on Cato.  He liked scritching and scratching his back on the carp



Poppies for Marlene (another flower supplemental)

Mum: It was a dull day, but here are a few pics showing how lovely and fat my clematis buds are, and how fab my strawberries are looking! Also, the poppies are still flourishing.  They are a true salmon pink, although they look less salmon here. The iris again



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