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How much trouble can three dogs get into...?

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Wed 1st Feb: Bowless Foxy

Cato: We went to Foxy Park, and Tara had a tizz. This is how worried she was when she realised she had lost her bow.  AGAIN.  She is very careless with them, isn't she? Mum said she thinks you must be getting very bored of the same old pictures of the same old places.  I think you must be too, cos it isn't like you can sniff them, is it?  And the sniffing is the most important part.  Just looking is very boring.  Like being shut in a car with the window closed.  Which is awfu



Sun 29th Jan: Yay! Town Park!

Tara: Aunties, I got to BOUNCE!   It has been terrible boring without bouncing.  But today I bounced and bounced! So, where shall we go?  Which way? This way!  Oi! Wait for me!  Cato went to see his friend Derek in the Floral Hall (even though he is supposed to have Mum or Dad on a lead if he goes in there.  He didn't wait.)  And Derek has retired now, so he doesn't work there any more. They had put lots of mulchy stuff on the ground around the plants



Sat 28th Jan: Hot choc and cider

Tara:  Mum says that all these on-lead road walks we are having is doing wonders for our manners.  And she says that we obviously need more regular road walks instead of hooliganning in the park.  Not fair!!! So today we were dragged to the boring hot choc place, and the boring cider place, and then we came home!  No grass.  No bouncing.  No fun! This is the French Hot Choc place.  It woz too full inside, so we sat outside again.  There is more to sniff outside. See?  I



Fri 27th Jan: Another walk on the beach...

Cato: Hello Aunties!  Sorry we haven't been blooging much lately.  Mum has been doing stuff on the computer for ages and ages, and had lots of work.  She had to finish it by tomorrow, so we should get some better bloggy stuff done soon. We did get our night walks though.  They are sooooooo interesting.  Everything sniffs sooooooooo different after dark...  Tara deosnt' like them though.  She gets a bit sillier and a bit flappier. Anyway.  Today we took Dad back to the beach today.



Tue 24th Jan: A walk on the beach...

Tara: So we did boring after dark walks most of this week.  They are OK.  And very sniffy.  But some nights there woz something called Freezing Fog.  I don't like Freezing Fog.  It is weird.  The sound goes all strange and hollow, and the sniffs are clammy.  And you can't see much.  But at least we get a walk.  Even if it is only a short one cos of Wimpy Cato. Anyway, today we did Beach Stuff.  This is my First Sniff and Cato's First Widdle. and this is my Second Sniff and Ca



Sun 21st Jan: Foxy ramble

Cato: This was my first walk after my tummy.  Mum said we would take it gently, and stop if I felt wobbly, and she would carry me if I got tired. Only Tara didn't listen.  Tara never listens.  And she bounced and bounced and bounced!  In the end Mum shouted at her and did Calming Signal stuff, and it was OK.  I didn't really mind.  It is just that she never knows when to stop, does she? That is Sheba The Third.  We haven't seen her for AGES.  Sheba's Dad keeps her on the lead all



Ages ago: Special Snow

Tara: Mum just found this pic on her phone and said I could do a Blog Special, coz I am Special. The pic is from AGES ago.  Like, weeks and weeks and weeks ago (Mum: 2 weeks, actually) when we had some SNOW.  This is the only snow we have had in forever, so it woz really exciting.  You can see Dad's great big Dad foots prints.  And you can see Cato's footprints.  But you can't see mine!  Haha!  Cos I wouldn't go outside, even though I was busting for a wee.  It woz all cold and we



Thur 19th Jan: Cato in hospital

Mum:  Been a bit quiet lately, for reasons about to be explained... We got back from Grandma and Grandpas, and had a relaxed day on Monday (well, the paws relaxed, anyway) and had a nice short beach walk, which they both enjoyed. Then on Tuesday we went for a longer walk, after dark, on the street.  Because Cato was clearly on the mend, and was up to it.  Only he wasn't really.  He obviously loved being out and sniffing, and so on, but was totally wiped out by the walk, and slept like



Mon 16th Jan: Beach!

Mum: Just some pics today, no paw commentary (will explain in next entry). First we went to the station to check on something.   Then a trundle on the beach.  have a look at the sand.  Very smooth, isnt it?  That was the high tide storm surge we had.   There was a mad out beachcombing, and damage to some of the steps, and the water had reached the sea wall.  Oh, and the last pic is the front of the crazy golf course that we took some pics of a week or so ago.



Saturday 14th Jan: New Lake

Tara: Wheeee!  We are at Grandma and Grandad's!!!  And we slept in a new big bed, only it was lower on the floor and Cato got off the bed and did a big sloppy poo on the carpet in the middle of the night!  And Mum and Dad leaped about and turned on the light and fussed and wiped and cleaned and talked.  Only I couldn't help cos they made me stay on the bed.  And Dad took Cato outside twice before morning!  And he used bad language.  And he was tired in the morning.  It woz very exciting.



Fri 13th Jan: Grandma and Grandad's

Cato: I don't really like long car journeys, cos they take foreverandever, and I can't have a proper sleep.  It ends up being a snooze and all weird.  But this one wasn't too bad.  And we had a special chicken dinner which was FAB.  When we arrived, we were very bouncy cos it has been ages since we saw Grandma and Grandad.  It was all hot and sunny when all the roses were big.  And now it is cold and there was even some snow! Grandad said he would show us the dog field near his house, so of



Thur 12th Jan: Pack mountaineering, centre of universe

Tara: Ooooh Aunties, it woz the bestest walk today!  Dad came too.  Mum took LOTS of pics of me on the summitty things of mountains, and beating up Cato.  Look!!! This is me on my first mountain of the day.  Mum says I look proper statuesquew. This is me and Dad on the long mountain range, while Mum and wimpy Cato stayed down on the path.  I ran backward and forwards over and over again, and bounced on Cato every time!  It woz ACE!!! This is Cato in the dark.  



Mum: Oooooh the Drama!!!

Mum: I usually clip the toenails every couple of weeks between groomings.  Or rather, I check them then, and only cut them if I feel the need. Well, there has been 'a need' for a week or so, and I have been avoiding it, because none of us exactly enjoy the experience.  Tara seems to have ticklish back paws.  Cato has had the quick nipped a couple of times by the groomer, and he isn't exactly a stoic little soul.  So now he gets into a tizz whenever I approach with the clippers...



Tue 9th Jan: Twice around!

Cato: What a weird walk!  I mean, it was fun.  But Dad took us round twice!  On the path!  instead of once off the path.  Very weird.  This is first sniff: We took Dad, cos MrWeatherman said it would rain at lunchtime, when Mum could come with us.  So she and Dad had a thunk and decided that an early morning walk, with just Dad would be better.   So it was a Dad Walk, which is fun, but it wasn't a Pack Walk, which is funner.  And we always have to worry about Dad getting lost, don



Sat 7th Jan: Muddiest Mud EVER!!!

Tara: Yay!  My turn today.  And I get the MUD!!! First we had to go to the dump and get rid of lots of cardboard and stuff.  We were stuck in our horrible crate in the backseat, but it woz OK cos Dad sat in the back with us, cos the front seat had all cardboard in it.  That was fun.  I tried to lick him through the crate.  hahaha!  The dump sniffs are AWESOME.  But we weren't let out to sniff them properly.  Spoilsports. This is our first proper sniff when we got out of the car at



Thur 5th Jan: Big Lake Bird Hunts

Cato: I love hunting!  Tara says I am obsessified, but I am not.  I am just very good at hunting.  And when you are good at something, it is a terrible awfulness not to use your natural talent, isn't it Aunties?  so I can't really help it, can I? Dad was tired after doing his shifty thing, so we left him and home, and me and Mum and Tara went to the big lake park where there are LOTS of birds to hunt.  We have pics! I think Tara is just jealous of my hunting prowess and mojo




Tara: Oh Aunties it woz soooooo BBBOOORRRIIINNNGGG today.  I don't know how I standed it. It was all lovely and sunny in the morning, but then it started to rain when Mum stops her computering at lunchtime.   so we didn't take her for a walk, cos she is all wimpy about getting wet.  I wouldn't have minded.  I would even have worn my BRIGHT RED coat, if she had wanted.  but she didn't. So she did BORING cooking stuff instead, and then we went and snuggled on the sofa until she got



Tue 3rd Jan: Busy with Stuff

Cato: Mr Amazon sent Dad the wrong parcel today, so we didn't get to fight with the box   AND we had to go out and send the parcel back to Mr Amazon. This is us waiting when Dad went into the Post Office. This is the Post Office.  We went in there once with Mum.  We weren't supposed to go in, but she needed something, and she told us to be very very very good and hope that no one noticed us.  And one lady did, cos we saw her looking at us, but no one said anything, and Mum sa



Mon 2nd Jan: Gull hunt!!!

Tara: We went to the rocky beach today! It was ACE!  We went in the car, and got all wet and salty, and chased birds and met Bess.  It was fantabulous. Look.  Mum said the green stuff was really slippery.  But that is just humans and their silly two foots.  Me and Cato didn't notice any slippiness. This is when I saw the beach, and was showing Mum.  It was very exciting! and this is the first big sticky out wooden thing.  We don't go out there, cos the sand is all s



SATURDAY 31st December: Hot Choc Gaumlessness

Tara:  So today we had fun!  And Mum did a silly gaumless goofy thing, like wot she says I always do, but I don't!  And she did it today!  Haha! We trekked all the way to the beach along the road!  Normally we go in the car, so we can get more beach, and less boring road stuff.  But today Dad needed to check his shifty times at work, so we walked.  Cato sniffed EVERYTHING.  Here is the beach: It woz warmer today.  Less crispy and more comfy, so I didn't get to wear my pink ju



FRIDAY 30th December: Crispy!

Cato:  Mum and Dad are going out later,  so we had our walk first.  This is First Sniff And then I had to run to catch up, cos I was sniffifying and they all walked off and left me. See how sunny the Ent Moot was?  Mum says it is something complicated about the low sun at this time of year, and how all the rest of the year the tree trunks and my widdle spots are in the shade.  Anyway, I tried to celebrate it with a good widdle circuit, but I don't think I had enough to dr



THURSDAY 29th December: Swan Day

Tara:  Fab walk!  except for the nasty humpy dog, and the hissy swans, and the crispy mud.  But the rest woz FAB!!! This is how icy it woz.  That white stuff is crispy water, and it is VERY slippy.  Mum and Dad were waddling like ducks!  Haha Then these two GIANT paws came charging up!  I hid behind Mum, cos they were scary.  They rushed up to Cato - and do you know wot he did? He woz as cool as a cucumber, Mum says.  He went over to this tree thing, and he did a wee!  W



TUESDAY 27th December: Beachy sniffs

Cato:  Hello Aunties! Beach walk and pics today, and LOTS of sniffs! It was really cold and a Mum said her hands were too cold to take pics when we were down on the beach.  Lots of big bouncy paws, but Tara did OK.  Mum made sure she stayed close, and no one sniffed her knickers at all.   A man larffed at me though.  He had two HUGE paws with him, and they were bouncing and romping about under the pier - a bit close to MY widdling post.  So I trotted over and r



SUNDAY 25th December: Xmas Day

Cato: Merry Xmas Aunties!!! We had a great day.  SantaPaws visited in the night, and by morning a parcel had magically appeared on the Big Bed.  It was awesomely sniffy! When we opened it, an New Python slithererered out and attacked us!  It was an amazing battle!!! Me and Tara worked as a team to take it down.  But it was really difficult to kill, and we had to do it overandoverandover again.  Then we went downstairs for scrambledeggandsmokededsalmon breakfast (Mum: 1 teasp as a



SATURDAY 24th December: Xmas Eve

Tara:   This is me this morning in the Big Bed.  That is a pig's ear by my snozzle.  I like to keep it in reach.  and this is Cato in MY bed, before we went out. so I went and sat in HIS bed. Lots of busyness today!  We went shopping with Mum and Dad this morning because Dad needed something for the snaky bit of the new dishwasher. So Mum took pics of it snowing on the High Street.  Look! This is where it wozn't snowing: and this is where is woz!



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