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I got bit ?

Yep I sure did. Two nasty holes and a tear on the little bone on my wrist, boy did it hurt. But I wasn't mad because it was ME that was responsiable for her reaction... I know how Abby has always been while sleeping heavily...Learned real quick how she reacted when we first got her if Pip even sniffed close to her or I'd move her over in bed at night...you just don't mess with her while she's sleeping.........She'd turn into Cujo snarling and biting......Well a year had passed and she about



Recall blessings

We always thought it  best to teach some sort of recall and enforce it constantly daily with simple command words.....We'll today it was needed big time. Hubby took our next door neighbors trash bins around and forgot to close our gate. I have a phobia and always look out to check it whenever I let the terriable two out for a wee and play time...This time to my horror it was OPEN and they were headed down the path but at the end our other neighbors house.......They must have thought they were go



The Adams Family with Pip and Abby

Wednesday Feb 3rd, 2016 Little did I know when I woke way to early this was going to be a short but horrible day.  I was in the bathroom when my hubby shouted Hey! Come quick something wrong with Abby.....I found her coughing and gagging like she had a hair ball but otherwise alright. Pip does that from time to time so I of course just ignore it cause it just something they do. I paddled down stairs for my first brew and Abby followed me down. I bent down to give her a kiss and ch



Valentines Day 2016

Pip Mom kissed us and told us Happy Valentines Day but I don't know what that means.....but it was nice kissing mom back for she's been real sad and I don't like mommie sad. So I stayed in her lap a lot a she hugged and kissed me...She fixed me my favorite breakfast too! Bacon and scrambled egg...yummy. Hey!!!  Mommies putting on her pink jacket and shoes! ..I know what that means and I start doing the happy dance! She asked if we wanted to go get bone-bones for Valentines...I love bon




Hate these tube dogs...but it's a fact of nature....Watch out when walking outside with your paws...they come a lot bigger and badder. Georgia Hot Dog



Cat Patrol

All night long the wale of boy cats screaming and fighting kept us awake. It got so bad mom had to close the rear window..Pests! Then one had to walk all the way around my house still screaming to his rival not once but twice!!! We are so tired today from not sleeping and barking at them to stop. This evening after all the days rain mom finally let us out and what do I see ....Cats out back of My fence!!!! and he's screaming at ME now...Woof...Woof ...I gave my best furious woof and raced b



Rain and dogs

It's been chunking it down with rain and the paws are going a little stir crazy today....So they broke out of their puppy jail when dad let them out for a pee.....But they stayed and stayed......and stayed.......and stayed..... Then a quick race around the living room slinging water everywhere........then back onside.....another round inside ......I was scramblng like a mad woman to get the big box back in front of the door to end their chase then go for towels to dry them and And the floor



Case of the missing Knickers by Abby Lane

Aunties  It's horriable what's happened to me just horrible...... Someone has stole my knickers and I can't find them anywhere. Mom said it's probably Matt...who ever that is cause after my bath and mom was grooming me she said something about someone called Matt. I think there were two or more of them that stole my knickers cause she said it plural..Matt's.   My tummy is so cold when I go outside to pee and I hold it and hold it till I am busting....but all I do is lay down so it can stay w



At long last Bath Day

Well it's been almost 9 weeks my two hasn't had a bath and today was spa day with some good and some bad.... but we got there. First I stole a piece of wood from the recent decorating....measured out four sections and marked the center of each, then using a wood spade bit drilled in to make a shallow well....then cut off  the 4 sections .... Set the legs of my grooming table in the shallow wells and set it up. It's now the perfect height so I'm not bending over anymore and I can do all my g



All bent out of shape

Pip: Mom bathed us yesterday and did the full works as she calls it. I'm always such a good boy I hardly had any knots but sister?.... Well I'll let her tell you about her torture..I mean bath. Mom found a little spot on the inside my ear flap..scratching or hot spot she don't know which but she put some medicine on it and it's much better today. Mom stayed in bed till almost lunch time...I kept pouncing on her telling her I was hungry...nothing to eat but stinky old dog food...who doe



Oscar came to visit me

Pip: I was sitting on moms lap for a well deserved nap when there was knocking at my front door. Woof Woof Woof! Abby and I was sure it was a intruder and we barked like crazy. Dad let the intruders in and guess what? It was my favorite Uncle and OSCAR!  I love Oscar so much and mom and dad are always calling his name to get a reaction out of me because my ears slways perk up and I look around....but this time There he was! I was so excited and my tail was going ninety miles a hou



You sure it's spring Mom?

The calendar says it suppose to be April 26... But I'm not quite sure that's right. Flowers are blooming and birds singing love songs announcing springs arrival. But....Last nights gales announced the arrival of a arctic front from the far north coming down...Santa you got a wicked sense of humour if you sent this stuff.   Tempertures plummeted early morning and the wind had a bite that went right through you..but the good part was it was sunny....Well that didn't last......Not a day to



Happy Birthdays at Uncles

Abby Aunties you should have seen us, we went down to our favorite Uncles for his birthday dinner....Mom forgot her phone so no pictures...(sorry)  I learned to fly in his great big garden...yep I sure did! Mom says I was flying 90mph round and round as brother tried to catch me...but he couldn't  I was flying I tell ya...my hair blowing in the breeze as I raced around...brought a tear to mom's eyes....don't know why though...silly mommie ..... Mom:  I had a tear in my eye because



Rolling back the memories

Sometimes I just like to open up my photos are let the sweet memories come flooding back, they always bring a smile to my face. I got Pip at 8 weeks old, much too young to leave his mommie I know now ......but what a sweet little ball of fur as he nestled under my chin finding comfort In his new strange surroundings.   Mommie slept with me in her arms all night in her big bed...I felt so safe next to mommie and I only whined when I had to pee pee...then she would place me in



Mommie's Back

Pip: Mommie left us and stayed gone a long long time...I mean forever and ever...why did our mommie go away so long? Sister and I need her...I mean mommie never leaves us and she just poof disappeared. Daddy was nice to us and taught us to eat off newspaper, went for walkies with us, bought us no- no treats, gave us jello without permission ( mommie said he didn't check the label for artificial sweetener first)...daddy kinda freaked out when mommie told him about bad artificial sweeten



Allergys and a spa day

Pip: Moms really had it to easy so I decided I might worry her a bit. I haven't had the itchey rashes since I was a baby so yep...that's what I will do...breakout in a itchey rash. I scratched and scratched till I had a raised rash and mom of course looked me over and found it right away. She sprayed me with some lovely spray and my itcheys were better in that place....but then my side started itching and I would dig and dig pulling out hair in the process. Mom put me on a nasty o



I must have three dogs now

I had a visitor this evening..even though we had no guests. Often wondering about the pups seeing fairys we call them..... Now let  me tell you what I saw. While preparing to cook I washed a few dishes in the sink and out of the corner of my eye I saw Pip at the bottom of the stairs then took off running upstairs.....I recon he was following Abby up and got the nerve up to try it.......Now, we know Pip don't do stairs, he's terrified of them and won't go up or down on them. So with gre



Something New

Pi& Abby: Mom got a big box this morning and we just couldn't wait till she opened it. We sniffed and sniffed but couldn't guess what's inside..Pip thinks it's a big box of toys and treats..Silly Pip it's got to be new beds...yeah, yeah that's it, beds. I heard mom say there more to come for it so that means maybe comfy pillows right? Mom opened it and out came this big dog bowl.......but mom I ask, how much do you think we can eat a day? Pip what you think it is? He sniffs as he c



Jewel's of January

We went out for a  walk in the sun this morning full of crisp air and the paws were such hyena's we didn't stay long before we turned back to the sanitary of a warm home instead. Feeling slightly guilty for a short walk...  I did let them play outside and found these jewels right in my own back yard....Temps have been up and down and the vegetation is in turmoil is it spring or is it winter defying that it's only January and cold weather is here to stay. The ruby red globes were on a t



8-20-17 Spa Day

Pip: We had a Spa Day too Aunties ( seems a lot of that madness going around with my cousins too)....but it wasn't so bad as our shorter hair means mommie gets through a lot fast...then its treat time and a sleep. Mommie went crazy and clipped off all of Abby's top knot as it was all broken in front from her rubbing it constantly then kept falling into her eyes and she looked like she was crying all the time...She never did like her top knot this time around so guess she will be happy and n



Cato & Tara Message

Abby mail... Pssst! Send mom out the room and don't let her read this ok Tara? Cato you run outside and bark like crazy so she's not reading this.  Pip and I have 2 extra tickets to a mud party tonight.. Can you sneak out the house and join us? Just look at this paw..it's it glorious?   



Now why didn't I think of that?

Sharing a super easy ingenious way to mark out your rows when planting seeds...Now how come I've never thought of that when using hoe or rake (handle) all my life  http://www.foliver.com/diy/26-great-ideas-that-every-gardening-lover-should-know/11/



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