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How much trouble can three dogs get into...?

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MONDAY 19th December: Freezing big lake

Tara:  Mum did her computer stuff all morning, and Dad went out.  Then we went for a nice walk at lunchtime.  It was COLD!!!  See how blue the sky is?  That is cos it was so crispy cold and the wind was brrrrrrr!  Mum said that we should have worn coats, but if we ran around a lot, we would stay warm.  And we did. We had to stay on the path, cos Mum said it was too muddy  !!!!! So we went past this man twice, cos we went round the lake twice to get enuff bouncing done. The man woz



Thornton Abbey with the Pack

Tara: Both Mum and Dad were off Work Stuffing today!  So we did a Pack Walk!  I LOVE Pack Walks!  It woz ACE!!! We went to a sniffy place called Thornton Abbey where Henry VIII visited and decided stuff.  Whether it got knocked down, or not.  It didn't get knocked down.  Mum says.  But then someone else knocked it down later.  And I mountained and explored.  Even Cato enjoyed it. We had to be carried through the Cow Field to get there.  The ticket lady said the cows had baby



TUESDAY 27th December: Beachy sniffs

Cato:  Hello Aunties! Beach walk and pics today, and LOTS of sniffs! It was really cold and a Mum said her hands were too cold to take pics when we were down on the beach.  Lots of big bouncy paws, but Tara did OK.  Mum made sure she stayed close, and no one sniffed her knickers at all.   A man larffed at me though.  He had two HUGE paws with him, and they were bouncing and romping about under the pier - a bit close to MY widdling post.  So I trotted over and r



TUESDAY 7th December: Walking in the dark

Cato:  Everything sniffs different in the dark, doesn't it? Mum and Dad couldn't walk us in daylight yesterday  and then Dad had to go to do his shifty thing, and Mum finished her computer stuff, and she took us for a street walk in the dark!  Tara doesn't really like it.  I think it is because she pulled most of her topknot out 5 mins before we left, so she couldn't see properly.  Wot with it being all dark.  She was spooking a lot, and once she spooked and jumped away from something right



Ticklish Foots

Tara: Me again! Cato says he needs a whole blog to himself to tell you all the boring stuff about his Special VetDoctor stuff wot I didn't go to, and they won't tell me all about cos it is so dull i just fall asleep. Anyway, cos he's going to be hogging the blogging talking all about him, i can squeezify in first and tell you about my ticklish foots. No pics again.  Even though Mum says my foots are Perfick and pink and black and fluffy white and she wants to kiss my paw pads



TUESDAY 27th September: Foxy boring foxy

Tara: I want to go mountaineering on holiday again!  This is boring.  Holidays are exciting and interesting and I have castles to climb!   We went round Foxy park today, and it was sooooooooo dull.  See: Dull   (Mum: all those elderberries have been eaten!  but who by...? Dull Dull.  Well, OK, maybe a bit interesting. This is Jack. Did I tell you that Jack once cocked his leg on Mum's foot!  hahahaha!  I probably did.  But it is so



FRIDAY 8th July: AuntieLesleyGroomer and lab results

Cato: We went to see AuntieLesley and she bathed us  and gave us liver treats  and said how silly Tara is     We do look nice.  Mum says she may get some pics later, only we are very sleepy now.  Tara is snoring, so she may not bloggify today.  Her sprout is getting sproutier.  And we are nice and cool again now. We also went to Mrs Vets house and Mum paid for my blood stuff, and got a printout.  Wotever that is. My blood was all OK, said Mrs Vet, and Mum has looked it up on



WEDNESDAY 30th November: Mum's sky pics

Mum: Yesterday was a nice walk, by all accounts, but there are no pics.  They (Dad and the Hounds) went down to the Ping Pong Park, and bounced about playing Truffle Hound, but he forgot the camera. Today, was a disaster!  The dishwasher pump has broken down, and Dad spent most of the morning trying to fix it - with no success.  Then we both had to scoot out to work this afternoon, leaving Their Majesties in charge - with no walk!!!  As you can imagine, this wasn't popular.  So there w



Beach before we went away

Cato: This is from before we went away too.  It had been raining really hard for daysanddaysanddays, so the beach was all flat and covered with little raindrop foot prints.  This is First Sniff.   We met this pack.  They were nice.  The paw int he middle is a Lhasa, and the other two are Tzus.  This is my tail before Mum cut it.  You can see how long my coat is.  These 3 must have been cold.  I was nice and warm.  Mr Lhasa is on a lead cos he is a bit difficult sometimes, his



Flowers for AuntieCrystal's Birthday

Cato: We have been walking, and Mum has been piccing a bit, but we thought you would like these flowers, AuntieCrystal.  cos you are having a sad time. We did lots of sniffy interesting stuff at the park that day as well, of course. Oh, and I have to tell you that Tara is silly. She was all fussy and fidgety on the sofa with Mum this evening, and now she has got two legs that haven't been brushed.  So she is walking all lopsided



SATURDAY 4th June: Hot sun, green shade

Cato: Hello Aunties.  We had a lovely special sunny hot green walk today.  We are feeling All Better after AuntieKim's Trek, and Tara was bouncing well, but I found it a bit hot.  Mum thought I was panting A LOT, so we stopped to drink three times, and Mum Calming Signaled Tara so she didn't bounce on me too much.  Dad is home a lot for a bit (annual leave, says Mum) so we have him in the pack walks too, which we like.   Sorry to warn you, but there is flower stuff at the end.  Mum ins



FRIDAY 9th September: Big Lake, donkeys missing!

Cato: So Dad took us to the big lake park, cos it was so lovely.  Sunny and windy and cool.  And we hadn't been there in AGES.  We had to leave Mum home on the computer  but she says we can have an extra long walk tomorrow to make up.  She has been missing our walks a lot! So it was sooooo sniffy!  This is that first VERY IMPORTANT SNIFF as you set off.  Always tells us all sorts of IMPORTANT SNIFFY THINGS. And we know the way, cos this is our favourite rooting. B



SATURDAY 24th December: Xmas Eve

Tara:   This is me this morning in the Big Bed.  That is a pig's ear by my snozzle.  I like to keep it in reach.  and this is Cato in MY bed, before we went out. so I went and sat in HIS bed. Lots of busyness today!  We went shopping with Mum and Dad this morning because Dad needed something for the snaky bit of the new dishwasher. So Mum took pics of it snowing on the High Street.  Look! This is where it wozn't snowing: and this is where is woz!



Holiday 2: SatNav Stress

Mum: I don't know if you have ever driven in Cornwall? Maybe you don't know where Cornwall is?  It is a smallish county on the SE pointy bit of England (the orange triangle on the bottom left) It is a tiny, lovely, rural place, with a slightly softer warmer climate than the rest of the UK.  Small towns, moorland, rolling hills, sheep and cattle farming, fishing villages, disused tin mines, old china clay mines, tourists, lots of cliffs, a few bays and sandy beaches, and every



Tue 7th Mar: Ping Pong Park

Tara: My turn again!  This was a FAB walk.  With Dad!  We did ping pong til I was all puffed out.  It was ACE. Mum said I didn't need my jumper  cos it was warm We went round the part 3 times!  And the birds looked all scary big, so we didn't chase them.  Cato said they were flocking in a menacing manner.  Or something.  He kept talking about AuntieMarlene and The Birds.  But I don't know why. The we played Ping Pong.  It was the Bestest Ever. See Dad behind the tre



WED&THUR 28/29 September: No pics! haha!

Tara: No pics!  Haha!  Cos Mum let the camera battery go flat on hol, and now it needs a new battery.  Wotever that is. So yesterday we went for a walk to PingPongPavillion Park and then today we went back to Foxy, both with Dad cos Mum was doing computer stuff.  It woz fun, but you can't see it cos of the battery thing.   Cato: So Mum says we have to blog something different, cos you can't see us doing stuff in pics.  And she says that me and Tara have to put our thinki



WEDNESDAY 27th July: AuntieKimDogsitter

Cato: Mum left us with AuntieKim today.  It was a GREAT walk, but I wish Mum could have come too. These are the pics from AuntieKim's Facebook thing.  We got all wet and muddy cos it was raining.  It was lovely and cool. This is us waiting for Mum     Then we had a bath  and our breakfast, and then we snuggled with AuntieKim, and then we came home with Mum and SLEPT. We slept all night and slept lots of today too. AnuntieKims walks



TUESDAY 25th October: Cemetery Sniffs

Tara: Cos Mum isn't working this week we are getting more fun walks!  IT is ACE.  I don't think Mum should work at all.  Then we could have nice walks every day.  She says that she is having another holiday.  But if that is true, why haven't we gone back to the Mountains to stay, and have Mountain adventures.  This can't be a PROPER holiday, can it? We hadn't been to Our Field at the end of the road for AGES, so we went today.  It hadn't changed.  Lots of doggy sniffs and pl



FRIDAY 3rd May: Snoozing ready for our visitor

Cato: Mum said you woz worried about us, when we went quiet.  That is very, very nice of you.  So I asked Mum to write this so you didn't worry.   We are still sleepy after yesterday's trek with AuntieKim, so we are sleeping all this morning, and not walking at lunchtime.  But this evening will be very exciting, cos AuntieJane is coming over to see the splashy pool, and we LOVE AuntieJane, so there will be lotsandlotsandlots of bouncing.  I am going to show her every toy, especially th




I came tooo telll u that I told Mum she is a bbad Mum xoz shee hazunt bloggified for aggez    so shee saz sheez goin t tryy harder ova wen MrBunni iz visitng.  luv u.  wev got greeen bunni eggz wiv paw chocclat stufff. Cato



SUNDAY10th July: Foxy Auntie Jane

Tara: We had MacDonalds burger!  It was YUM!  We were going to have sausages, but then it rained, and Mum said we would have to sit in the car and eat and wait to see if it stopped raining.  I said I didn't mind the rain, but nobody ever listens to me.  But the burger was LUSH.  Although I didn't get much, and I was starving. Then we went to Foxy Park and I splatted Cato.  It was ACE!!!  Burgers make me even more Ninja.  So I should have them every day, shouldn't I, Aunties? I had



Wed 12th Mar: Bye Bye Beach

Cato: We went to the beach again today, on account of it being time to say goodbye.  Cos when the Easter Bunni appears, us paws aren't allowed on the beach any more, until it gets cold and blowy again.   (Mum: dogs banned on the tourist main beach from Good Friday til 30th Sept.  But they are still permitted at the North Beach, and The Centre of the Universe beaches). But it is OK, cos I don't really like the beach that much.  Tara gets bored, and then all she wants to do is Ninja me.



SATURDAY 1st October: Bear Woods Attack!!!

Tara: I really don't know wot all the fuss was about.  He wozn't hurt, woz he?  And he is fine.  So it wozn't even a proper attack.  My prickle seeds were much more serious, weren't they Mum? So we went to Bear Woods, and I beat Cato up.  I think I had eaten his breakfast too (Mum had to go and answer the phone, so she didn't stop me, like she usually does.  So I MAY have eaten his breakfast.  I can't remember.  But my tummy is lovely and full).  So he was all floppy and not much fun t



SUNDAY 9th October: beachy pic disaster!

Cato:  Oh aunties, Mum is very down in the dumps.  Her camera is dead.   you know how I don't like all the piccing, cos it is more important to focus on the sniffing.  But Mum LOVES it.  And she loves blogging you with her silly flowers.  And you all seem to like them. anyway, we got our sausage, with AuntieJane, and then we went down on the beach - and the camera died with the first pic! Mum said a bad word! Dad thinks it might be the black string thing that Tara isn't allow



WEDNESDAY 14th September: PingPong with Dad

Cato:   We had to walk early, on account of hotness today.  So we took Dad down to PingPongPark and showed him all the sniffs.  It was still misty cos of the earliness, but the sun came through after and was hothothot. Tara:    This is the park.  You've seen it before.  But it hasn't sniffed all misty before.   Cato:  Dad!  come and see this!  It is REALLY interesting. Tara:    This white fluffy stuff is where someone brushed their dog.  I like the thought of Mum groom



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