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How much trouble can three dogs get into...?

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MONDAY 8th Feb: Brief scamper

Cato:  Mum said it was going to be horrible wet and we wouldn't get a walk today.  But then, when lunchtime came, it was OK.  So we all got in the car and drove to the Park with the Lake!  And just as we pulled into the car park, it started to rain.  So there was a big discussion.  We ALL decided that since we were here, it wasn't fair to go home without scooting once round the lake. So we did. But it was soooooo wet.   And windy.  That we found it difficult to walk back, with the wind



MONDAY 8th August: Donkeys, kites and tunnelling

Cato:  We were at the Big Lake again today, and did the tunnel.  Mud said it might be the least muddy EVER after all the sun, and she woz right! It looks like mud, but really it is just hard dry earthy stuff now.  A bit disappointing, really.  Dad didn't wobble and slide at all! We had a good fight half way along the tunnel.  Tara picked the same spot for a rumble last time, too. Can you see Dad?  he woz slinking off into the shadows, showing Tara some ninja techniq



MONDAY 7th November: Sniffy! Yay!!!

Cato: Mum said no walk yesterday cos of the coldwetwindiness, but today we went to the Big Lake.  I had to wear my English Gentleman Jumper, cos of the cold, and we only went round the lake on the path.  Boring or what?  But Mum said that would be enough for me, and I was very tired at the end.  I AM feeling much better though.  But I am VERY bored of fish. This is first sniff. It has been very weird while I was ill.  I haven't been able to go sniffing.  That is terrible.  M



MONDAY 7th Mar: Not a fun walk. AGAIN

Mum: Not happy.  Quite cross, in fact. Yesterday we had Blunderer Max, and poor Tara had a hard time.  She may be 110% bounce, but is rather intimidated by anything her size or bigger, and does a submissive roll to nearly every dog she meets.  Tara kept me between her and him for the entire walk, and was particularly nervy.  I really don't ever want to have a social walk with MAx or his owner ever again. Anyway, today we went to the Squirrel Park in my lunchbreak.  Nice and peacef



MONDAY 6th June: 2nd day of strike action

Cato: Mum was doing her work thing all day, so we helped Dad clear more of the shed.  That is HARD work!  and it is hot in there.  Tara likes to jump up and go inside, and get in Dad's way, but I prefer to stay outside where it is cooler, and try and trip him up when he steps down. It was too hot to walk in Mum's lunchtime, so we sat on her on the sofa, and  chilled. Then we walked in the evening when it was cooller.  Just the usual Field, Cemetery and Slippy Road.  Mum thinks you



MONDAY 5th May: May Day

Cato:  We had a lie in this morning.  All four of us on the Big Bed.   I had a Nighttime Bowel Event in the middle of the night, and had to wake up Mum with a bark, but she carried me downstairs and then went to sleep in her office chair until I had finished.  She says that we need to look at this, cos this is the 3rd time in a week I have had a Nighttime Bowel Event, and she doesn't want it becoming a habit. I am just sorry that she doesn't want to have a game, cos I always come in fr



MONDAY 5th December: New Bed Day!!!

Cato:   Oooh Tara, look wot I found! Tara:  Wossat?  Is that...? Cato:  I think so!  Look!  There's your stinky bed in it.  And your name.  In PINK! Tara: Cor!  And look.  There's your name in GREEN.  And your stinky bed.  And... look... there are treats on it. Cato:  Where!  Where are MY treats?  Gerroff!  Go sniff your own treats!  Go on!  Shoo! Tara:  But.. but... I saw them first! Mum:  Tara love, look what is in your bed - more treats...



MONDAY 5th December: Foxy walk with Dad

Cato:  we were so excited about our new beds, that we forgot to tell you about our walk!  So Mum said we should do an extra blog specially.  I think it is a good idea cos, you know.  Leaf on face!!!!  hahahaha! So, this is before the leaf.  When we had just arrived.  And Tara woz doing her scouting thing (showing off for Dad, really)   And it was fun.  And sniffy.  And all the leafy stuff is on the ground now.  But I'm not sneezing and dripping and snuffling.  Have you n



MONDAY 4th July: Foxy sniffs and secret doors

Cato: Hello Aunties!  We had to wait for EVER today for our walk.  Mum said it woz too hot for me to walk at lunchtime, so we had to wait til she finished work.  But it was a mistake, cos there were children all over the park, and Mum said Never Again!!! Anyway, good sniffies, eh? And Mum keeps trying to distract us from going across this bit.  Too many grass seeds, she says.  Hahaha! Foxy never came back, you know.  It doesn't even smell of him any more.




Tara: No walk!!!! No pics. No fun. Nothing but boring snoozing on our beds. Mum didn't even stop working for lunch. We had to wait until Dad came home from work at 2pm before we got a single game!  But he sat on the front room floor and wrestled with the python, and we helped.  A lot.  And when he got tired we took over, and wrestled with each other.  And then we wrestled the panda and the brown bear.  The brown bear is particularly dangerous and we had to kill it over and over an



MONDAY 3rd October: Foxy in the SUN

Cato: Pack walk!  Dad is going to walk with us all week, cos of his shift patterns, which is ACE!  So we took him to Foxy for a proper Pack Walk. It is really starting to sniff of Autumn now.  Lots of leaves are frisping and going brown and stuff, and there are NO FLOWERS, so Mum is hardly piccing anything now.  Which is great. This whole walk was at lunchtime, but BEFORE OUR BREAKFAST!!! so we was really hungry.  We kept trying to remind Mum and Dad that benches mean treats, but



MONDAY 31st October: Halloween Pack Walk at Foxy

Cato: Dad and Mum could both come on our walk today, so we had a Pack walk together, at Foxy, cos Mum said we might be able to see some ghosty monster things there, under the leaves, if we sniffed really hard!  But instead we found Georgie. It was very leafy Tara just wanted treats.  So she climbed up on every bench and asked for them.  She looks a bit sulky here, doesn't she?  That is cos Mum said 'not this time, Little Madam!' Haha! This is the Step Mountai



MONDAY 30 May: Busy busy busy

Tara: They left us for breakfast again!  I didn't eat.  At all.  And then they had sausages for tea, and only gave us a bit.  So I am on strike and not eating horrible raw dogfood.  I am REALLY REALLY REALLLLLY hungry, and just beat Cato up, and barked in the garden, and had to be tied to the desk so I didn't go out and bark and bark and bark, but if they won't feed me, then I won't eat horrible raw stuff.  I WANT SAUSAGES!!!   Mum: It has been a fun day, as you can see.  Sig



MONDAY 29th Feb: Leaping About Day

Cato: Mum says Leaping Day only comes round every 4 years.  So Tara has been doing her best to fit 4 years of Leaping into one.  We got up earlier than usual, because of Mum's work thing, but managed to get straight back to bed after a pee and a drink.  Dad went out for breakfast, and brought Mum a coffee to make up for her having to stay home and work.   We didn't mind cos it meant we weren't stuck in our pens! Then by midday we was both properly awake, and Tara had he



MONDAY 29th August: Bank Holiday promenade

Cato: Today is a Holiday for Banks, Mum says.  Which means she doesn't have to do computer stuff all day.  So we had a lovely Big Bed Snuggle, and a lie in.  I rumbled and groaned and asked to be let up onto the bed really early (Mum 3am!) but they didn't know how early it was (Mum: yes I did!) and so I got away with it (Mum: only cos Dad had to go to work at 6am, and I didn't want to disturb him!). Then we went to find Dad.  Because of the Holiday, and the hothothot sun, Mum took us t



MONDAY 28th November: Cold wind!!!

Cato:  It was a really cold day, and Mum and Dad decided that me and Tara needed sausages!  So we went and sausaged and then had a promenade walk.  It was very short, on account of it being very cold and blowy, and us not having coats, and Tara doing a shivery thing.   Don't we look COLD? Mum says it was lunchtime, but you can see how low the sun is, and how blueblueblue the sky is.   Tara: Look!  That is me and Dad and Cato.  I am sniffing the lamppost an



MONDAY 28 Mar: No Walk Day :(

Tara:   It is raining really hard!  And blowing!  And I didn't like going outside for my wee this morning.  My knickers got damp and I RAN back inside.  If I wan't such a Good Girl, I would pee on the mat just inside the cat flap.  But I am good.  So I won't.  Unless it gets colder and wetter and horribler.  So no walk today.   But on no walk days Mum usually gets down on the floor and wrestles with us for ages, and I can always beat Cato up, to relieve the BOREDOM!!!   Cato:  Mum



MONDAY 27th June: Pack walk in centre of universe

Tara: No boring work for Mum today, so we had a SausageCafe breakfast then a walk on the beach to the funny black ball thing. This is Cato being taller than me!  Not fair!!!  Can you see me?  I am trying to climb the wall, cos he cheated by going up the steps!  PAh! Mum says she was trying to pic into the sun, so it looks weird. and this is piccing with the sun behind her.  I was trying to see if there were any crumbs. Mum says this is the little railway's



MONDAY 26th September: Still donkeyless

Cato: See - they still aren't here.  the grass has grown.  the fence is down.  it is very worrying This is Bella.  She is very pretty.  And very young.  And I liked her, but she wouldn't stay still long enough for a proper sniff. And the water is back!  It went away and got very low when it was hothothot, but now it is back again.  Tara trampled about on the edge.  Of course.  And tried to push me in.  Of course. Dad said it might be muddy!  So we look



MONDAY 25th Apr: Boring boring boring

Tara:   Oh Aunties.  Today was THE PITS!  Mum was working all day, and we didn't get a walk  cos it started to rain, huge big splatty bits of cold wet.  Mum came out into the garden and stuck her front paws out and said 'See? You don't want a walk!' but I did!!! so then Mum worked all afternoon.  And i went out and barked in the garden.  Cos i was bursting with bounce.  And do you know what she did?  She is really mean!  She lured me over with some treats, anda cuddle, and some tug of



Monday 24th October: HAPPY TWOOTH BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!

Tara: It's my Twooth Birthday!  I am Two.  That is both front paws, isn't it?  While Cato is all old and is nearly all four paws.  Front and Back.  That is OLD isn't it? My Dad had to go to work, so we did a nice walk without him, and it woz fun, but it wozn't my Special Birthday Walk.  Mum says we can do that in a few days.  I am going to get a Special Birthday PINK dinner too!  I am sooooo excited! Today we went to the beach and to the Centre of the Universe.  I like that place.



MONDAY 23rd May: Another birthday walk!

Cato:  I got my birthday beach walk!  But so did Dad!  His birthday is today.  We didn't know til we woke up this morning and got to watch him open his presents on the Big Bed, but we gave him a lovely walk, and then we went out and had STEAK!!! so it was an ACE birthday.  We signed his card too. Of course we had to wait while Mum worked all morning, but she took the afternoon off, and this is where we went. We haven't been here for AGES, so it was extra specially windy and sniffy



Monday 22nd May: Pitched battles by the sea

Tara: Haha!  Hello Aunties! We went to the sea, and it woz hot, and I bounced on Cato.  Look! Dad wozn't with us, so I had to show Cato how to mountaineer, like Dad shows me.  and we went all along this mountain range.  Cato just followed me, so I woz the Trek Leader.  Mum says. She also said that if I went and bothered that family who were pickernickering (see the man in the red shirt, sitting with his family all eating interesting stuff) then she would die of



MONDAY 22nd Feb: Spring ping pong

Sidney: 8am:   10am:   Nuff said!   Cato: So Mum took us back to the Fox Park specially to check on the cherry blossom, and there was hardly any!  The daffs are nearly out, and a few other sprootles were sprootling, but nothing exciting. Mum says that the cold winds last week have set everything back, but at least the buds weren't blasted by the frosts.  Me and Dad don't know what that means, but she was chuntering about it. We are ge



MONDAY 22nd August: Mud puppies

Tara: Ooooh Aunties, it was FAB today.  Not so hot, so we set off for Bear Woods.  Not that we have found the bear yet!  Anyway, as we left the house, it started to rain.  Dad nearly turned back, but me and Mum said we wanted to get wet and splooshy, and stuff.  So we did. Best walk in AGES!!!  It was sooooo lovely and cool and sniffy.  Even Cato didn't wimp out, so it woz fun til the end!!! Look at me!  I am in front! Me and Dad.  He loves me.  And I love him.  But he



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