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How much trouble can three dogs get into...?

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Thur 19th Jan: Cato in hospital

Mum:  Been a bit quiet lately, for reasons about to be explained... We got back from Grandma and Grandpas, and had a relaxed day on Monday (well, the paws relaxed, anyway) and had a nice short beach walk, which they both enjoyed. Then on Tuesday we went for a longer walk, after dark, on the street.  Because Cato was clearly on the mend, and was up to it.  Only he wasn't really.  He obviously loved being out and sniffing, and so on, but was totally wiped out by the walk, and slept like



TUESDAY 30th August: Wild Woodses

Cato: Dad was at work, so it was just Mum and us, but that means we don't have to worry about Dad getting lost, and we can sniff and explore and sniff and explore. So Mum found the bear.  We think.  It doesn't really actually look like a bear.  But we think it must be.   There are other animals too.  See?  These must be brothers to our squirrel and fox in Foxy Park! and then we went into the woods...  It was all hot and baking in the sun, and all



Mole Hunting!

Cato:  This bloggy thing is for Karel.  He is a Brother Hunter.  Because of all my patrols, I kept the moles out of Grandad's garden for the whole time we were there.  Grandad thanked me, and said how important it was.  Look at this pic, and you will understand: This is a pic of Grandad's garden looking out of our bedroom window.  Mum lifted me up to so I could see too.  There.  In the field on the other side of Grandad's hedge.  Can you see them?  It is a massed hoard of invading



THURSDAY 24th November: Street walk

Cato: It was a street walk today.  And then the field.  Tara was pulling on the lead, and Mum made her slow down and walk beside her and stop being so silly.  Mum says we haven't been getting enough on-street-practice wotever that is.  so we will have more of it. We met a nice lady and her Staffordshire Bull Terrier, who was lovely and gentle and sniffy.  But we couldn't do a proper walk, with sniffs up people's drives and in their gardens.  It was a bit disappointing really.



FRIDAY 29 July: Catflap Dramas

Tara: I hate it.  It is scary.  I hate it. Mum lets me out through the door sometimes (Mum: first thing in morning, and last thing at night) and then she makes me use IT the rest of the time. Yesterday was HORRIBLE.  She made me sit outside the catflap looking in all morning (Mum: 20 mins) and tortured me with treats (Mum: a calcium bone treat on the floor 2 feet inside the catflap), and it was raining! (Mum: the catflap is positioned under the roof overhang, and did not get wet).



MONDAY 25th Apr: Boring boring boring

Tara:   Oh Aunties.  Today was THE PITS!  Mum was working all day, and we didn't get a walk  cos it started to rain, huge big splatty bits of cold wet.  Mum came out into the garden and stuck her front paws out and said 'See? You don't want a walk!' but I did!!! so then Mum worked all afternoon.  And i went out and barked in the garden.  Cos i was bursting with bounce.  And do you know what she did?  She is really mean!  She lured me over with some treats, anda cuddle, and some tug of



FRIDAY 13th May: Three Today - Happy Birthday Cato!

Tara: Mum says I can tell you MY SECRET now, cos it isn't a secret any more!  It is Cato's Birthday!  And we are going out to meet Dad later, for sausages  (Mum: actually for lunch, but there will be sausages, yes) - and we will go for a walk.  It was going to be a beach walk in the salt marshes, but the tide is in.  so we have to go somewhere else.  maybe the big lake.  we get to decide when we eat the sausages!!! And Mum said that I get to have some of Cato's chicken, later



SUNDAY 20th Mar: RIP Sidney

Very sad to have to announce that Sidney died this morning - massive seizure or stroke or something.  He was 11ish years old. Dad left at 5.30 am for work.  The mutts and I slept in.  Usually Sidney dozes on the bed with me until i get up (see Friday's blog photo).  But today there was no sign, so I assumed Dad had opened the window and he was On Patrol. When i got up i found him lying on the floor, in a very relaxed posture on Dad's side of the bed.  Thought he was dead, but eventuall



WEDNESDAY 17th August: Reverse tunnelling

Cato: Big Lake walk!  Oooh Aunties, it was LOVELY!  We hadn't been out since ages and ages, and Tara was so full of bounce it was unbearable!  Mum checked her magic weather predictor thing, and it was going to be cool!  So we set off.  Round the lake.  One lady laughed at Tara's mohawk, and said how sweet it is.  Yuck.  Who wants to be sweet? The big hissy swans are all huge and floating about in groups.  Mum says they still have all six babies, but they aren't babies any more, are the



Not a happy Pack

Tara: Aunties, I hate it!  It is horribubble!  First I have to wear my harness, and I don't like it much.  OK it is lovely red and I look cute, but ever since that horribubble harness arrived I have to do lots of walks without Cato, and I don't like that.  I just trot along without sniffing and it is all boring.  Dad asked me to go with him for a sausage place breakfast yesterday, but I just looked at him and then put my head down.  Dad was sorry, and then he left without me.   It would all



FRIDAY 5th Feb: 1st Great (doggie) Train Journey

Cato: Tara was BAD.  Very bad.  And then she was Naughty. We went in the car to the station, then 2 trains.  At the first station we had a mini walk because Dad was worried that Tara hadn't had a wee and would go on the train.  I had weeed earlier, so I was good.  But then I had a poo.  Just in case.  Cos I am good.  This was a lump, with car tyres, next to a football pitch near the station.  It was odd.  So we all had to climb it.  There was a man walking across the field and he



FRIDAY 1st Apr: It was awful!

Tara: Oh Aunties, it was AWFUL!!!  Cato is so mean and horrible.  Mum lets us bounce on the big bed before she puts us into our horrible pen.  This happens every night now, and we love it.  And I know I have my own little bed room and everything, but the Big Bed is sooooo much nicer, and I can love my Dad properly up there. Anyway, last night, we bounced, and I bounced and bounced on Cato who just lay there, and was boring.  Still tired after our walk.  Cos he is a wimp.  Then Mum grab



FRIDAY 22nd Apr: Pinkfest

Cato:: It was really peaceful this morning.  Cos we slept all the time.  Cos we were tired after Auntie Kim.  But Tara woke up before I did. Mum says sorry for the awful pic, but she was trying to take it around the corner of the desk so as not to wake us up, and she couldn't hold it still.  If that makes sense to you.  It doesn't make sense to me. And then we had a non-green and non-sniffy walk, too.  Something about not wanting to move the car cos we had a good parking spac



MONDAY 30 May: Busy busy busy

Tara: They left us for breakfast again!  I didn't eat.  At all.  And then they had sausages for tea, and only gave us a bit.  So I am on strike and not eating horrible raw dogfood.  I am REALLY REALLY REALLLLLY hungry, and just beat Cato up, and barked in the garden, and had to be tied to the desk so I didn't go out and bark and bark and bark, but if they won't feed me, then I won't eat horrible raw stuff.  I WANT SAUSAGES!!!   Mum: It has been a fun day, as you can see.  Sig



SATURDAY 10th September: WetWetWet

Tara:  Mum said we would have a big walk today.  I wanted to do Holiday Mountaineering Training.  But it is all wet and soggy and horrible.  Dad tried to make me go out to the bin with him, but I wouldn't.  I stood in the door and watched him get wet!  Hahaha! Cato:  No walk today.  We were going to have an extra long sniffy walk with Mum.  She said so.  But now I am snoozing all day instead.   Maybe tomorrow, with AuntieJane?   Mum:  no walk



SUNDAY 17th Apr: Monster Watch

Tara: Everybody wanted to see my tuft.  So here it is.  I am looking specially cute because I just tried digging up Mum's ornamental grass and she made the ack-ack-ack noise.  So I cuted at her as a distraction.  Do you think it worked? Here is me cuteing again, so that she doesn't notice I have scrabbled the gravel back to the black liner stuff.  She doesn't like that. Do you think she noticed I have a snotty thing on my cheek? And here is Cato helping with the gar



FRIDAY 27th May: foot and face trim

Cato: Mum had her fur trimmed this morning.  She left us on patrol while she was out.  It was quite exciting.  She is waiting to see if any of the neighbours complain about Tara barking. once she got home, she decided to trim our foots and faces and my tail!!!  Lots of treats, but i still didn't like it. No pics, cos she wants to go over my tail again before you see it. but these are her iris pics, from the garden, in case you are interested.   Tara:



TUESDAY 19th July: Monster patrol

Tara: Monster!  Monster!  I saw it!  I saw it first!!!  Monster!!!!   Cato: We just found a Monster!  It was very exciting.  The back door was open, cos of the hotness, and we went out for a patrol, and we saw it, flapping dangerously round the garden under the table!  So we barked and barked til Mum came to investigerate.  We would have got it, of course, only she came too quickly. It was a Monstrous plastic bag!!!  Flap! Flap! I have to keep going out and checking



EXTRA: Easter photo shoot

Mum: So this month's photo vote is for Anything Easter. And all my stuff seems to involve mud at this time of year... so why fight it? lol   Tara: Don't see why we have to do this.  I already trampled on daffs during our walk. Nope.  don't wanna. Oh.  alright then.  Maybe I will sniff it.  Ewww!  It tickles!!!   Cato: Remind me why we are doing this again, Mum?   Mum: Treats all round!  (including



SATURDAY 27th Feb: Visiting and town park

Sidney: They were very annoying last night.  They shut my window earlier than I wanted, and they put a donut bed on the big bed.  Mum says that it is so I dirty the donut not her sheets.  How insulting is that?  As if I wasn't spotless.  Anyway, they put the donut between their pillows.  So it is in an acceptable position.  But I still wandered about and stood on Dad's sensitive bits in the middle of the night.  Well, I have to, don't I? They also came to bed later than I wanted.  You



Wed 1st Feb: Bowless Foxy

Cato: We went to Foxy Park, and Tara had a tizz. This is how worried she was when she realised she had lost her bow.  AGAIN.  She is very careless with them, isn't she? Mum said she thinks you must be getting very bored of the same old pictures of the same old places.  I think you must be too, cos it isn't like you can sniff them, is it?  And the sniffing is the most important part.  Just looking is very boring.  Like being shut in a car with the window closed.  Which is awfu



SATURDAY 6th May: Poor Dad

Tara:.  Oh Aunties! My poor Dad is ill!   I am so worried about him!  He was up and down all night making stinky bathrooms and now he is just lying in bed.  I have tried cheering him up with bouncing and licking and I have brought him toys, but he just wants to sleep. Mum says I mustn't bounce any more or I will have to go downstairs.  So I am trying.  See?   But it is HARD.  I am sure he just needs to play and bounce for a bit. mum says that it is the stuff he got for lunch



Tara's bobble removal op

Tara: It was AWFUL Aunties.  I didn't want to show you my piccses, but Mum said I had to be brave and show you, cos it will prove how brave I am, and heroic and stuff.  And it will show you all how extra specially beautiful I am when my piggies grow again. So this is me with Bed Head on Monday morning, before we went to see nice Mrs Groomer And this is me after my Spa Day, with my piggies All Gone.    Mum and I woz very sad.  Dad said he didn't know who the strange paw was w



eeten it all

eetun all ov it.  winder stiil shut.  veri wet outsid.  thev bin gon ages. luv me. im sidnee



MONDAY 8th Feb: Brief scamper

Cato:  Mum said it was going to be horrible wet and we wouldn't get a walk today.  But then, when lunchtime came, it was OK.  So we all got in the car and drove to the Park with the Lake!  And just as we pulled into the car park, it started to rain.  So there was a big discussion.  We ALL decided that since we were here, it wasn't fair to go home without scooting once round the lake. So we did. But it was soooooo wet.   And windy.  That we found it difficult to walk back, with the wind



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