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How much trouble can three dogs get into...?

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Jasmine videos

Why won't anyone play with me? https://youtu.be/8ApPqbWW6ls The Paper Bag Killing Game https://youtu.be/mZQKaPyxcJo Sausage Tug'o'War https://youtu.be/HR5j-kYNEtQ And the man himself, demonstrating the importance of having lots of corners on cushions https://youtu.be/LTrSdfEvIIE



Introducing Jasmine, flower child extraordinaire

Cato: Hello Aunties! We have missed you! We have been off having adventures and stuff, and not writing about them. But Mum says that now we can do blogging again. I am glad about that. It has been a bit boring without you.   I sleep a lot when I am bored. I am on Mum's lap.  It is the only place I can sleep safely nowadays?  Everywhere else, Jasmine might get me.     And - most importantly, my tail is still gorgeous. The



I’m perfick!

Tara: I just got back from a trip to Mrs Vet. it was ACE!!! I took Dad there.  For my nasty prickle jab wot i have to have every year.  I don’t like that bit. But I had to sit in the waiting room for agesandagesandages and i got masses of fuss and attention.  One nice lady said i had ‘rad piggies!’ (They are purple and pink stripey ones today).  And then we went in to see Mrs V and she woz nice too.  She says i have excellenty toofies for my age, all clean and white and shine



I’m going on holiday!!! Tomorrow!!!

Tara: It is going to be in a holiday den with a whole field for me to sniff and widdle in.  And a spiral staircase for me to Bounce up and down.  We are going to Do Stuff every day.  Old sniffy pubs and churches and footpaths and stuff.  Sausages and steak!  Every day!  And scrambled eggs!  Dad says there is a Marmoset Sanctuary Place! It is a longlonglong way away.  So Mum and Dad are going to drive me there.   And we are going mountaining and adventuring and exploring.  It is so far



I found a BONE

Cato: I found a BONE.  It is very very big.  And it is all MINE. Mum has been messing with bones up at the top of the kitchen.  Something to do with drying them slowly so they don't go too stinky (Mum: using dehydrator and venison ribs) and today, when I was coming in from my mid morning Garden Patrol, I saw it. In the middle of the kitchen floor. It is ENORMOUS. It was difficult to carry. But I couldn't leave it there for Tara to find. So I picked it up and ha



I am 5!!! (Cato's Birthday 13th May)

Cato: Mum says that it is my Special Once-In-A-Lifetime 5th Birthday Today.  And that I am a Little Hero. I love my Mum. This is me and Dad on my Special Birthday Dawn And this is Me and Tara on our Special Birthday Lie In Then Dad woke me up with my prezzie.  It is a NEW Angry Bird toy, and I chewed it and sucked it and humped the duvet with it in my mouth.  It was a lovely way to be woken up!  I love Dad. We went out to our Special Waggy Tails sau



How much trouble can two dogs and one cat get into...?

The first few entries are transferred from another thread, when Crystal suggested that C, T and S deserved their own blog. Great suggestion!  I just hope it doesn't go to their heads too much... Anyway because the posts were transferred across, they are slightly out of order, but not to worry - the wee beasties haven't noticed!




Cato: Hello Aunties! It is veryveryvery hot.  Dad has been taking us to the park very early for Tara and Jasmine to beat each other up, and for me to get my sniffs.  But it is so hot that I don’t want to get back in the car, after.  And then I have to snooze all day to rest.  Tara sleeps too.  Mum’s lap is hot too. Jasmine doesn’t sleep.  Well, she dozes for a bit.  But not properly.  Today she kept waking up, and she does stuff.  Restless stuff.   Today she ate a lavender bush to



Horrble Mum Stuff

Cato: Oh Aunties!  It was awful. usually when Mum stops her Work Stuff at lunchtime, we have a nice sniffy walk.  I thought we were going to have TWO walks today, cos Dad took us for breakfast at the Sausage Place.  So I was getting all waggy excited and thinking about that lamp post on the corner that needs A LOT of sniffing. But then lunchtime comes, and Mum GRABS me!  And she carries me through to the grooming table!  And she does footsie torture!  No walk!  No sniffing!  There



Holiday: Wednesday (Cragside)

Cato:  Today was full of hills and sniffs and rhodododododendron mazes, and waiting for people, and Mum sleeping a lot. It was another long trip in the car, which I don't really like, but it was worth it!  We got to somewhere called Cragside https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/cragside, and went around the road on the estate.  It is miles and miles and miles long, and has woods and lakes and benches, and stuff.  It was all builded by this important man who liked water and got sunken b*ths and



Holiday: Tuesday (Lindisfarne)

Cato:  My turn today.  That is seaweed on either side of the road.  Its a causeway thing, mum says.  There was lots of water.  And splooshing.  But we got there without having to swim. This is another one of Tara's castles.  We didn't have to go round this one, though Mum and Dad did, one at a time, while we had fights and ate rabbit poo while sitting on the grass outside.  That was fun. Mum says this is the view from the top. Aren't the people diddy?



Holiday: Thursday (Day Off in Alnmouth)

Tara:  Today was a no car day!  Yay!  We stayed in Alnmouth and did beach stuff and cafe stuff, which woz good! This is me on the beach by the river.  It woz fun! This woz further along.  These dogs were very lumbering, but they weren't scary.  And there woz a woman sitting talking on her phone, and she rubbed me under the chin which I liked. Mum says she is very disappointed with this pic.  She says it is flat and boring compared with how it really looked with



Holiday: Sunday (Alnwick food festival)

Cato: Today we went to a town called Alnwick to a bookshop that lets paws in.  It was HUGE and very boring, except for the woman who gave me a great chin rub, and a man who gave Tara an ear rub.  The books were very dull! Mum says it is the best bookshop ever. Inside an old train station and with a cafe and armchairs and stuff. Then we saw chickens and geese and sheep and stuff at the Food Festival in town.  Human food, not paw food. This is us meeting the chicken



Holiday: Saturday (coming home)

Tara:  This woz our last morning.  At dawn.  Mum got up specially early and saw the sky and had to take a pic.  I stayed on the bed and didn't see it, cos I woz on my back sleeping. And Mum says you want to see this.  These are ferns growing out of the wall in our back yard widdle area.  She sas you can see how old the wall is and how clever the ferns are.  Like ferns could ever be clever! ha! And then Mum and Dad did all the boring packing, and I checked that D



Holiday: Monday (Tara's Day)

Tara: Me Today!  Cato is asleep.  Snoring.  All floppy and worn out!  Hahahaha! Look where we went Cliffs and castles and mountains and EVERYTHING! and of course, I climbed EVERYTHING!  See: There were big rocky things Mum said there wouldn't be mountains, didn't she?  She was WRONG!!! hahahaha! Dad kept trying to stop me climbing, but he gave up in the end.  Cos climbing is irrisistibubble



Holiday: Getting there

Cato:   Oh Aunties, it was a longlonglong car drive!  We had to stop three times and have a widdledrinktreat.  three times!  And Tara had a bit of a tizz when Dad went and got us burgers, but I was OK cos I knew he was coming back.  We sat on the grass and all had burger.  Although Mum and Dad's bits were huger than ours. Then we arrived!!!  It was weird.  Cos nothing sniffed right.  But the beach is good, and our den is good.    this is our fireplace.  It is made of something called M



Holiday: Friday (Warkworth Castle)

Tara:   Another of my Mountain Castles today.  It was FAB!!! (Mum actually it was within a mile of the sea, but it was on a bit of a hill) I climbed ALL over it, and Cato didn't.  Haha!  This is how humungous it was - and builded all for me, like you said, Aunties. There woz even a moat! This is wot it looked like inside the gate bit.  There were school kids running about being very noisy and clumpy.  But we had to keep Mum and Dad on the lead, as usual, for safety, yo



Holiday 7: Golitha Falls

Cato: It was very exciting.  First we went to an old Cornish slate mine.  Me and Tara were only allowed in the first big cave, and we had to be carried.  Tara got mud all over Dad's jacket.  Haha!  And it was all wet and drippy.  Then Mum and Tara and me had a drink while Dad did the thousandsandthousands of steps down to the other caves and the underground lake.  Wish we could have gone, but there were No Paws down there. Dad said that the life of a Cornish slate miner was horrible cr



Holiday 6: Looe and Polperro

Tara: My turn!  I wore my Rainbow Bows again today, cos Mum says I am a dippy hippy rainbow child.  Can you get rainbow Ninja?  I like that idea. So today Mum draggled us all the way to somewhere called Looe.  She spend lots of holidays in Looe when she woz a pup, cos her Grandpa's family come from Looe. This is where we parked.  It is called the Millpool carpark, and Mum knew the tricksy shortcuts to get to the interesting sniffy bits. This is the sea.  Paws aren't all



Holiday 5: Lanhydrock (aka cow poo day)

Cato: Hello Aunties.  Today I am blogging about some great big human den called Lanhydrock.  It was enormous.  And I was a bit tired.  We did a lotlotlot of walking on holiday, and I was worn out by this time.  I mean, I do love sniffing, but all this hot walking and sun and new places and Tara bouncing is very tiring. Mum says that Lanhydrock is so humungously enormous that it has its own park, with cows and sheep that poo all over the place.  There was horse poo too, I am sure of it,



Holiday 4: Cotehele House

Cato: Hello Aunties! Mum says she wants to do this blog bit.  That is OK, isn't it?  I hope you don't mind.  Only we were asleep under a picnic table with Dad when Mum took all these pics, and they are ever so dull.  And un-sniffy.  But it was OK cos we had some of the eggy bit of his quiche, and Tara was allowed a finger lick of icecream!  I didn't want it. So Mum is going to try and make them interesting for you, and then I will blog the next interesting bit.   Mum:



Holiday 3: Cotehele gardens and quay

Tara: My turn!  I can tell you lotsandlots about our adventures and sniffs and EVERYTHING. We went to this Cotehele place by boring car, with Mum and Dad squeaking about SatNav stuff.  Yawn.  But it was fun when we got there! There was some sign up saying we had to keep them on leads in the Formal Gardens or something.  But as soon as we got out of sight of everyone we let them off the lead.  I figured Dad couldn't get lost if I woz with him, so he would be safe. This w



Holiday 2: SatNav Stress

Mum: I don't know if you have ever driven in Cornwall? Maybe you don't know where Cornwall is?  It is a smallish county on the SE pointy bit of England (the orange triangle on the bottom left) It is a tiny, lovely, rural place, with a slightly softer warmer climate than the rest of the UK.  Small towns, moorland, rolling hills, sheep and cattle farming, fishing villages, disused tin mines, old china clay mines, tourists, lots of cliffs, a few bays and sandy beaches, and every



Holiday 1: getting there

Cato: Hello Aunties.  Where have you been?!?!?  Mum says you all disappeared, and the blogg and all the stuff on the screen, and we had no one to tell all about our fab hol!!! But it is OK now, cos you are back. We had a great hol.  It was in somewhere called Cornwall, which is very green and has lots of mountains for Tara, and stuff like that.  We stayed in a very very very old place.  So old it is older than ANYTHING.  And I didn't like the stairs, but that was OK cos Mum carrie



Grandad's Garden

Cato: OK so you Aunties are all plant mad and weird, so Mum and me have decided to tell you about Grandad's garden first, on account of it being boring and I want it out of the way so we can talk about the interesting sniffy stuff later. So Mum took lots of photos and these are the best ones, when it was sunny and stuff.  There was a big storm one night, so the light was a bit grey sometimes.   This is the view from my Hunting Spot.  I sat inside, in the warm, looking ou



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