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How much trouble can three dogs get into...?

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SATURDAY 5th November: Brunch

Cato: Mum and Dad and us went to the nice Sausage Place for something called Brunch.  This is when Mums and Dads don't get up in time for breakfast, and then they can't be bothered to cook. This is inside the nice warm place, waiting for our sausages.  Mum had a very small bit of my Special GF sausage in her pocket, and we had that when we got outside. That is Dad behind the pillar.  He woz bringing Mum her tea.  It smelled of lemon and ginger.  Very stinky. We were the



SATURDAY 5th Mar: Two walk day!!! Yippee!!!

Sidney: I shall start today, because Mum specially took some pictures to show you how beautiful I am.  I permitted it, because I do not think that dogs should take centre stage in anything, even a blog. So this is me, first thing this morning.  I am not sleepy.  I am blinking slowly and lovingly at Mum, because I want her to open the window.  She slept in til 9 this morning.  I had been very patient.  The big green lump is Dad.  Very useful as a pillow and foot rest. When Mu



SATURDAY 4th June: Hot sun, green shade

Cato: Hello Aunties.  We had a lovely special sunny hot green walk today.  We are feeling All Better after AuntieKim's Trek, and Tara was bouncing well, but I found it a bit hot.  Mum thought I was panting A LOT, so we stopped to drink three times, and Mum Calming Signaled Tara so she didn't bounce on me too much.  Dad is home a lot for a bit (annual leave, says Mum) so we have him in the pack walks too, which we like.   Sorry to warn you, but there is flower stuff at the end.  Mum ins



SATURDAY 3rd September: Beachy clamberings

Cato: Pack walk!  It was ACE!!!  And not too hot.  All grey and overcast, and it started to rain just at the end, which was nice and cool.   We had a consult and decided that we needed some beach after no proper walks for DAYS, and with the Mad Joggers taking over The Big Lake Park every Saturday morning, it had to be the Dune Beach.  Yay!!! This is us setting off. Just to the right is a BIGBIGBIG hedge of roses, with convolvulus growing through it, and hips and flowers



SATURDAY 3rd December: Town park - no flowers

Tara: My turn to blog!  Cato has been hogging the blogging!  Haha! We went to Town Park today with Mum AND Dad today.  It was fun.  Though there weren't many stinky flowers for Mum.  And the chicken place was shut.  But it woz a fun walk.  Look! I was investigerating round the corner in that pic.   And this is all those big chestnut trees that Mum says are nice and cool and dark like a cathedral in the summer.  Wotever.  Did you know I went to a cathedral once.  It woz very b



SATURDAY 31st December: Hot Choc Gaumlessness

Tara:  So today we had fun!  And Mum did a silly gaumless goofy thing, like wot she says I always do, but I don't!  And she did it today!  Haha! We trekked all the way to the beach along the road!  Normally we go in the car, so we can get more beach, and less boring road stuff.  But today Dad needed to check his shifty times at work, so we walked.  Cato sniffed EVERYTHING.  Here is the beach: It woz warmer today.  Less crispy and more comfy, so I didn't get to wear my pink ju



SATURDAY 30th Jan: Green poo

Sidney: Why do I have to go first?  Silly dogs should go first then clever cats after.  I like the shed roof improvements.  I spend time on there during sunny weather, surveying my territory.  They left the central heating on all night last night, by mistake.  It was lovely.  I shall organise some pictures for you, so that you can see my territory.  I wanted to use the word 'kingdom' instead of 'territory' but Mum refused to type it.  She says I need to get a sense of proportion.  Which is



SATURDAY 30th Apr: Bluebells, primroses, dandelions and tulips

Cato:  Mum and Dad put us in our crates for breakfast, and went out to eat. But as soon as they came home, on with the leads and a nice walk!  Started with a trek to the butchers, where we waited outside with Mum.  and Tara was a pest.  Then we cut through the little Churchyard Mum says these are bluebells just starting and the fatty bushes did well through the winter.  yawn. Then here is one of your palms @AuntAngel and some roses along the wall.  Mum sniffs t



SATURDAY 30 July: Tunneling Adventure

Cato: So Mum remembered the Tunnel, wot AuntieCrystal wanted to see.  And we wanted to see it too.  So Mum and Dad came with us to the big park with the lake, and we went and found the Tunnel entrance.  It was quite difficult, cos it was so overgrown, but I found it - see? Follow me! It was very cool and sniffy and damp.  Dad said there would be mud. and there woz!!!     this bit was fun.  We had a fight. it woz a very looooon



SATURDAY 2nd July: Rain yesterday, beach today! yay!

Tara: Too wet for a walk yesterday, so I spent the evening bouncing on Cato instead.  Mum ended putting him on her lap where I couldn't reach.  Not fair! But today we had a good beach walk!  Sunny and sandy and lots of big dogs!  Look wot I found!  Mud!  Cos of yesterday's rain (every cloud...) Cato tried to drink it.  Of course.  But Mum stopped him and gave us a stinky bottle drink instead. This is the holiday place.  I don't understand, but Mum says all these tiny



SATURDAY 2nd Apr: 1st gardening of the year

Tara:  Mum went out this morning and left us the run of the house!  Normally she would put us in our crates, with chews and stuff, and we would go to sleep, but this was an experiment.  She says.  Wot is an experiment? So we were in charge.  For ages.  Then when she came home she told us she had been to the human groomer, and had less head fur.  But humans all look the same to me, so I just bounced cos I was glad she woz home and could give us some breakfast!   Cato:  We did




Cato: Look Aunties!  Nice Mr Postman just brought us ALL THESE!!!!   We got More Pig's Ears coz Tara keeps stealing mine. And Puffed Pig Snoutles which are all weird, but nice. And Buffalo Lung stuff (Mum: actually beef lung, which they love, but it is German, so labelled buffalo) And little bits of tummy innards called HundSpagetti (intestines).  We had longer ones before, but Tara swallowed it all like a worm and made herself sick so now we only get the littl



SATURDAY 27th Feb: Visiting and town park

Sidney: They were very annoying last night.  They shut my window earlier than I wanted, and they put a donut bed on the big bed.  Mum says that it is so I dirty the donut not her sheets.  How insulting is that?  As if I wasn't spotless.  Anyway, they put the donut between their pillows.  So it is in an acceptable position.  But I still wandered about and stood on Dad's sensitive bits in the middle of the night.  Well, I have to, don't I? They also came to bed later than I wanted.  You



SATURDAY 27th August: Town Park pack walk

Tara: All of us together.  They are the bestest walks, aren't they?  Even when Cato slows us down.  I am doing my athleticals whenever I can, you know.  Cos our holiday is only a few sleeps away, and I need to get ready to climb mountains and stuff (Mum: 3 weeks to holiday.  can't wait!). So this is me on one of my benches. And this is me hunting in a flowerbed.  Dad told me off.  But it was VERY sniffy. This is after my hunt.  Doesn't my bow look good?



SATURDAY 27th August: Flowerfest IV

Mum: Town Park today.  Haven't been there in ages, so it was lovely to see the flowers still in bloom.  There was even a buddleia still going strong - but it was quite close to the lake, so I think it must get a lot more water than the plants in Foxy Park. Aren't these lovely?  So bright. White hydrangea Sorry about the focus on a couple of these.  I was using the iphone again, and don't have a zoom or focus thingy.  



SATURDAY 26th November: Supervising new shed roof

Cato: It was VERY exciting.  We had to get up early, cos Mr Roof was due before breakfast!  And Mum and me went out to do a last poo pick up.  Good thing we did too, cos Mr Roof and his friend Mr Hat came early.  And they opened the back gate.  And we got to meet them.  But then we had to come inside and not get in the way.  Not that we would have.  Mr Hat said he wanted to take me home with him.  And Mr Roof laughed at Tara's topknot.  I liked them both. For some reason the cat flap s



SATURDAY 26th Mar: Big changes, better beds!

Tara:   i felt fine yesterday!  Don't know wot the fuss woz about.  But Cato was all sleepy and (Mum says I'm to use different words cos 'boring' is boring, but he WAS!) didn't want to play.  We went out for a quick walk, but then he went back to sleep again!  It isn't as much fun stomping on pythons and bears and stuff.  They don't fight back. Today was much better, although Mum has been upstairs a LOT. We went down lots of roads on our walk, and i had Dad on the lead, and Cato h



SATURDAY 24th December: Xmas Eve

Tara:   This is me this morning in the Big Bed.  That is a pig's ear by my snozzle.  I like to keep it in reach.  and this is Cato in MY bed, before we went out. so I went and sat in HIS bed. Lots of busyness today!  We went shopping with Mum and Dad this morning because Dad needed something for the snaky bit of the new dishwasher. So Mum took pics of it snowing on the High Street.  Look! This is where it wozn't snowing: and this is where is woz!



SATURDAY 23rd October: Town walk with Auntie :)

Tara: We had a lovely walk today.  With AuntieSue.  And I got to sit on her lap!  And I love her.   Cato was all pushy and wanting attention, see? But look how much I love her!  I love her more than he does! And isn't my bow pretty? Mum was doing lots of yellow tree stuff as we walked round.  Not interesting. This is me asking for AuntieSue and Mum to sit down.  They didn't.  I really like this bench.  I jump up on it every time we go past.  Doing



SATURDAY 23rd July: Stir Crazy

Tara: No walks!  Too hot!  Hate it! Cato is either sleeping or chewing one of MY pigs ears.  Mum is too hot to snuggle.  Dad is doing Windows 10 installation stuff. Will we ever walk again? They won't let me bark in the garden! They won't let me go for a walk! Python wrestling is boring! and there aren't any killer attack monster plastic bags to find!



SATURDAY 20th Feb: Tracking

Mum: Missy's Big Cat Hunt was sooo exciting and inspiring , that we chose the beach today and set out to improve our hunting and tracking skills. We started with a big breakfast in our favourite beach cafe, with sausages all round - to build our strength for the coming trek.  This is when they were watching Dad place the order. This is when I (Mum) looked out of the window at the pier and the beach.  A very grey day today.  Tide out.  Overcast sky.  No wind. 



SATURDAY 1st October: Bear Woods Attack!!!

Tara: I really don't know wot all the fuss was about.  He wozn't hurt, woz he?  And he is fine.  So it wozn't even a proper attack.  My prickle seeds were much more serious, weren't they Mum? So we went to Bear Woods, and I beat Cato up.  I think I had eaten his breakfast too (Mum had to go and answer the phone, so she didn't stop me, like she usually does.  So I MAY have eaten his breakfast.  I can't remember.  But my tummy is lovely and full).  So he was all floppy and not much fun t



SATURDAY 19th November: bounce Bounce BOUNCE!!!

Cato: Ooooh Aunties, it was soooo nice to be able to go out and RUN and BOUNCE!  And the sun was out!  And we didn't need coats!  And it wasn't RAINING! That was first sniff.  Always VERY important, first sniffing, isn't it?  Sets you up for the rest of the walk. Mum was going doolally about 'the sun!' and 'the light!' and stuff, but we said she would have to save that for her own bloggy thing, cos there wasn't room in OUR blog today for all her boring plant stuff.  So she is



SATURDAY 16th July: Brunch walk

Tara: Hahaha! Cato has gone for a snooze after all that blogging about our other walks, so now I get to tell you about our exciting walk today.  With sausage, and summer beach dens and EVERYTHING! First we went in the car to the salt marsh beach, but then we went North to the Centre of the Universe, instead of South to my Memory Benches. They had planted trees and poppies nearby. This is wot we saw (it was very dark and we thought it woz going to rain) The



SATURDAY 16th Apr: AuntieKim and another B***!!!!

Cato:  we woz looking forwardto a lie in this morning.  At least I woz.  But Mum and Dad leapt out of bed when the alarm went off. Tara always climbs straight up on the bed as soon as Mum goes into the bathroom, but today when she got up Dad had already gone, and she had no one to lick! Hahaha! anyway, once we had widdled and pood, Mum started flapping with out leads and put our breakfasts in the clippy pots.  She also got our winter coats out! Of course, I knew wot was up (waggy



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