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How much trouble can three dogs get into...?

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Friday 5th May: Windy at the lake (and tummy troubles)

Cato: So I will tell you all about our second lake walk, in the sun and wind and the woods, and then I will tell you about my tummy.  Cos that is far more important.  And it is more important that Tara's silly running off and nearly getting lost and worrying G&G! This is my Molehill Hunting Field. This is me keeping an eye out for moles! Can you see how my tummy is a bit, um, bloaty? Then we did the Bluebell Wood walk, which was all sniffy and nice.



Fri 12th May: Bear Woods after rain

Tara: So there was no blogging for AGES, on account of Cato being all wimpy in the tummy, and me and Dad going out walking by ourselves.  I don't really like it when Cato doesn't come with us.  It isn't the same.  I keep looking round for him, and he isn't there.  Dad didn't take any pics.  And then it rained for days!  That was REALLY boring. But then one day Me and Mum and Dad and Cato all went for a Pack Walk in Bear Woods.  Dad said things like 'It'll be all muddy soggy.' and 'If i



Sun 28th May: Foxy in the sun!

Tara: This is me looking beautiful.  Mum says. I had my pink bows in specially, in case I saw William.  And look, here he is.  I am playing it cool, and not asking him to chase me. This is what Cato does when he thinks we are going back to the car and he wants a longer walk. and this is the Rowan sprout that Mum has been piccing for you.  She says that each of those little blobble things are going to be big fat orange red berries when the weather gets all cold



going on holiday

Cato: Dear Aunties, I am just writting to tell you that we are going on holiday tomorrow. Mum says we will have a great time, and it will be all sniffy and exciting, but I am worried.  Tara says I worry too much, but all the packing and stuff is very tiring, and we have to set off very very very early in the morning.  I usually have a nice lie in, and I won't get one.  Mum says we can all sleep in the car, and then wake up when we get there.  She is going to sleep too. Tara s



More pics from the lost camera

Cato: This was in Foxy Park again.  With Tara being a pain again.  See, my tummy is furry, NOT fat!!! Mum says this year they have let the grass and wildflowers grow up properly, so they all grew and flowered and seeded and stuff.  She likes this.  But then she doesn't get seeds in her knickers, does she?  Last year the man cut the wildflowers down, and Mum and AuntieJane got cross about it, cos the buzzy bugs had nowhere to go. This is baby Rowan berries.



Sat 11th Nov 17: Sniffy alley

Tara: My turn!  Dad has to go and do his shifty work today really early - like just after lunch.  So we had to take him and Mum out for our walk this morning.  It was sniffy road walking too, not running-about-on-grass, cos Dad needed to get some bread stuff for his tea at work.  But I love my Dad and I didn't mind.  Besides.  There were CATS!!! This is cat 1. we couldn't see it, but we could sniff it!  Cato did his Hunting Thing.  All quivery and pulling at the leash.  And



Sun 12th Nov 17: Storm incoming!

Tara: It was FAB!!!! We went out to the sausage place with Mum and Dad.  It woz windy and cold and blue sky sunny and sniffy and fun.  The wind swirled around my knickers and I was all bouncy and hoppy, and nearly tripped Mum up.  And we were looking for cats EVERYWHERE!!! The floor is always too clean! But then when we had sat under the table for AGES and had our water and our treats and our sausages, we went outside and look! The sun had disappeared! T



Bestest food day EVER!!!

Tara: Oh Aunties, yesterday my tummy was sooooo full.  It was FAB!!! It started off with breakfast.  Cos Mum was doing chicken wings, and she knows that I like the pointy triangle bits wot are on the end.  So she skissers them off for me.  There were some on the floor, so I hoovered them up.  Cato missed out cos he doesn't like raw chicken bits.  He is weird. So then it woz breakfast proper time.  And Mum puts our food in the bowls and stands back.  Only she made some kind of mist



Scrambled egg!

Tara: We took Mum and Dad out for breakfast!  To our paw place that does proper food for us. look!  This is our scrambled eggses. Mum kept our bowls up on the table for AGES while she took pics cos she said our eggses were too hot hot hot.  It was awful having to wait. Mum squished them about in the bowl to make the cool down faster cos she said my whining was embarrassing.  Haha!  I was HUNGRY!!! we got a WHOLE egg each!  Yum!!! we want to go there again toda



Floral supplemental, for Crystal

Mum: We went for a walk this week in Foxy Park.  Seems like ages since we have been there, because we need the car to get there, and Dad has been taking the car to work most days recently because he has had a chest infection.  But he is getting better rapidly now, so more interesting lunchtime walks are back on the menu. ? The cherry blossom is just going over for this year, and falling like pink snow.  The blossom is always better photographed in the sun, but even on a dull day it was



AuntieCrystalPipsMom! We missed you!!!

@PipsMom   Cato: AuntieCrystal!  Mum says you are back! And I wanted to say how much I lo -   Tara: No!  Me first!!! Me First!!! I missed you lotsandlotsandlots more than Cato did! So I go fir -   Cato: No you didn't!  And you made my back hurt!  So I get to tell AuntieCrystal about my l back pain and my harness horror and my special trip to see MrsPawChiro.  That is more important than you going first and wittering about your hair bows or something!



Mixed Grill

Tara: So the next day we couldn't go for a long exciting fun scamper, on account of Cato's boring wimpy back needing a rest.  Booooorrrrrriiiiiinnnnnngggggg!!! But we did go for a Mixed Grill which woz nearly as exciting.  And there were chickens too!!! This was Mum's Mixed Grill. There was gammon and lamb steak and beef steak and lambs liver and sausages and black pudding and gammon and yucky tomato and mushrooms and peeez and an eggy.  Mum saved me a bit of everything



Day out to Lichfield

Cato: My sling still hadn't arrived, so we went to this Lichfield place without it.  So I had to walk.  But Mum carried me for a bit and Dad did too, and we had some nice sit downs, and I met a little girl.  So it was OK. Lichfield is a town.  With a river and a bridge and another cathedral (yawn) and a muesum place to dictionaries, and a burger place and a cafe that had a sunny garden.  Dad had lots of sausages, and we didn't get ANY cos it was all gluteny, and Mum wouldn't let us!



SUNDAY 6th Mar: Mum's Day

Mum: just to explain - today is Mother's Day in the UK.   Sidney: Mum usually does stuff on Sundays, so she gets up nice and early, puts down food and opens window.  Very satisfactory. Until today. This is at around 7 am This is around half an hour later. unfortunately, the Runt and the Brat are too stupid to realise how annoyed i am. there was some nonsense with a card and some chocolates.  I ignored it all for as long as i could, but had to l



TUESDAY 8th Mar: Sniffy Heaven

Cato: After last time, Mum decided we were going to do a street walk today.  Without Dad who has to go to work during our walks for days and days.  Mum says we will miss him, but will just have to manage. It was a nice walk.  Lots of sniffs, and no horrible forky lead.  Don't remind her, but I think she forgot!  Hehehe.  Of course it meant I could widdle in peace, and Tara wasn't pulling me over when I stood on 3 legs.  Actually, Tara was almost OK today.  Think that maybe she is feeli



Tue 7th Mar: Ping Pong Park

Tara: My turn again!  This was a FAB walk.  With Dad!  We did ping pong til I was all puffed out.  It was ACE. Mum said I didn't need my jumper  cos it was warm We went round the part 3 times!  And the birds looked all scary big, so we didn't chase them.  Cato said they were flocking in a menacing manner.  Or something.  He kept talking about AuntieMarlene and The Birds.  But I don't know why. The we played Ping Pong.  It was the Bestest Ever. See Dad behind the tre



WEDNESDAY 16th Mar: Sniffs and tunnels and scratches!

Cato: Foxy Park walk today!  Yay!  Cold and a bit windy but some sun too.  Dad could come with us, but kept talking about being starving so afterwards we had to drive through KFC and pick up some gorgeous sniffy chicken and stuff.  Then we came home and watched him eat.  I got a tiny bit.  Tara got a bigger bit.  And Mum got none.  Greenery and kwish stuff, she had.  Poor us! The walk was good though.  Mum wandered round saying 'there is nothing left to photograph!' so we found her the



TUESDAY 12th Apr: Rain, no walk and NO MUM!

Tara:  So, we knew something woz up when Mum got up early and did the bathroom face clothes fuss.  And then both Mum and Dad left us alone!  Dad came back, but didn't walk us AT ALL.  Cos it rained and rained and rained and rained. And we missed Mum, cos she usually reminds Dad it is breakfast time!  So it has been really boring. Then after AGES Dad left us too, and Mum came back. Not a fun day.  Cato just snored it all away, even when i killed toys on his bed.   Cato:  Knew



TUESDAY 17th May: Late walk, good sniffs

Cato:   Dad was off out for AGES today, and got really hot.  So when he came back he said that we would have to walk after the hot bit went.  But then he went off to work, and left us, so we had to walk with Mum.  And since he had taken the car, we couldn't go anywhere interesting So this is our walk: See how tangled Tara has made the leads already?  We have barely started!  And already she has pulled me off my legs when widdling, and gone round and round me.  Sigh. but



SUNDAY 5th June: 2 walk Sunday!

Tara: We had 2 walks today!  2!  it was ACE.  And we had BURGER!  although only a tiny bit.  And the woman in the shop said we were like living teddy bears.  And I sat on AuntieJane in the park and was taller than a Viszla!  it was FANTASTIC!!! Mum said it was one of the best weekends she had ever had, and she has had lots of weekends, cos she is OLD!!! Cato can tell you all the boring stuff.  The detail.  But LOOK at MY MUD!!!  we haven't seen any forEVER, and then we found all t



WEDNESDAY 15th June: Soggy Foxy

Tara: Look!  This was an ACE fight.  I let Cato think he might win it, for a bit, but of course he didn't really.  I just got bored and went off to do something else. And this is my bench.  And Dad.  with treats! It had been raining a lot, so there was some nice mud.  And Cato drank it, despite being told not too! Ha! Come on!  This way Hurry up Mum! I've left all the boring bits for Cato to tell you about.  Hahahaha!  



THURSDAY 23rd June: No pics!

Tara: We went out to do the Referendummy Votey Thing, and we had to sit outside while first Mum then Dad went and DID IT. That woz boring. And then we went to the Stinky Coffee Place where they don't serve dog biscuits.  But there aren't any pictures cos Mum forgot her phone AND her camera!  Bad Mum!  Hahahaha! But we got a treat each for sitting quietly under the table.  And when there were no more treats I beat Cato up, until Mum was a meanie and shortened the leads. B



SATURDAY 2nd July: Rain yesterday, beach today! yay!

Tara: Too wet for a walk yesterday, so I spent the evening bouncing on Cato instead.  Mum ended putting him on her lap where I couldn't reach.  Not fair! But today we had a good beach walk!  Sunny and sandy and lots of big dogs!  Look wot I found!  Mud!  Cos of yesterday's rain (every cloud...) Cato tried to drink it.  Of course.  But Mum stopped him and gave us a stinky bottle drink instead. This is the holiday place.  I don't understand, but Mum says all these tiny



MONDAY 4th July: Foxy sniffs and secret doors

Cato: Hello Aunties!  We had to wait for EVER today for our walk.  Mum said it woz too hot for me to walk at lunchtime, so we had to wait til she finished work.  But it was a mistake, cos there were children all over the park, and Mum said Never Again!!! Anyway, good sniffies, eh? And Mum keeps trying to distract us from going across this bit.  Too many grass seeds, she says.  Hahaha! Foxy never came back, you know.  It doesn't even smell of him any more.



FRIDAY 5th August: Work visit

Cato:  So Mum was a naughty Mum last week.  She went to this work thing.  Training.  But without the training treats, apparently.  And they lent her a set of headphones, and she (Bad Mum) forgot to return them at the end of the day.  So she had to take them back, and we went with her! It was fun!  We got to go in the car, and walk into the office place, and go through the security card thing, and climb stairs, and surprise everyone.  Tara got really over excited and tried to beat me up in f



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