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How much trouble can three dogs get into...?

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Cato’s back issues

Mum: Well, today has been a revelation! We had our Chiropractic Appt this evening, then the whole Pack repaired to a nearby pub to discuss the outcome, before the long (60 mile) drive home... Firstly, the Chiropractor (who is lovely, gentle, and obviously loves dogs) diagnosed Cato has hypermobile joints (stance, flexibility and overextension of joints).  Interestingly, I have hypermobile joints too.  So I know EXACTLY what it is like, the management, and the ongoing problems that



Burger, beef rib and sleep disturbance

Cato: hello Aunties!  How are you? I am very well thank you!   It was all wet and soggy today, so Mum and Dad said ‘no walk!’  but they said they would go out Hunting and bring some prey back. i wanted to help, cos i am an excellent Hunter, but i think they were sensible to leave Tara behind, cos she always mucks everything up, and doesn’t have proper Hunting Instincts, like me.  So then I had to stay with her! Cos she always gets silly if she is left alone. But even without



WEDNESDAY 30th Mar: Ace Foxy walk!

Tara: So, we had a fab walk today at Foxy Park!  This is me and Dad and this is me splatting Cato over in the wilderness area (see my cunning tail grab manooover?) And this is him pathetically trying to chase me, in a really wimpish feeble way Ooops!  So, er, actually this this him catching me.  But only cos I let him! So then I had to get my revenge in the car park bit where Mum shouts at us if we fight - in case we get run over And this is wh



Being out ALONE

Tara: Because Cato is so wimpy now, I have to walk all by myself. I mean, Mum or Dad come too, sometimes, but it isn't the same as walking in a proper pack, with Cato.  He is good at finding sniffy stuff and showing it to me.  And he widdles which is proper Pack stuff.  When I go out with just Dad he wants to walk too fast.  And when I go out with just Mum, she says I have to behave.  And there are lots of big dogs around who wouldn't mess with our proper Pack and Cato, but they might



TUESDAY 26th July: Too many people!

Cato: IT woz nice and cool all the morning, so we went out for a walk, and then it got HOT, so we didn't mind all the pics, cos it meant we could have a sit down! Tara still managed to bounce though. This is me busy on busyness The park was EVER SO FULL of people.   I like meeting people, but there are some dangerous drivers!  Mainly little boys on little bikes.  Girls too.  They look and look and look and don't stop pedalling, and it is like they can only stee



Bestest snowy winter EVER!!!

Mum:  Just a v quick note before we begin, pointing out that Tara is 3yrs old, and has seen 3 whole winters.  So her idea of 'best EVER!' isn't v extensive...   Tara: Hello Aunties! It is all rainywetsoggy outside to today, so we went with Mum and Dad to the pub and had steak bits and 100%burgerbits, but it is too cold and horrible for a walk, Mum says.  So instead, I have to get to tell you all about our blizzards, and snowy drifts and exciting Wild Artic Weather wot we have



MONDAY 28 Mar: No Walk Day :(

Tara:   It is raining really hard!  And blowing!  And I didn't like going outside for my wee this morning.  My knickers got damp and I RAN back inside.  If I wan't such a Good Girl, I would pee on the mat just inside the cat flap.  But I am good.  So I won't.  Unless it gets colder and wetter and horribler.  So no walk today.   But on no walk days Mum usually gets down on the floor and wrestles with us for ages, and I can always beat Cato up, to relieve the BOREDOM!!!   Cato:  Mum



Sailing Lake and Woody Walk

Cato: Mum says she is sorry, but she is now more than a week behind with bloggs.  She is trying to catch up, but it means I have to do the blogging, cos Tara can't remember the interesting stuff. Also sorry if there are some repeat photos.  Mum is getting muddlified about which ones she has used already.  I told her that she should just catch up, and then she wouldn't forget. So we went for a walk round the sailing lake with Grandad on two different days.  There was sun for some o



Holiday: Monday (Tara's Day)

Tara: Me Today!  Cato is asleep.  Snoring.  All floppy and worn out!  Hahahaha! Look where we went Cliffs and castles and mountains and EVERYTHING! and of course, I climbed EVERYTHING!  See: There were big rocky things Mum said there wouldn't be mountains, didn't she?  She was WRONG!!! hahahaha! Dad kept trying to stop me climbing, but he gave up in the end.  Cos climbing is irrisistibubble



Rude Word

Tara: you know how clever I am?  I mean I am clever all the time.  But i am extra specially clever climbing stairs.  And this morning Mum helped me down off the Big Bed and we went downstairs for out widdles.  Of course Cato has to be carried down cos he isn't stair-clever. so then we came in again and boring Cato just got into his crate bed to sleep.  He sleeps all morning if you let him.  And Mum did her boring drink making and computer sitting.  Yawn! but - remember i am so cle



FRIDAY 25th November: Spa Day

Cato: We had to get up early and go out with Dad, to see AuntieLesleyGroomer. She is very nice, and she gives us nice treats.  But she also gives us b**hs, and chops off all our hair.  And Mum isn't there. She has to do Tara first, cos otherwise Tara just whines, so I have to watch it all happening to her, and know that it is going to happen to me too... But then Mum and Dad picked us up and gave us breakfast, and put our jumpers on - cos it was really cold now I am bald.  An



THURSDAY 29th December: Swan Day

Tara:  Fab walk!  except for the nasty humpy dog, and the hissy swans, and the crispy mud.  But the rest woz FAB!!! This is how icy it woz.  That white stuff is crispy water, and it is VERY slippy.  Mum and Dad were waddling like ducks!  Haha Then these two GIANT paws came charging up!  I hid behind Mum, cos they were scary.  They rushed up to Cato - and do you know wot he did? He woz as cool as a cucumber, Mum says.  He went over to this tree thing, and he did a wee!  W



FRIDAY 9th December: Cato gets his Mojo back

mojo1 ˈməʊdʒəʊ/ noun US   a magic charm, talisman, or spell. "someone must have their mojo working over at the record company" influence, especially magic power. "the name has no mojo"



Sun 14th May: Foxy with AuntieJane

Cato: It was hothothot so we only went round once, then Mum and AuntieJane had a good sit on a bench, and then we came home.   If you aren't interested in plant stuff, then this will be a really boring blog.  Cos Mum and AuntieJane just wanted to pic flowers n stuff.   This is first proper sniff.  Lots of paws come into the park by that path, so they like widdling here.  It is always lovely and sniffy. Elderflower sprouty stuff new growth on the pine



The bestest stretch EVER

This is me having the wriggliest most elasticcy stretch. it woz LOVELY Mum says my tummy is utterly irresistible.  So I wanted you to be irresisted too. 



SUNDAY 4th September: Mountaineering

Tara: Auntie Jane couldn't meet us today.  but it meant we could go for a big Pack Walk with Dad and Mum.  And at least we got the sausages first this time! This is me sitting waiting for my sausage.  I have Bed Head, cos Dad rushed us out really early before Mum could do my hair.  Mum says I still look cute though.  I am sitting on the table bench.  Hahaha! I hopped up when we were waiting for Dad to fetch his food, and no one told me to get down!  lol. This is when we got



Too hot

Cato: it is very very hot Aunties.  I don't think i like it. last night in the Big Bed, it was terrible hot, and i had to lie on my back to cool my tum!  Tara did too.  Although she did it sideways and tried to push Dad out of bed.  And she snores even louder when she sleeps on her back. then this evening, i had to keep getting off Mum's lap.  Cos of the hotness.  Mums' laps shouldn't be so hot!  They should be nice and snuggly when it is cold outside, and then nice and cool when



MONDAY 11th Apr: Trekking with Dad

Mum:   Dear, dear, Dad has filled in again today, so that I could stay home and work.  So I missed all the fun. However, he took the camera, and with a small amount of muttering has provided us all with this fantastic record of the adventure.  As you look at them, please bear in mind that this is exactly the same park and walking route that we go on when I take the pics of weeping willow, ducks, bullrushes, swans, etc.   It is SO TRUE that beauty is in the eye of the beholder!!! They h



THURSDAY 3rd Mar: Sunny and short

Cato: It was sunny!  Feels like we haven't seen any sun for days.  So we rested all morning, then went out with Mum and Dad for a walk at the big lake.  Mum put her foot down (in a puddle) and said we couldn't go Off Path, cos of all the recent rain.  Humans are wimps, aren't they?  So we only walked round the lake, but it was still a good sniff. There was so much rain that all the mud has slipped into the water and made it brown.  See? Remember all those seagulls that we ch



Bad Mum

Cato: Aunties I'm sorry.  You know how I like Mum to write wot I say so that you can see my tail, and see how silly Tara is, and see our adventures?  Well Mum has been doing so much stuff that she hasn't been taking dictation! There was the office chair Thing, where Dad's chair broke, and Mum's chair went to live with Dad, and Mum now sits on the grooming stool, which is hard, and her bum hurted until she got a cushion.  And that meant she didn't like sitting at the desk for dictation.



WEDNESDAY 1st June: Windy but exciting

Cato: It was VERY windy today.  Mum nearly didn't take us out, cos she thought we might get blown away.  But we asked and asked, and Tara was being such a pest, what with the sausage dramas, and beating me up, that Mum said she needed to wear her out. We woz both pretty desperate, and hauled Mum along quite sharpish! Once we were at Our Field, we just had to RUN and SNIFF and BOUNCE.  Even Tara couldn't ruin it. See the grasses and stuff all leaning sideways at the back



WEDNESDAY 20th Apr: Donkeys!

Cato: This is that first, all important sniff-widdle.  It was lovely. Boring white stuff and then we saw the Donkeys.  It was very exciting.  There were so many of them! This is me having a foray on the Donkey Side.  I slipped through the fence and started to go to see them, but I got distracted by some delicious Donkey Poo, and then I sort of realised how close I was to them, and turned round to find Mum, and she had disappeared!!!  So I executed a controlled



Foxy Foliage Supplemental

We went out at around 12.30 and finished by nearly 2pm, but throughout, the low sun was stunning.  The light through the trees and the light on the trees was incredible.  Not a cloud in the sky, and I even found some flowers!  lol This is one of those really blowsy cherry trees Sometimes the colours seem unreal, but I can assure you, I haven't touched these photos up at all (although I have cropped a couple). The next photo is a close up of the m



SUNDAY 14th August: Mohawk Day!

Tara: We went to see AuntieJane and had breakfast.  But it wozn't sausage, cos Mum fancied scrambledy eggses and a kipper.  So we had to have egg too.  Cato didn't think he liked it, so I went to eat his share too, and he suddenly decided it woz delicious.  Not fair!!! Look at Me!!!  This is my new Mohawky hairstyle.  Mum got all crabby when she woz doing my hair, but she got there in the end.  I was very good, and she gave me treats.  I am always good.  But it woz too neat and tidy, s



Friday 10th Feb: Snow (again)

Cato: It was a fab sniffy walk yesterday.  It made me feel much better.  And I think Tara liked it too, cos she stopped pulling my tail.  But then we had snow this morning. It wasn't up to my tinkle, or anything.  But it was cold.  And it kept coming down and melting and coming down and melting all day.   Tara wouldn't go out in it.  Of course. We sat on the sofa watching snooker with Dad at lunchtime, cos Mum said that it would be all salty slippy slushy



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