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How much trouble can three dogs get into...?

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Mon 2nd Jan: Gull hunt!!!

Tara: We went to the rocky beach today! It was ACE!  We went in the car, and got all wet and salty, and chased birds and met Bess.  It was fantabulous. Look.  Mum said the green stuff was really slippery.  But that is just humans and their silly two foots.  Me and Cato didn't notice any slippiness. This is when I saw the beach, and was showing Mum.  It was very exciting! and this is the first big sticky out wooden thing.  We don't go out there, cos the sand is all s



Friday 5th May: Windy at the lake (and tummy troubles)

Cato: So I will tell you all about our second lake walk, in the sun and wind and the woods, and then I will tell you about my tummy.  Cos that is far more important.  And it is more important that Tara's silly running off and nearly getting lost and worrying G&G! This is my Molehill Hunting Field. This is me keeping an eye out for moles! Can you see how my tummy is a bit, um, bloaty? Then we did the Bluebell Wood walk, which was all sniffy and nice.



Sat 20th May: Big Lake in the rain

Cato: Hi Aunties! We went to the Big Lake today, and went Tunneling.  We haven't Tunnelled for AGES on account of the mud. But today Mum followed us down there This is us showing her the way and this is the entrance this is just inside.  Mum says the white flowers by the path are called cow parsley. This is the open bit half way down the tunnel and the light in the distance is the way out. Mum always falls behind when she star



SATURDAY 14th May: Birthday walk no2

Cato: Cos it is still so cold and windy, Mum and Dad decided to save the salt marshes for another day.   But we went to the Town Park instead! Lots of pics today.  A duck hunt.  We met Daisy.  And saw rabbits.  So it was a GOOD walk!!!  Mum took lots and lots of photos, and then got rid of most of them.  These are best special ones, but there aren't many distance views.  I like distance views, but Mum says we will have to do them another day. Mum says that the same man who pl



Mum went away!

Cato: it was terrible!  Mum and Dad went out, and only Dad came back!   Dad came and sat on the sofa and we watched snooker stuff.  And we had treats and more dinner than usual.  But she hadn't come home by the time we went up to the Big Bed.  It was very worrying! We went out for breakfast, and i wanted to get home really fast in case she arrived and didn't know where the pack was!  But she still didn't come home! Then all of a sudden we could hear her!  And smell her!  And



Tail Trouble

Mum: I know that lots of your do a proper groom.  Table, set positions, lying on the side, different combs and brushes and stuff. But that isn't how we roll. We have a grooming table, which I love, but I only use it to do Tara's hair, and for face, foot, knicker and tail trims.  The rest of the time grooming is a comfortable snugglefest on the sofa in the front room, while watching tv.  One brush (pinbrush) and Wen revitalising leave in hair conditioner. This is usually fanta



THURSDAY 15th December: Car hunting is BORING

Cato: Oh Aunties.  It was such a boring day!  We got left alone TWICE!!! Once in the morning before breakfast, and then once in the afternoon, after breakfast.  It was very worrying.  But then Mum came and said she was sorry and walked with us to the Hot Choc place.  And we saw a CAT. But that was it.  The whole of the rest of the day was really nothing exciting. Tara says she doesn't like the new car, and she hasn't even met it yet.  She says that it doesn't have nice seats,



Sat 28th Jan: Hot choc and cider

Tara:  Mum says that all these on-lead road walks we are having is doing wonders for our manners.  And she says that we obviously need more regular road walks instead of hooliganning in the park.  Not fair!!! So today we were dragged to the boring hot choc place, and the boring cider place, and then we came home!  No grass.  No bouncing.  No fun! This is the French Hot Choc place.  It woz too full inside, so we sat outside again.  There is more to sniff outside. See?  I



WEDNESDAY 2nd November: Bouncy Beach

Tara: Hahaha!  We had a GREAT walk today.  Look.  This is my Beach Face: I am wearing my blue bow, and have sand in my eyebrows.  It was ACE!!! First of all we went to have lunch with Dad in the sausage place beside where Dad works.  And then he left to start being shifty.  Or doing his shifty thing.  Wotever. So we went down ontot he beach, and Mum gave us sausage.  But it woz weird.  They weren't the usual sausages.  They came out of a plastic bag!  Mum says that now



TUESDAY 17th May: Late walk, good sniffs

Cato:   Dad was off out for AGES today, and got really hot.  So when he came back he said that we would have to walk after the hot bit went.  But then he went off to work, and left us, so we had to walk with Mum.  And since he had taken the car, we couldn't go anywhere interesting So this is our walk: See how tangled Tara has made the leads already?  We have barely started!  And already she has pulled me off my legs when widdling, and gone round and round me.  Sigh. but



THURSDAY 31st Mar: 2 hour pack walk

Bit fraught this morning!  turned the alarm off in my sleep, overslept and had to be up, washed, dressed, prepped and out of the house in 20 mins to get the dogs to Aunty Kim Dogsitter in time... but it looks like they had an interesting pack walk! https://www.facebook.com/Kims-Canines-1626201260985937/?fref=photo Taras tail is down in all the pics, while Cato's is up and plume like.  But Tara doesn't look stressed, and is obviously not skirting the pack hiding behind humans, so she is



Tue 9th Jan: Twice around!

Cato: What a weird walk!  I mean, it was fun.  But Dad took us round twice!  On the path!  instead of once off the path.  Very weird.  This is first sniff: We took Dad, cos MrWeatherman said it would rain at lunchtime, when Mum could come with us.  So she and Dad had a thunk and decided that an early morning walk, with just Dad would be better.   So it was a Dad Walk, which is fun, but it wasn't a Pack Walk, which is funner.  And we always have to worry about Dad getting lost, don



Jasmine videos

Why won't anyone play with me? https://youtu.be/8ApPqbWW6ls The Paper Bag Killing Game https://youtu.be/mZQKaPyxcJo Sausage Tug'o'War https://youtu.be/HR5j-kYNEtQ And the man himself, demonstrating the importance of having lots of corners on cushions https://youtu.be/LTrSdfEvIIE



SATURDAY 27th August: Flowerfest IV

Mum: Town Park today.  Haven't been there in ages, so it was lovely to see the flowers still in bloom.  There was even a buddleia still going strong - but it was quite close to the lake, so I think it must get a lot more water than the plants in Foxy Park. Aren't these lovely?  So bright. White hydrangea Sorry about the focus on a couple of these.  I was using the iphone again, and don't have a zoom or focus thingy.  



THURSDAY 14th Apr: Fights benches and sniffs

Cato: LOOK!  Isn't this THE BEST EVER??? Someone dug this for us, and there is a worm in the bottom.  It was a slow deep sniff.  I had to get right in there.  And stay there.  Mum and Dad walked off cos they are disabled in the nose department.  And Tara walked off because she isn't capable of appreciating.  But I would have stayed there FOR EVER if Mum hadn't kept calling me We got some other sniffs on the way round the lake though.  But none of them were as... as... importa



SUNDAY 11th September: Big meetup

Cato: Oooh Aunties, today we met lots and lots of friends and new friends.  The sun was out, the grass was wet, and we had a great walk.  Of course, Mum was doing her pic stuff, but we were so busy meeting and sniffing and socialising with Auntie Jane that we didn't mind the piccing at all.  It was a FabFabFab day! Most important of all, Look!  Foxy is BACK, and has been Autumn cleaning his den!  It is all sniffy again, and neat and tidy.   We didn't meet Daisy this week   b



SATURDAY 6th Feb: 1st Great Return Journey

Tara: We got up really early, and I was sleepy, but Mum and Dad carried us outside, cos they thought we might wee on one of the corners in the hotel, if we walked.  But there was a nice patch of grass outside.  Then we went back to bed for a bit while they did bathroom stuff.  When they went to breakfast, I whined.  I was still whining when they got back.  But I might have stopped in the middle.  We had raw beef mince for breakfast, and they didn't save us any sausages. This is Scarbor



Saturday 14th Jan: New Lake

Tara: Wheeee!  We are at Grandma and Grandad's!!!  And we slept in a new big bed, only it was lower on the floor and Cato got off the bed and did a big sloppy poo on the carpet in the middle of the night!  And Mum and Dad leaped about and turned on the light and fussed and wiped and cleaned and talked.  Only I couldn't help cos they made me stay on the bed.  And Dad took Cato outside twice before morning!  And he used bad language.  And he was tired in the morning.  It woz very exciting.



SATURDAY 27th August: Town Park pack walk

Tara: All of us together.  They are the bestest walks, aren't they?  Even when Cato slows us down.  I am doing my athleticals whenever I can, you know.  Cos our holiday is only a few sleeps away, and I need to get ready to climb mountains and stuff (Mum: 3 weeks to holiday.  can't wait!). So this is me on one of my benches. And this is me hunting in a flowerbed.  Dad told me off.  But it was VERY sniffy. This is after my hunt.  Doesn't my bow look good?



FRIDAY 2nd December: posh French sausages

Cato: Mum and Dad took us out this evening, after they did their work stuff.  It was dark!  We don't usually go out when it is dark.  This is where we went: Did you see the sign saying 'No Dogs On The Furniture'?  haha!  Tara wanted to climb up.  haha! It was nice and warm.  And the nice lady tried to give us biscuits!  We would have liked them, but Mum said 'No Gluten!!!' But it woz OK, cos Dad had some GFSausage in his pocket, and we got some.  It is GREAT, cos now Mum says



SATURDAY 16th Apr: AuntieKim and another B***!!!!

Cato:  we woz looking forwardto a lie in this morning.  At least I woz.  But Mum and Dad leapt out of bed when the alarm went off. Tara always climbs straight up on the bed as soon as Mum goes into the bathroom, but today when she got up Dad had already gone, and she had no one to lick! Hahaha! anyway, once we had widdled and pood, Mum started flapping with out leads and put our breakfasts in the clippy pots.  She also got our winter coats out! Of course, I knew wot was up (waggy



Our Harnesses

Tara: Hi Aunties We had to go and get me a harness.  It is red and special, and the nice Harness Lady spent ages getting it to fit me so I look extra special and lovely.  I chose RED.  Cato wanted boring brown.  But the Harness Lady didn't have any brown.  Haha!  So he has PURPLE instead.  I like the PURPLE too.  I could wear red one day and purple the next, couldn't I?  Cos the Purple would look much better on me than it does on Cato. We have to have harnesses now on account of C



SUNDAY 24th July: Walkies - at last

Cato: Auntie Jane couldn't come.  Something about cricket and the weather, and stuff.  Weird.  But it meant that we could take Dad and show him Town Park.  Tara really just wanted to show him where she fell in, and maybe fall in again... Anyway, here are some interesting sniffy holes.  I widdled on the tree.  Well, you have to, don't you? It was LOVELY to be able to run and sniff again, even if Tara came too!  We got there really early, and left before 8.30am.  Best Sunday EV



WEDNESDAY 10th August: Huntin' Bear!!!

Tara: Hahaha!  Mum's been a lazy slug for DAYS and hasn't been taking dictation.  So we have lots and lots of catching up to do.  I'm first.  Then Cato can do the next one, while I have a snooze. So, we went back to the Wild Woods hunting that bear statue.  Well, I woz hunting.  Mum woz piccing.  Dad was striding.  And Cato woz wimping. Look wot I found!!! lots of balancing ballet tutu beams! See how graceful and athletical I am?  Hope our holiday comes soon, cos I



Sat 11th Feb: Please make the rain stop!

Tara: Its AWFULL!  It never stops raining!  We haven't had a walk in agesandagesandages!  Every time I go out for a wee I get all wet and soggy.  My foots AND my back, and sometimes my knickers.  And all Cato does is sleep and snuggle with Mum.  I am soooooo booooooorrrrrrreeeeeddddd!  I am not allowed to bite Cato's tail and pull him off the sofa.  I am not allowed to have BOTH chicken foots.  Or go outside and bark.  Or stay inside and bark.  Or eat Cato's dinner.  Or bite Cato's ears.



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