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How much trouble can three dogs get into...?

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You know he's feeling better when WWIII breaks out

Cato: So we went round Bear Woods.  I think Tara told you. But I bet she didn't tell you about the fight, did she? She wouldn't!   You see she had been bouncing on me for ages, on account of my tummy slowing me down, and me feeling a bit... um... flopsy. But that day, I BOUNCED BACK! See the look in my eye? She isn't going to win this one by running away!  haha! This was Round 2 She tried to circle round, but I was ready! Haha!



Whitby and Heartbeat Village

Cato: Hello Aunties!   When we were on holiday we saw some tourist pirates from Whitby pier.  I didn't like being up so high, so Mum left me with Dad in the safe middle of the pier while she went and took dangerous pirate pics.  Dad said they weren't actually that dangerous if they couldn't even get the sails up, and had to use an engine.  Haha! Mum forgot to take pics of Whitby, on account of me and Tara and GrandMam and lots of crowds, and it being market day.  I was



WEDNESDAY 9th Mar: Downpour

Sidney: Firstly I would like make sure people realise that the alley belongs to me.  Not the dogs.  We live on the left of the alley, and the woman who leaves food down for the fox lives over to the right and round the corner.  So I have to jump down those walls and scale the other side - all with a War Wound.  AND I have to make sure that there aren't any upstarts and tresspassers.  It isn't easy you know.  Mum will post the picture again here, just to make sure you realise how danger



WEDNESDAY 8th June: Training Dad

Cato: Mum and Dad had a bit of a disagreement today.  Mum has a hurty place on her rear paw.  She is calling it a blister.  She got it on yesterday's walk.  So she couldn't come with us today, cos she needs her paw for the weekend, when she is going away   without us.  By herself.   For 2 days  The disagreement was cos Mum thought it was too hot, and Dad didn't.   That meant we had to walk Dad by ourselves.  It is a lot of responsibility, you know.  We took him to the park with the



WEDNESDAY 8th December: Cato wins!

Tara:    Cato is being very weird.  I told you that before.  But... he is ruining my Bounce Fun.  He is being very um... rough.  And bossy.  Mum keeps talking about pack dynamos n stuff.  But it doesn't help at all.  Why can't he go back to being all wimpy and fun to splat?   Cato: Ace walk today!  I used not to like the beach, but it is growing on me!  Yay!  We waited til it stopped raining, then me and Mum and Dad and Tara all went down the beach.  It woz fun! That is



WEDNESDAY 7th September: Windowcleaner defence!

Cato: We've had a busybusybusy day!  Mum couldn't walk us again, and Dad had to go workstuff, but it is a good job!  If we had gone out, we might not have been around to mount the WindowCleaner Defence Manouevre!  It was very exciting. The first we knew of the attack was when we were snuggling with Mum on the sofa while she ate her lunch.  There was terrible banging and clanking and dangerous shadows on the front window!  I ran to the front door, and Tara climbed on the table behind th



WEDNESDAY 6th July: Field and cemetery

Tara: Mum forgot to do my hair today!  Hahaha!  She said I looked like a hooligan.  And Dad says I look like Einstein.  Whoever that is. I think I look like a PIRATE, cos my hair covers my eye like an eyepatch.  But can you tell Mum to do my hair properly tomorrow?  I like my sprouts. We walked with Dad after Mum's boring work finished, but it was still hot.  Cato wimped out.  And he went on strike in the cemetery AGAIN. See? Did you see him?  He is that tiny d



WEDNESDAY 6th Apr: Sun and a Dad walk!

Tara:   WE got out of the house!!! it was great.  We walked all the way to the end of the road, and then twice round the dogfield.  It was sooo nice.  Dad doesn't mind me pulling a bit, and there are lots of gates and front gardens and posts to sniff, and then we can bounce in the field.  This is the first big sniff: and this is the second which Cato missed!  Haha! this is when we woz bouncing and Dad was doing the slow-coach thing.   Cato: You wanted to s



WEDNESDAY 5th October: AuntieKim Dogsitter

Cato: Hello Aunties!  Today Mum and Dad had visitors.  Smelly stinky visitors to do mysterious things to the central heating.  And the gas.  And Mum says they are fitting a new boiler wotever that is. So we decided to go and visit with AuntieKimDogwalker for the day, because you know how sill Tara gets with visitors.  especially bangy visitors making their bangs upstairs where she can't fuss them and get their attention all the time. So here we are, on AuntieKim's facebook site wi



WEDNESDAY 4th April: Flower Fest

Mum: Lots of work on at the moment, plus the hot tub, of course.  So I didn't get time to take yesterday's Blog dictation from the Hounds.   Actually, they had forgotten, so I popped their comments in for yesterday, and today is ALL MINE, and I can show you a few photos that I couldn't fit in yesterday from Foxy Park.   Hope you like them. Miniature blue bells (I think) tulips and shadows: the mud: a bumble bee in the shade and a moment



WEDNESDAY 3rd Feb: Breakfast and beach

Tara: Mum didn't do her boring work thing today, and Dad wasn't doing his boring work thing til later, so we went out for breakfast sausages.  This is where they ate, and we sat under the table, like always.  The floor is very clean, which is a pity. I always hope for some dropped food, but there never is.  We then go outside, and just before we go onto the beach, Dad gets out his napkin and we sit-ever-so-good  and we get chuncks of sausage.  Then we have the strength to go and



WEDNESDAY 30th November: Mum's sky pics

Mum: Yesterday was a nice walk, by all accounts, but there are no pics.  They (Dad and the Hounds) went down to the Ping Pong Park, and bounced about playing Truffle Hound, but he forgot the camera. Today, was a disaster!  The dishwasher pump has broken down, and Dad spent most of the morning trying to fix it - with no success.  Then we both had to scoot out to work this afternoon, leaving Their Majesties in charge - with no walk!!!  As you can imagine, this wasn't popular.  So there w



WEDNESDAY 30th Mar: Ace Foxy walk!

Tara: So, we had a fab walk today at Foxy Park!  This is me and Dad and this is me splatting Cato over in the wilderness area (see my cunning tail grab manooover?) And this is him pathetically trying to chase me, in a really wimpish feeble way Ooops!  So, er, actually this this him catching me.  But only cos I let him! So then I had to get my revenge in the car park bit where Mum shouts at us if we fight - in case we get run over And this is wh



WEDNESDAY 2nd November: Bouncy Beach

Tara: Hahaha!  We had a GREAT walk today.  Look.  This is my Beach Face: I am wearing my blue bow, and have sand in my eyebrows.  It was ACE!!! First of all we went to have lunch with Dad in the sausage place beside where Dad works.  And then he left to start being shifty.  Or doing his shifty thing.  Wotever. So we went down ontot he beach, and Mum gave us sausage.  But it woz weird.  They weren't the usual sausages.  They came out of a plastic bag!  Mum says that now



WEDNESDAY 2nd Mar: Squishy and squelchy

Tara: We nearly didn't get a walk today!  It rained all morning, then cleared up, so we rushed out to the car and went to the Fox park - but as Mum and Dad were helping us out of the car (I can jump out myself, but I am not allowed ) it started to sleet!  I don't see sleet often, so it was exciting. Cato dashed off for a poo, otherwise Mum and Dad might have decided to go home WITHOUT A WALK!!! which would have been TERRIBLE!!! This is where Cato decided to poo.  And Dad pic



WEDNESDAY 27th July: AuntieKimDogsitter

Cato: Mum left us with AuntieKim today.  It was a GREAT walk, but I wish Mum could have come too. These are the pics from AuntieKim's Facebook thing.  We got all wet and muddy cos it was raining.  It was lovely and cool. This is us waiting for Mum     Then we had a bath  and our breakfast, and then we snuggled with AuntieKim, and then we came home with Mum and SLEPT. We slept all night and slept lots of today too. AnuntieKims walks



WEDNESDAY 27th Apr: Sleet again

Cato:  Oh aunties, can you make it stop sleeting?  We haven't had a walk again today!  It was sunny for tiny bit of the morning, and then it just got worse and worse.  Even Tara is getting used to just sleeping!  And Mum keeps disapearing into the hot splash pool.  All we can do is bounce a bit together, and bounce a bit with Mum or Dad when they aren't doing other stuff. It isn't much of a life! Could we come and stay (Mum and Dad too) somewhere nice and warm and dry, with some of you



WEDNESDAY 26th October: Bear Woods and MUD

Cato: So today Mum took us to Bear Woods.  It was GREAT. This is First Sniff: and this is a nice Spaniel who wasn't listening to his Mum at all.  She was shouting and shouting, and he was sniffing and sniffing. Today we went the other way round from normal, so all the sniffs came in the reverse order.  It was fun! Just along here we met a lady from Mum's work, with her friend and two children.  We were excellent Shih Tzu ambassadors, Mum says.  The boy



WEDNESDAY 24th Feb: Holidays are exhausting!

Mum:    Lots of photos today.  Skip 'em if they bore you!    Cato:     Soooooo tired!  We had 3 long walks today.  Three! first one was in Hebden Bridge.  Mum said we was gonna have lovely doggy cakes and beer in a lovely cafe.  But there was flooding a few weeks ago, and our cafe was closed while being un-flooded. so we had a breakfast sausage sitting in the freezing cold (ice on puddles!) outside a not-doggy cafe.  Not very nice.  But then we had a walk along the canal,



WEDNESDAY 24th August: Work with Mum!!!

Cato: No pics today, cos Mum woz being prof- froff- proffessal.  She had to do a meet thing with her bosslady, but becos Mum works from home, Bosslady said 'let's go to the stinky coffeeplace.'  and Mum said 'Can Cato and Tara come and be veryveryvery good sitting under the table no-bother-at-all becos then we can walk there and back.' So we did. It was very, very boring.  They just jabbered and jabbered and jabbered about numbers.  And Tara was only a bit of a pest for attention.



WEDNESDAY 23rd November: Soggy lake

Cato:   It was wetwetwet on Monday and Tuesday, so we didn't walk.  And by Wednesday, both Mum and me were really hoping we could get Tara's Bounce out of the house.  And we could!  it was still dark and grey and soggy, but we went to the big lake. This is right at the start.  Can you see the rain-puddle on the path?  Tara wouldn't walk through it!  ha! We only went round the lake once today.  and Mum said we had to stay on the path cos of the mud But it was still fun. A



WEDNESDAY 23rd Mar: Bye bye beach

Cato: Mum said we HAD to go and say goodbye to the beach today, cos on Friday it belongs to holiday makers and dogs are not allowed. We can still go on the other beaches, and on the salt marshes, but not to the nice beach with the pier. So we walked all the way and then had a sad goodbye breakfast.  The sausage didn't taste sad, but it was sad when it was over.  See how my bits are smaller than Tara's bits?  Not Fair!!! Mum says she will have a word with Aunty Jane abou



WEDNESDAY 22nd June: We got our walk!

Tara: Sniffs and romps and big dogs and Mum photographed my tummy, and EVERYTHING!!! Soooooo much better than being trapped in the house.  They won't even let me go outside and bark!  Spoilsports!  Mum gets in the splashy ppol and before she does she puts my lead on and ties me to the table leg!!!! Its cruel!  It is Tara Abuse!!!  IT is TERRIBLE!!!  All I wanted to do was go outside and bark at the monsters in the alley.  And the birds.  And Mrs Nextdoor with her washing.  And the Cycl



WEDNESDAY 21st December: Bye bye old car

Come on Aunties!  Follow me!! We had a walk yesterday, but it was after Mum finished work, so it was too dark for pics.  Today was dark and grey too, but it was dry and not too cold, so we didn't need our jumpers. I decided that this little pink girl was a bit wobbly, so I followed her for a while to make sure she was OK.  She was. This is Mum pointing the pic at the sun - see the watery white light through the branches?  It was very wimpy, wasn't it?  Tara used to



WEDNESDAY 20th Apr: Donkeys!

Cato: This is that first, all important sniff-widdle.  It was lovely. Boring white stuff and then we saw the Donkeys.  It was very exciting.  There were so many of them! This is me having a foray on the Donkey Side.  I slipped through the fence and started to go to see them, but I got distracted by some delicious Donkey Poo, and then I sort of realised how close I was to them, and turned round to find Mum, and she had disappeared!!!  So I executed a controlled



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