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How much trouble can three dogs get into...?

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SUNDAY 31st Jan: Boring Sunday

SUNDAY   Cato: We were supposed to see Auntie Jane today for breakfast (sausages, yum!) and a walk in the little park.  But she isn’t feeling well, so we didn’t.  And it was raining.  So we had a boring morning sleeping instead.  Then it rained all afternoon.  Then it got dark.  And then it was bedtime.  We didn’t do anything interesting AT ALL, ALL DAY.  I think Mum was bored too.  She decided that my Tinkle needed a trim.  I don’t like that.  But I can wee without spraying my fe



THURSDAY 17th Mar: Awesome spring lake

Tara: Sidney has fleas again!  Sidney has fleas!  And I don't.  And Cato doesn't!  So Sidney has been treated, and Mum says we may escape, but if we do get fleas it will ALL be Sidney's fault!  Hahahahaha!!!   Cato: Mum finished work early today, so we got a really good walk!  And a picnic in the car.  It was ACE.  She took lots of boring pics of plants and stuff, and very few of us, so you might get a bit bored.  But she gets all waggy tailed when the weather is nice and the



Sun 10th Jun: Tara's Foxifying

Tara: Hello Aunties.  I'm going to tell you all about my Foxy Walk cos it was exciting, and Cato is asleep, so I get to bloggify!  Haha! So, these first pics are all slobbery.  That's cos I licked the camera while Mum was lifting me out of the car, haha! and she didn't realise until she had taken some pics.  She huffed about it, but AuntieJane thought it woz very funny.  So did I! Cameras don't taste of much. This is AuntieJane and Cookie.  Cookie is very old and has trembly



MONDAY 8th August: Donkeys, kites and tunnelling

Cato:  We were at the Big Lake again today, and did the tunnel.  Mud said it might be the least muddy EVER after all the sun, and she woz right! It looks like mud, but really it is just hard dry earthy stuff now.  A bit disappointing, really.  Dad didn't wobble and slide at all! We had a good fight half way along the tunnel.  Tara picked the same spot for a rumble last time, too. Can you see Dad?  he woz slinking off into the shadows, showing Tara some ninja techniq



TUESDAY 28th June: Haha! I fell in the Lake!!!

Tara: I can swim!! I fell in the lake!!! It was ACE!!!  And I shook and shook and shook and bounced and bounced and bounced.  Cato didn't fall in.  I am much better swimmer than Cato.  And my sprouts enjoyed the swim too! Look.  this is where I fell jumped dived in!  Look! We were both standing on the rocky bits at the edge of the water, and I was being cute and interesting, and Cato was being thirsty.  And then he pushed me!  Or maybe my foots slipped.  Or maybe I did a swan



MONDAY 7th Mar: Not a fun walk. AGAIN

Mum: Not happy.  Quite cross, in fact. Yesterday we had Blunderer Max, and poor Tara had a hard time.  She may be 110% bounce, but is rather intimidated by anything her size or bigger, and does a submissive roll to nearly every dog she meets.  Tara kept me between her and him for the entire walk, and was particularly nervy.  I really don't ever want to have a social walk with MAx or his owner ever again. Anyway, today we went to the Squirrel Park in my lunchbreak.  Nice and peacef



Scrambled egg!

Tara: We took Mum and Dad out for breakfast!  To our paw place that does proper food for us. look!  This is our scrambled eggses. Mum kept our bowls up on the table for AGES while she took pics cos she said our eggses were too hot hot hot.  It was awful having to wait. Mum squished them about in the bowl to make the cool down faster cos she said my whining was embarrassing.  Haha!  I was HUNGRY!!! we got a WHOLE egg each!  Yum!!! we want to go there again toda



Good to know...

...that we have another elegant little lady joining the pack. Tara was always a tomboy.  The sort to wear pink fairy wings while beating Cato over the head with a Tonka toy tractor.  Jasmine is more of a 'who cares whether I am a boy or a girl, lets play, eat, sleep and fart, and then do it all over again'.  And again. So long as Cato gets my lap, they don't steal his chews, and they leave him to sleep in peace, he doesn't care what the girls get up to.



THURSDAY 3rd November: Icky tum

Tara: Cato has been all floppy and boring and sorry for himself today.  He hasn't played.  And he woz sick on the sofa.  And the floor.  And the hall.  And on the green blanket.  And on the blue towel. and he pooped and pooped outside and it smelled weird! And then he and Mum went out!  Without me!  So I took Dad out for a walk, but it wasn't a proper walk cos Mum and Cato didn't come.  Dad says i had my tail all droopy the whole time, but i didn't think about it, cos I woz too bu



THURSDAY 9th June: Foxy with Dad

Cato: After a lot of discussion, we decided to walk Dad at Foxy today.  He knows the way around, so can't get lost, and it means we don't have to manage him on the pavement at all.  Hot in the car though! Mum says you won't recognise the park - not a flower in sight.  Says that Dad doesn't see flowers.  And has had to be trained to give them too.  It was lovely and sniffy today.  These are something called Tennis Courts.  Something to do with Wimbledon.  People only use them for do



How much trouble can two dogs and one cat get into...?

The first few entries are transferred from another thread, when Crystal suggested that C, T and S deserved their own blog. Great suggestion!  I just hope it doesn't go to their heads too much... Anyway because the posts were transferred across, they are slightly out of order, but not to worry - the wee beasties haven't noticed!



Back from holiday

Tara: Aunties, we are back!  It woz the Bestest Holiday EVER!!! The mountains were HUGE and climby, and muddy and stuff.  And there were llama things and peacocks and snow and hail and stormy lightning and burger-for-lunch and castles and pubs and ducks and turkeys and cats and geese.  We went to a doggy cafe too!  And had Dog Beer and Pupcakes and sat on a Dog Bed and the Sausage Lady brought our food on a special plate and served us!  I want a doggy cafe at home, too.  And me and Cat



Fri 10th Mar: AuntieDogSitterDay

Mum had to go and do Work Stuff today, so we went to visit AuntieDogsitter. We had two walks, and breakfast and foot baths and snuggles.  It was nice.  Tara would have liked it more if the HUGE great brown paw hadn't been there, but he was.  And she survived. This is our walk: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1855695711369823&id=1626201260985937 See Tara mountaineering?



Wed 19th Apr: Centre of Universe

Cato: Hi Aunties.  We have done lots of sniffy walks this week, but mainly with Dad, and he is dodging the camera (so Mum says).  So the only blog pics we have are when Mum took us to the Centre of the Universe today.  It was a bit grey, but it was warm and lovely and sniffy. There is pink stuff EVERYWHERE, isn't there?  Mum doesn't know wot this is, but she says it is pretty.  Yeah, well... This is Tara at the beginning, wanting me and Mum to hurry up.



WEDNESDAY 6th July: Field and cemetery

Tara: Mum forgot to do my hair today!  Hahaha!  She said I looked like a hooligan.  And Dad says I look like Einstein.  Whoever that is. I think I look like a PIRATE, cos my hair covers my eye like an eyepatch.  But can you tell Mum to do my hair properly tomorrow?  I like my sprouts. We walked with Dad after Mum's boring work finished, but it was still hot.  Cato wimped out.  And he went on strike in the cemetery AGAIN. See? Did you see him?  He is that tiny d



MONDAY 28th November: Cold wind!!!

Cato:  It was a really cold day, and Mum and Dad decided that me and Tara needed sausages!  So we went and sausaged and then had a promenade walk.  It was very short, on account of it being very cold and blowy, and us not having coats, and Tara doing a shivery thing.   Don't we look COLD? Mum says it was lunchtime, but you can see how low the sun is, and how blueblueblue the sky is.   Tara: Look!  That is me and Dad and Cato.  I am sniffing the lamppost an



Tue 2nd May: Round our lake

Cato: Phew!  I finally got Mum to sit down and blogg.  It is hard work!  I'm going to sit on her feet so she can't escape. This is from AGES ago when we were at Grandma and Grandad's.  We left Dad behind, which was very worrying.  And we sat in the car for agesandages, and then we arrived!  And it was lovely to see G&G, and have cuddles and tug of war and check the garden and the fields and the lake were OK.  Cos, you know, I hadn't been there for ages to make sure. This is ou



MONDAY 14th November: Squelchy gloopy glorious...

MUD!!! Aunties!!! It has arrived.  Look! This is near where we started.  The path is all dry and hard still. but when I saw this puddle, it started to look like the long wait woz over... and then we did this long straight bit, and Mum walked on the grass, and we walked on the almost-mud.   Cos, you know, it might be the best we could find... and Cato wanted to go that way.  And I wanted to go this way, and Mum did wot I wanted for maybe the first time



Tue 21st Mar: Skipton Castle

Cato: Hello aunties.  I have to blog this, cos Tara didn't like the castle.  She says that Dad kept wandering off, up stairs and stuff and leaving her with me and Mum, and she was all squeaky and whiney. So I get to blog We had a nice short car journey, which was nice.  You can have too much of cars, can't you?  Even when you have your own crate and bed. And then a bit of a walk.  Very sniffy.  Old places are lovely and sniffy. This is just inside the gatehouse.  Gatehou



More pics from the lost camera

Cato: This was in Foxy Park again.  With Tara being a pain again.  See, my tummy is furry, NOT fat!!! Mum says this year they have let the grass and wildflowers grow up properly, so they all grew and flowered and seeded and stuff.  She likes this.  But then she doesn't get seeds in her knickers, does she?  Last year the man cut the wildflowers down, and Mum and AuntieJane got cross about it, cos the buzzy bugs had nowhere to go. This is baby Rowan berries.



MONDAY 9th May: Sunlight

Mum:  Today was mainly about sunlight, not sniffs.  You will see what I mean when we get to the pictures.  It was just the most beautiful day, from the early morning sun in the garden, to the after-work walk in the Dog Field.  Just such a pity I was stuck inside the whole of the rest of the time, staring at computer screens.  lol.   Cato:  So we took Mum on a guided tour of the garden this morning while the kettle was boiling.  Don't you think it odd that she made such a fuss not to ge



WEDNESDAY 17th Feb: No walk :(

Sidney: My window was opened for half the morning then closed when it started to rain.  So I couldn't smell the rain. Then it was opened for half the evening, after the rain had stopped. That was bearable. And we had a nice ear rub, purr and cuddle in the big bed last evening, and I got the middle spot, as always. However, I noticed that they were looking at holiday cottages on the computer last night.  And train schedules.    Tara: No Walk!  It was too we



MONDAY 12th September: Imprisonment!!!

Tara: Oh Aunties, it woz AWFUL!!! Nice MrBoilerQuote man came round after breakfast.  And Mum and Dad GRABBED us!  and shut us in our crates!!! And the whole time he woz here, I whined and Cato yodelled and creaked!  All we wanted woz to say hello, and play, and bounce, and show him our toys, and the garden, and climb on him, and sniff him PROPERLY, and lick him, and make sure he gave us ear rubs, and stuff.  Yet Mum and Dad (even DAD!!!) imprisoned us, and ignored us, and Mum even sai



SUNDAY 4th December: Cold wind, Hot chocolate

Cato:  Sorry Aunties, Mum has not been doing her Mum Duty today.  She forgot the camera, used her phone, AND she rushed our walk so that she could have a hot chocolate! It was a nice blue sky today, but really cold.  We didn't want to have our jumpers put on, but maybe we should have.  We walked all the way to the beach promenade, and then I didn't want to go down on the beach.  Cos of Tara's beachy bouncing.  And then Tara saw all the big dogs on the beach, and she didn't want to go d



Mum's new camera delight

Yesterday the light was awful, so I just played with the software.  Had to download new Firmware, which was a new experience! Anyway, these were taken in the garden during my lunch break 10 mins ago, and now here they are for your delectation. The sky really is that grey, and the light really is that dull.  But the colours seem very true.  I didn't phaff with zooming in or anything, just bent down close to the flowers and snapped away. These are my pretty little cyclamen, valiantl



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