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How much trouble can three dogs get into...?

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WEDNESDAY 24th Feb: Holidays are exhausting!

Mum:    Lots of photos today.  Skip 'em if they bore you!    Cato:     Soooooo tired!  We had 3 long walks today.  Three! first one was in Hebden Bridge.  Mum said we was gonna have lovely doggy cakes and beer in a lovely cafe.  But there was flooding a few weeks ago, and our cafe was closed while being un-flooded. so we had a breakfast sausage sitting in the freezing cold (ice on puddles!) outside a not-doggy cafe.  Not very nice.  But then we had a walk along the canal,



Back from holiday

Tara: Aunties, we are back!  It woz the Bestest Holiday EVER!!! The mountains were HUGE and climby, and muddy and stuff.  And there were llama things and peacocks and snow and hail and stormy lightning and burger-for-lunch and castles and pubs and ducks and turkeys and cats and geese.  We went to a doggy cafe too!  And had Dog Beer and Pupcakes and sat on a Dog Bed and the Sausage Lady brought our food on a special plate and served us!  I want a doggy cafe at home, too.  And me and Cat



MONDAY 7th Mar: Not a fun walk. AGAIN

Mum: Not happy.  Quite cross, in fact. Yesterday we had Blunderer Max, and poor Tara had a hard time.  She may be 110% bounce, but is rather intimidated by anything her size or bigger, and does a submissive roll to nearly every dog she meets.  Tara kept me between her and him for the entire walk, and was particularly nervy.  I really don't ever want to have a social walk with MAx or his owner ever again. Anyway, today we went to the Squirrel Park in my lunchbreak.  Nice and peacef



Since we got home from G&G's

Cato: First we had to go and check out the beach and the promenade.  Cos you never know what might have happened when we weren't there to make it all be OK. Everything was still where it should be.  Including our Sausage Place  and everything sniffed OK   Tara: So then we went to Foxy Park to see if it was still OK there too... (after we had a spa day, and got bald.  except for my topknot, which I kept.  But Mum says it doesn't look like a to



SUNDAY 27th Mar: Easter Bunny hops

Tara: Aunty Jane and Mum were telling us about The Easter Bunny.  So we looked and looked and looked on our walk in Foxy Park today.  But we didn't find him.  And we didn't find his eggs, either.  So I practiced my Bunny Hops and Bench Hops and Spring Bulb Trampling as much as I could, just in case we see him later and he wants to play.  Practice makes perfect, Mum says. Oh, and I LIKE the new bed!  I get a bedroom all to myself, and there were toys and chews and everything all r



Sat 11th Feb: Please make the rain stop!

Tara: Its AWFULL!  It never stops raining!  We haven't had a walk in agesandagesandages!  Every time I go out for a wee I get all wet and soggy.  My foots AND my back, and sometimes my knickers.  And all Cato does is sleep and snuggle with Mum.  I am soooooo booooooorrrrrrreeeeeddddd!  I am not allowed to bite Cato's tail and pull him off the sofa.  I am not allowed to have BOTH chicken foots.  Or go outside and bark.  Or stay inside and bark.  Or eat Cato's dinner.  Or bite Cato's ears.



THURSDAY 31st Mar: 2 hour pack walk

Bit fraught this morning!  turned the alarm off in my sleep, overslept and had to be up, washed, dressed, prepped and out of the house in 20 mins to get the dogs to Aunty Kim Dogsitter in time... but it looks like they had an interesting pack walk! https://www.facebook.com/Kims-Canines-1626201260985937/?fref=photo Taras tail is down in all the pics, while Cato's is up and plume like.  But Tara doesn't look stressed, and is obviously not skirting the pack hiding behind humans, so she is



WEDNESDAY 6th Apr: Sun and a Dad walk!

Tara:   WE got out of the house!!! it was great.  We walked all the way to the end of the road, and then twice round the dogfield.  It was sooo nice.  Dad doesn't mind me pulling a bit, and there are lots of gates and front gardens and posts to sniff, and then we can bounce in the field.  This is the first big sniff: and this is the second which Cato missed!  Haha! this is when we woz bouncing and Dad was doing the slow-coach thing.   Cato: You wanted to s



Friday 3rd February: Mum's Birthday

Cato: Cos it was Mum's birthday, she and Dad didn't do boring work stuff!  Yay!  So we went round to Mam and Pop's and got stick treats and snuggles with Pop on the sofa.  And then we went for a long walk at the Centre of the Universe.  It was all sunny and blue. This is Tara finding another wall to climb on.  But then a huge German Shepherd walked past, and she got into a tizz cos the Shepherd walked between her and Mum.  She stayed a bit closer for a bit.  And then she forgot al



MONDAY 9th May: Sunlight

Mum:  Today was mainly about sunlight, not sniffs.  You will see what I mean when we get to the pictures.  It was just the most beautiful day, from the early morning sun in the garden, to the after-work walk in the Dog Field.  Just such a pity I was stuck inside the whole of the rest of the time, staring at computer screens.  lol.   Cato:  So we took Mum on a guided tour of the garden this morning while the kettle was boiling.  Don't you think it odd that she made such a fuss not to ge



SATURDAY 14th May: Birthday walk no2

Cato: Cos it is still so cold and windy, Mum and Dad decided to save the salt marshes for another day.   But we went to the Town Park instead! Lots of pics today.  A duck hunt.  We met Daisy.  And saw rabbits.  So it was a GOOD walk!!!  Mum took lots and lots of photos, and then got rid of most of them.  These are best special ones, but there aren't many distance views.  I like distance views, but Mum says we will have to do them another day. Mum says that the same man who pl



MONDAY 16th May: Lake walk with Dad

Cato: First I have to tell you about my exciting Garden Defence this morning.  It was brill!   There was a strange monster at the end by the gate.  Grey and dangerous looking! It had obviously just come in, and was planning its attack!  So I rushed over to stop it, and cornered it where it couldn't circle round me!  And I barked and barked and barked until Mum and Tara came to back me up, then I held my ground while Mum faced the monster down.  Once she had it under control, I che



THURSDAY 19th May: Petals and pinecones

Cato:   No Big Bed last night.   We did ask.  I asked a LOT.  But we had to go in our Dens.  Dad put us down there.  And then he put Tara back down there 3 times when she jumped back up.  I just sat and Meercatted, cos I am more polite than Tara, but Dad even resisted my Meercat requests. And then I had to have a poo event in the middle of the night.  Mum thinks it was the salmon.  I LOVE salmon.  But I don't like poo events when I have to ask Dad to carry me downstairs. But then



TUESDAY 24th May: Pack walk round cemetery

Tara:  Had to sleep all day cos Mum was working.  Dad went out too, but not to work.  He went to see Pops and Mam, but didn't take us!  So we slept instead.   Today was windy so all the sniffs blew past really quick.  And there were seeds and cut grass.  Mum says she needs to check my knickers for tangles and stuff.  We did Our Field and the Cemetery, and down the Slippy Road, and saw a CAT!!!  It was tortoiseshell, so it wasn't like Sidney, so we tried to chase it, and had to look in



FRIDAY 3rd May: Snoozing ready for our visitor

Cato: Mum said you woz worried about us, when we went quiet.  That is very, very nice of you.  So I asked Mum to write this so you didn't worry.   We are still sleepy after yesterday's trek with AuntieKim, so we are sleeping all this morning, and not walking at lunchtime.  But this evening will be very exciting, cos AuntieJane is coming over to see the splashy pool, and we LOVE AuntieJane, so there will be lotsandlotsandlots of bouncing.  I am going to show her every toy, especially th



SATURDAY 4th June: Hot sun, green shade

Cato: Hello Aunties.  We had a lovely special sunny hot green walk today.  We are feeling All Better after AuntieKim's Trek, and Tara was bouncing well, but I found it a bit hot.  Mum thought I was panting A LOT, so we stopped to drink three times, and Mum Calming Signaled Tara so she didn't bounce on me too much.  Dad is home a lot for a bit (annual leave, says Mum) so we have him in the pack walks too, which we like.   Sorry to warn you, but there is flower stuff at the end.  Mum ins



TUESDAY 7th June: Donkeys and buttercups

Tara: So we had to wait for ages and ages cos it was hot again.  Mum wouldn't take us out all day, until it was cooler.  But that woz OK cos it meant I could bounce on Cato more! And he was quite bouncy too.  I think he got bored with sleeping all day as well. This is me after bouncing.  Mum says I look like a Hooligan.   But it was FUN.  Even more fun than helping Dad with the shed, and helping with the grocery delivery.  And it was MUCH more fun that sleeping all



WEDNESDAY 22nd June: We got our walk!

Tara: Sniffs and romps and big dogs and Mum photographed my tummy, and EVERYTHING!!! Soooooo much better than being trapped in the house.  They won't even let me go outside and bark!  Spoilsports!  Mum gets in the splashy ppol and before she does she puts my lead on and ties me to the table leg!!!! Its cruel!  It is Tara Abuse!!!  IT is TERRIBLE!!!  All I wanted to do was go outside and bark at the monsters in the alley.  And the birds.  And Mrs Nextdoor with her washing.  And the Cycl



SUNDAY 3rd June: How things change

Mum: No walk today.  Out with Auntie Jane for breakfast, as usual, but when we returned to the car, we had a flat tyre. I pumped it up, dropped her home and then came home myself.  If we are going to fight with the spare and organise a puncture repair, I would much rather be doing it from home than stuck in some park car park!   Anyway, the Hounds are sleeping off their sausage, and harumphing cos they were deprived a walk - can't do it now.  Too hot on the pavements and then



THURSDAY 7th July: Warm windy Foxy

Tara: Yesterday it was nice and cool and windy, so wimpy Cato didn't stop us from walking.  Yay! This is me and Dad under the big trees.  Where the daffys used to be.  Lots of sniff! Me and nettles.  Mum said not to sniff them.  so I did.  But then she said they were too young to stingify.  so now I need to sniff them again, when they are bigger. Me, Dad and Cato.  Cato lagging behind.  Of course. He is so slllllloooooooooowwwwwwww! This is Cato being



FRIDAY 8th July: AuntieLesleyGroomer and lab results

Cato: We went to see AuntieLesley and she bathed us  and gave us liver treats  and said how silly Tara is     We do look nice.  Mum says she may get some pics later, only we are very sleepy now.  Tara is snoring, so she may not bloggify today.  Her sprout is getting sproutier.  And we are nice and cool again now. We also went to Mrs Vets house and Mum paid for my blood stuff, and got a printout.  Wotever that is. My blood was all OK, said Mrs Vet, and Mum has looked it up on



THUR&FRI 14-15th July: Dad walks

Cato: Dad took us out really early cos it was going to be hot, and we just went round the PingPongPavillion park.  It was very, very sunny.  And hot. And sniffy. I went on strike, cos I knew we had to go up the hill on the way home, but Dad didn't fall for it, and I had to run to catch up.   Then the next day we went to The Big Lake again, with Dad instead of Mum. And we walked the same route we did with Mum day befo



SUNDAY 17th July 2016: Sausage Sunday

Tara: Sausages 2 days in a row, for Breakfast!  Mum says it isn't to be encouraged, and now we have to go a whole week without sausages.  Not fair! But we did see Auntie Jane, and go for a Foxy walk.  We always do Foxy on Sundays, cos of Aunty Jane.  It was fun.  Hot but fun.  Of course, Cato wimped out, as usual.  I will show you the good bits, then Cato can do the boring bits.  Sounds fair, doesn't it? Here I am, near the end.  3 sprouts today, but a bug got in them, and I had t



SUNDAY 24th July: Walkies - at last

Cato: Auntie Jane couldn't come.  Something about cricket and the weather, and stuff.  Weird.  But it meant that we could take Dad and show him Town Park.  Tara really just wanted to show him where she fell in, and maybe fall in again... Anyway, here are some interesting sniffy holes.  I widdled on the tree.  Well, you have to, don't you? It was LOVELY to be able to run and sniff again, even if Tara came too!  We got there really early, and left before 8.30am.  Best Sunday EV



WEDNESDAY 27th July: AuntieKimDogsitter

Cato: Mum left us with AuntieKim today.  It was a GREAT walk, but I wish Mum could have come too. These are the pics from AuntieKim's Facebook thing.  We got all wet and muddy cos it was raining.  It was lovely and cool. This is us waiting for Mum     Then we had a bath  and our breakfast, and then we snuggled with AuntieKim, and then we came home with Mum and SLEPT. We slept all night and slept lots of today too. AnuntieKims walks



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